Tuesday, October 26, 2010

An October Pincushion

Several months ago, I was asked to make a pincushion for a friend, by a friend. Jackie asked me to make one for Marty's birthday, which is October 22nd. With a few suggestions as to color, etc., I set out to design a pincushion which I thought Marty might enjoy. After some thought, I came up with the design you see here and I can show it to you now because it is now in the home of it's intended owner.

Sometimes I have to wait months to find out if the recipient was pleased, as many of the things I make come under the heading of 'surprises' for birthdays, anniversaries, Christmas, etc. So, I wait patiently, hoping the pincushion, or heart, or whatever I have made for these people, has meant the same to them as they do to me....an heirloom. It's important to me for these 'things' to mean something to the new owners....enough so they plan to keep them forever....however long that is, and then, to pass them on to someone else to love. Why this is, I don't know...but I think of the person I'm making these 'heirlooms' for the entire time I work on them...hoping they will know they were thought of along the way with great fondness...even when I don't personally know them.....and especially when I do.

So, I thought of Marty the whole time I worked on this piece, along with Jackie, who commissioned it...after all, she deserves to be thought of and to be pleased also.

Marty likes the colors burgundy and green, so I chose fabrics from my stash coming as close as possible to these colors. I knew I was going to embroider a monogram on a heart and also embroider a basket of flowers...something just told me subconsciously to do that....all the elements of this pincushion were decided on one at a time...piece the background, embroider the letter on a heart, applique to a square....applique the square somewhere on the pieced background, etc, etc. One decision at a time.

I'm especially fond of the embroidery meandering around that square....it's an outline stitch with threads woven in and out of the stitches, then held in place with a tiny straight stitch. (The piece I'm working on now has the same design on it, but I used a back stitch instead of the outline stitch this time.) I drew the basket right on the background square, then embroidered it....the same with the flowers and the silk ribbon bow on the right side. You've probably already figured out all the things I did on this piece....but, do you know I especially enjoyed beading the edge? It's one of my most favorite things to do. Hopefully, from these photographs, you can see how to do one for yourself. (I've taken one photo of the pincushion as I held it in my hand...so you can see the approximate size of it...6 inches square. I thought that might help...as otherwise, it's hard to tell if it's tiny or large.) Also pictured is the back of the pincushion....just thought you might enjoy seeing how I finished it.

I'm working on more of these....more events to celebrate....so, if all goes well, you'll see those in a few weeks, or months, depending on when they are received. I've heard from Marty and she really likes hers....makes me feel really good!

Hope you enjoyed seeing Marty's pincushion....as much as I enjoyed making it...and I hope she enjoys owning it. An heirloom....made with love....'syrup-y' but true. Take care out there, pat

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Two New Friends and Their Work

Within the last week, I have met two artists....one in person and one via the internet. They excite me! So, I thought I should tell you about them.

One of my friends gave me a tiny journal for my birthday....which I immediately loved. She also gave me the blog, etsy address, and email for the artist who made it. Just like you blog readers 'out there'....I couldn't wait to visit her blog and etsy. I am in LOVE! She does the most beautiful pen and ink drawings, painting and three dimensional art. I am especially fond of her birds and as there is one on the little journal I now own...I think it means there should be a 'collection' of them at my house. I'll have to 'save up' for that. The little journal is shown here. Each of her journals is an original piece of artwork....I also love the embellishments...the fabric along the spine of the book and the stamps on the back. Is it precious, or what? I know you will want to visit Michelle Palmer at her blog...click right here. If you'd like to see what she is offering in her esty shop....then click right here. You will be amazed!

A couple of weeks ago, while working at Second Saturday Studio, a local artist stopped by to see the studio for the first time. We became friends instantly. I know you've met people and had that same reaction.....it's really cool when it happens. The next week, she brought some pieces in for us to display on our next opening. (We are opening each Saturday until the week before Christmas.) Her pieces made me smile. A large smile. They are so colorful and happy.
She calls them architectural pieces as they are painted on vintage tin ceiling squares. I call them Primitive Funky......and so much FUN! Second Saturday Studio (and Cheri's pieces) can be found here.

