Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A Few Things from the Nest

Ok...there's just a few hours before my daughter and I drive to Little Rock to pick up our favorite Californian...his plane is supposed to land at 9:45 a.m. I hope all goes well and he has a nice safe flight. Can't wait to see him (as you know) and I so appreciate my favorite daughter doing all the driving!

Earlier today I thought I should post something....then, got busy and forgot....then thought, well, I'll just wait til the weekend. Then that little voice in my head said..."Well, you COULD post, it's 12:09 a.m. as I write this....after taking a few photos for you to see until I do post again. It might be Sunday or Monday, at the rate I am functioning these days. But, I hope these little tidbits will give you some little amount of pleasure til then.

How about these cute teddy bears? When my mother passed away....I chose a few things to bring home...none of them making much sense to anyone but me. All her collectibles went to my sister...thank goodness!!! (She was a hoarder too, but NEW Beanie Babies and dolls. My sister gave every kid in the local schools a Beanie Baby!!! There were hundreds! I tried many times to interest my mom in VINTAGE, but she hated what she called 'all that dirty stuff'!!!) I did, however, fall for these teddy bears! My sister was kind enough to give these to me as she knew I was completely CRAZY over their faces and their CLOTHES!!! They are out in the Nest sitting in an antique doll bed I have. I've no idea who the mother and child in the photo are...some of my flea market relatives. I thought you'd enjoy seeing these things.

I have a bunch of baskets...some empty (waiting!) and some I carry things back and forth to the downtown studio in. This one is stocked with vintage threads I've gathered....and there is also a box of crochet thread I just of twelve with one missing...wonder where that one went? I love all these threads that have that old 'pearl' color...don't know if you can tell in the photos. Threaded in one spool, you can see the antique ivory bodkin given to me by friend, Mr. G. It is the very first thing he ever gave me....long ago at one of our quilt retreats. Presented it to me in a little velvet jewelry box...he has 'such a way' of doing things. I am nuts about vintage embroidery, so the scarf on the basket came home with me one day, as did the crochet pansy piece.

Mr. G. recently have me this fabric holder for a small rotary cutting board....isn't this fabric just gorgeous? I had never seen it before and since green is my favorite color...well, he saw it and brought it to me. You can see the inside too. And, I had to photograph the back. Did I say I LOVE this fabric?

There is an antique cast iron receipt holder. I've photographed it empty and also holding various vintage thread spools. For some reason, I feel obligated to find all the old perle cotton, crochet thread and buttonhole twist spools I can in these old, as my mom would say, "dirty colors." How do we get like this??? My friend,Burt, whose work we have in the downtown studio made some little bowls for me and there is one here holding vintage buttons. Green, of course. Love it too!

There you are....some more 'stuff' from the Nest. I'll never run out of things to show you because this little house is going to burst as I seem to love putting more in it. You know I will, too. So, for now....enjoy these things and think of me enjoying a few days with Scott and the family. They too, are very rare and the MOST precious!!!! See you soon and take care, hugs, pat

Sunday, March 25, 2012

No Wonder I'm Technically Challenged!

I noticed late last night that my email was not working. A catastrophe!!!! There are some emails that arrive in my mailbox that I could not care less about. But, friends, blog comments, and YOU guys...well, I get into a panic if I can't get it. So, this a.m. I called 'favorite son' in California and he gave me another way to receive my mail. YEA!!! He will be here on Wednesday and will get his mom straightened out in no time at you can still comment and I can get them. You know I try to answer EVERY comment...unless there is no way provided for me to do that. And, I appreciate each and every comment I receive. Just so you know.

Anyway, I was thinking about how electronically challenged I am and thought of this vintage framed piece that hangs in my dining room. Someone gave it to us, least 40 years ago and I laugh everytime I look at it. Only problem now is, I'm beginning to compare my computer abilities to that sign!!

Hope you get a laugh too! take care out there, pat

PS. I forgot to say that the old navy man worked his entire adult life, and retired from, two different power companies (Texas New Mexico Power Company and Entergy - here in Arkansas)...except the time he spent in the Navy. A friend found this sign and thought he'd appreciate it and get a laugh out of it. We sure have!