Two new friends, their art.....lucky me! Y'all take care, pat

Monday, October 18, 2010

A Birthday Giveaway and My Flowers

Well, here we are! My birthday is nearly over now. It's been a lovely day. My favorite son...you know by now...my only son started the day off by calling me on the phone. Remember, he is in Silicon Valley in California...so far away. But, he calls real often. Today he called and sang "Happy Birthday" to me three times in the same phone call. Just being funny....and so darn cute!
The minute our phone call ended, the florist delivered flowers from Scott, so I had to call him back and he sang again! Wasn't that a great start to the day?

My friend, Bibi, delivered her gift to me this afternoon....a beautiful fabric cone she made and filled with lovely real flowers...so pretty. And, a fabric heart to go with it. She makes the most gorgeous pretty, delicate things.

My brother, Mike, called this afternoon and talked for about an hour. That was a nice surprise and this evening, my daughter, Kelly, had us over for dinner. Delicious! It was nice to spend some time with her, my son-in-law, grandson and his girlfriend. And, the two 'grand-dogs.' I had a great time.

So, in these photos, you see my flowers from Scott...daisies and roses....two of my favorites. The 'cone' and heart made by Bibi and a photo of the cone hanging on the china cabinet in my kitchen. (Not the best photo...but you get the idea...I think it looks really pretty there.) There's a little water tube in there, so I can keep this flower fresh for a while (see the closeup...it's gorgeous!) It was a lovely birthday!!!

And, since I wanted to give something away for my birthday...(photos in the previous post), I had that old navy man choose a number.....he chose #25....so CHRISTY, you are the lucky winner!! I hope you enjoy your 'goodies' as much as I will enjoy giving them to you!

Thanks to all of you who sent comments and birthday wishes....I sure appreciate each and every one of you.....til next time, take care, pat

PS. My friend, Deb C. always adds this quote at the end of her emails. I love it and every time I read it I go "YES!" That's what I want to do....grow old as the leaves do and enjoy all the light and color in life I possibly can, until the end. Here's the quote...just beautiful:


Friday, October 15, 2010

A Birthday Giveaway

Hey there! Once again, time has flown by and my birthday is fast approaching. It's next Monday, October 18th. For those of you who were 'with me' here on my last two birthdays, you know I like to give something away to celebrate the occasion. This time I will be sixty-six years old! Who knew?

A funny thing happened to me the other week....I was driving my little PT Cruiser and just happened to look at my hands on the steering wheel and the oddest thing happened....I really SAW my hands.....and realized they looked like an 'old lady's hands.' It was shocking! Up until that moment, I thought I was handling my age pretty well. Surprise! Surprise! Several times that day, I noticed them and why I hadn't before, I've no idea. I suppose age just creeps up on a person. But, not to worry, I don't feel old....so it will be OK.

Here's what you might receive for my birthday: a pretty little pink rose box that looks like a small suitcase filled with goodies, among them a clip-on rose, a cross-stitch embroidered basket of flowers lingerie bag, a 2011 calendar, a rose cosmetic bag, pink and green buttons in little plastic jars, a card of pink buttons, four spools of silk twist thread, three vials of beads, a pink crocheted doily, a tiny green pottery bowl made by my friend, Burt and one of my current 'favorite' things...an little envelope book I've made just for you.

If you would like to help me celebrate and win these 'goodies' then kindly leave a comment on this blog post and on Monday, October 18, 2010, a little after 10:00, I will have a random drawing and "that old navy man" can choose the winner. Kindly give me a way to reach you should your name be drawn.

How's that for a celebration? I'll look forward to sending these things to one of my blogging friends! I think that is a great way to celebrate my birthday......meantime, take care, pat

PS. I've taken on the little job of writing a 'journal entry' every Thursday at Second Saturday Studio's blog....just a little way to help out those two sweet girls, Micah and Kelly. If you are interested in seeing what I wrote about today...kindly visit Second Saturday Studio HERE. I'll look forward to your comments both here and there!

Also, in Arkansas, we can 'Early' Vote beginning on my birthday....so I definitely will do so on that day...I urge you all to get out and vote....sooner rather than at the last minute. Join me!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

A "Find" Up Close

Yesterday I received an email from my friend, Sherry, reminding me that I hadn't posted in a while. No pressure, of course, but she was right...I've once again been busy and let the days get away from me. So, today, I'm determined to post 'something' of interest....and if my friend, Karen, is reading this...well, she likes to see my flea market finds, so hopefully others will too, because this is what I could come up with to talk about today.

On Friday, I received a call from Jessica at Green Alley. She has a new vendor who has brought in some 'old' fabric and wanted to tell me about it right away. So to Green Alley I went. Not that I NEED any fabric...you know what this studio looks like....but 'just to see.' Well, I looked and was pretty much underwhelmed by the fabric....maybe ten years old or so....preprinted quilt blocks and that kind of thing. Not my idea of 'old.' Nothing I would actually use. I did find a nice black print and that was it.

Well, I was IN the flea market, so decided to take a look around. Of course. And, I found this print. Immediately it latched itself onto me, so of course, I brought it home.

Some info: The print is approximately 16" x 24" and the frame is approximately 26" x 34." I paid $25 for it. It is a signed and dated limited edition print by Larry Dodson, "FIRST SNOW FALL," 1982, #73/1500. It has a copy of the print on the back of the frame with all the pertinent information. I just love it. Which is the reason it came home with me. I've no idea if it is worth much....but that's never stopped me before...I like it!

I've put it on my mantel where I can enjoy that old house on the hill, the barn across the way, the cows....those beautiful winter trees and that old fence with the cardinals. I love snow scenes, old fence rows like this one, and always.....trees and old houses. It had to live here! Another plus....the old navy man likes it!

So, there you are. Another post from me to you. You enjoy your Sunday and take care, pat

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Flea Market Goodies

One of my blogging friends recently asked when I would post my current flea market finds. You may remember me saying a couple of months ago that I was going to try and limit my flea market fun to once or twice a month. I have managed to do that even though I truly did not have my heart into it....life has just worked out that way. This past week, I did manage to visit one with my friend, Sharon.

I followed her to Olivers in Jacksonville. I say followed, because I needed to go to Sherwood to pick up my father-in-law, so the two of us going in the same car would not have worked. We will save that for another time. I had not been to Olivers before. It is a very nice place with lots of pretty enticements.

Then, this morning, that old navy man decided he would go with me to Green Alley here in town. Since we both needed to get out of the house for a bit...it sounded good to me, so off we went.

Here is the loot from both flea market visits. As you can see, I did not go overboard, but really do like the few things I managed to find. An old ledger. I figure I can use this to make a wonderful journal...I see so many of these made by artists in the Stampington magazines...and they always make me want one...especially those created by Lori Oles. You can see some of her work at her blog...here...and in several of the Stampington magazines, which you can also find listed on her blog. Luscious!

There is a photo of a little girl in a pretty ruffled dress. I see ruffles everywhere these days...what goes around, comes around, they say. She is really cute!

Some pink and yellow buttons....love those colors together. I suppose these will find their way onto something I will be making...soon (?) Well, do not hold me to that, but you never know.

Now, those keys! Had to have them...why I have no idea. I like that they are all brown with different shapes. Lace is something I am always looking for. Here is a hanky with gorgeous corners. It will also be used to create something, but what? I have no idea - it will be fun to figure it out though. There is also that oval embroidered piece. I am thinking I will embroider words in it and frame it in some old fashioned way. Kind of like a sampler....sounds good to me and would be right up my alley, as they say.

Then lastly, the photo of the sweetest young couple. I could not leave this photograph in the store. (This one came from Olivers!) It was hanging up high, which meant I could not really see it very well, but I knew I was going to buy it anyway because they were just irresistible. The girl working in the store got it down for me and the minute it got into my hands and I read Our Friendship will ever last...well, the deal was done! (I wish the picture was better...I just simply could not get a good photograph of it.) This may be my all time favorite vintage photo!

So, there you are...more flea market goodies. I always enjoy the hunting and gathering of my precious things. Even that old navy man found a really neat drill that you operate like an old hand cranked egg beater. He enjoyed the hunt too....a good day out and about for both of us.
Hope you are enjoying your hunting and gathering too! Take care, pat