Friday, March 23, 2012

My Little "Drawer" Addiction

Geez, it's been almost a week since I posted anything. I'd love to tell you how much I accomplished this week while I wasn't posting, but I'd be lying. Not much got done as I've seemed to run out of energy. I'd think of something, then fall asleep. I've been doing a lot of that IF I sit down. So, I've tried to get things done at the downtown studio....we are all painting chairs for a charity auction....I have worked on those...because I am standing up when working on my chair, I seem to get more done down there. Come home...sit to sleep I go. Anyway....I will try to improve the situation asap.

Tonight I thought I MUST post....and then the camera battery was dead...taking a while to charge. I guess batteries run out of energy too!!! I've got that taken care of and some photos taken....of all things.....DRAWERS!! I happen to love boxes, cabinets, jewelry boxes....all kinds of things with little drawers. I keep all the 'ingredients' I use in my 'work' in them. And, one or two of these are empty... just waiting.

So....since I've been told over the last week that there can't be too many are photos of some of my 'little drawers' for you to peek into. If there isn't an open drawer for that particular means it's empty and one of those 'waiting.'
(Actually, I think there is only one of those.) Also, the first five are in my house....the rest in the backyard Nest. So...I hope you enjoy seeing these photos....and there is no need for you to remind me of my hoarding tendencies, OK?

I'll post again soon......maybe showing you my 'art chair' or some other thing from either here in the Nest or at the Downtown studio. Y'all have a wonderful weekend!!!! take care, pat

PS. Wonderful news....favorite son is visiting a few days toward the end of this coming week...can't wait for that!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

"Back to Work"

Well, it's back to work! Thanks to you all for asking about me....making me feel much better. I'm on the mend and although short of energy, eager to get it back and MAKE something!!! Today, I thought I'd straighten up that little studio space I have created in my living room this winter, so I could go straight to work on something. (Seems if there is a clean surface anywhere on our property...all of us seem to find things to stack - or for some people - to PILE things on all those surfaces.) It causes me great stress....even if I am the one stacking. I did manage to get that little studio space all ready for a new project.

What caused that little spurt of energy? Well, my favorite grandson brought me flowers! And, in my mind they seemed to say....little studio space....freshen it up! So, as you can see there are beautiful tulips and calla lillies....making everything around look and smell better. Thank you, Ty!!

I've placed a little project there......begun last September, of all things and crying out to be completed. So, there are threads, needles in a lovely little salt cellar pincushion from one of my thoughtful blog readers and scissors just ready to stitch on this crazy heart. In time, you will see the results. Inspiration is here, too, in the form of a vintage little book with a page about a girl stitching. Such a lovely old book!

I like to surround myself with 'stuff,' as you know, and where I sew needs lots of inspirational things around to stimulate my little mind. So, there are glass containers of buttons, a silk rose,
a beautiful box that came with three bars of great smelling soaps (from Tuesday Morning), some old books...I just love stacks of those...they may take over the place one day. There is a ceramic flower with a pink bird perched on it's edge...full of buttons and one of my favorite little books from artist Michele Palmer. Love her bird drawings. That little pitcher is full of paper strips I cut from scrapbooking papers, those cards that fall out of your magazines, and other bits of paper from around the place. I use them to mark places in books and magazines I am reading or even write little reminders on them. There are two tiny vintage dolls I bought from a friend's booth at the flea market recently and the little chair came from Hobby Lobby many years ago. (It's crazy how much I LOVE that chair!!)

You'll also see the English Cottage lithograph..........I have a small collection of these...four to be exact, and I'm always looking for more. I LOVE and ADORE them. I always think of embroidery when I see them and plan someday to paint, applique and embroider my 'version' of one, should I live long enough to do so. And, should I find more at a price I can afford - well, I'll just have to show them to you.

So, this little living room 'studio' is ready for some work to be done. Now, if I can only get caught up on some of the less attractive or fun things to do here in the house....I will be able to spend some time....perhaps very late at night....creating something pretty to show dear peeps!!!

A friend turned me on to this quote and after the last couple of weeks here at the Nest, I think I should pay closer attention to what it says. It may help you too:

"Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand....and melting like a snowflake." Marie Beynon Ray

Take care out there and thanks for sharing this 'one sparkling moment' with me! pat

PS. Again....a lot of photos. One of my readers told me not to worry about the amount of photos I, I'm not. Hope you enjoy!