Friday, February 14, 2014

A Happy Valentine's Day!

Wishing you all a very Happy Valentine's Day!!  Seriously...have a really good one.  I am okay, going to spend the evening watching the young folks do miraculous things at the Olympics,  and smile as I remember Valentine's Days past.  It's a good day....Big Heart Hugs to you!  Stay warm!  pat

Sunday, February 9, 2014

One of My Favorite Embroideries

Thought I'd slip out into the Nest this afternoon and try to post something...I haven't been heating the Nest because with the lousy weather the last two whole months....I've not been coming out it's COLD in here.  I was thinking this would only take me a bit of time, so would hurry through the posting and get back into the house.  We are supposed to get more snowy/icy stuff later and I'm not coming back out here if the deck and patio are frozen over as they have been.  Spring?  Do you think we are going to have one?  Anyway, I chose some photos that have been shown before, but at least this know I thought of you and wanted to say hi.

This pillow is one I made several years ago...looks like new though...don't think anyone has touched it but me.  I copied it from a small pillow purchased from the flea market.  It was falling apart and I decided to reproduce it...more or less, and this is the result.  I LOVED stitching it!!!  I'll let it speak for me, one of the best pieces I have ever made.

It's stitched on a piece of vintage fabric with a mixture of beads in a pearl color and a kind of bronze color as well.  It's all hand stitched and the beads were added one at a time.   The ribbon was stitched on with my favorite French Knots.  Great Fun!!!

Hope you are all safe and warm!  Just know I was thinking of you and hope to post real soon with a bit of warmer weather.  Take care, pat

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Finding My Way Back

Yes, I am here, finally, trying to find my way back.  The last eight weeks have been short and long, stressful and restful, sad and happy, filled with tears and surprisingly, some laughter.  Finding your way into a 'new' life after becoming a widow is a test.  I'm not sure how I'm doing on the test, but I'm still working on that seems ok for now.  Some interesting things have taken place over the last weeks....lots of paperwork, lots of surprising reactions from people who think they know what you should do with your life, lots of memories popping up from out of nowhere, lots of decisions to make, and lots of hours to fill with something meaningful.  

I think I'm dealing with it fairly well.  I haven't run down the street screaming yet and have managed to complete most of the tasks that fall to a person in my situation.  I have always been the kind of person who likes to keep busy, which helps, and I also am a complete 'homebody' so being alone isn't that difficult for me.  Now, I would love to have the company of the old navy man....miss it dreadfully, to tell the truth, but that's not going to happen, so I am learning how to cope with that.  A 'rest of my lifetime job,' I do believe.  It isn't easy.  I have good friends and helpful children, so, slowly but surely,  I'll adjust.  And, I also have YOU... thank you all so much for the lovely messages of condolence, the emails asking how I'm doing, a gift or two coming my way....all thoughtful and all from such nice people who stop to take the time to read my blog~

Now, about the blog...amongst all I have thought about the last several weeks, whether or not to continue the blog was definitely one of the questions running through my mind.   I have decided to continue....but want to make it a stress free thing, so you may find me just rambling on about the silliest things when you visit here.  OR, you may find no words at all, just some photos I find interesting, or some new/old thing from the flea markets.  I'd like to include more of the actual things I have made (or will be making) as being a 'maker' is something I've always been and the old navy man encouraged me to keep that up.  At this point, I don't know what you will find here...but I hope you will continue to visit me.  Reading your comments is always fun...just the fact that you take the time to make a comment is amazing to me....and I do look forward to them.  I hope you will continue those too.  And, if you just want to drop in for a look-see, that's okay too.  I hope to have some giveaways from time to time as I used to do and will give those some thought right away.  

So, thank you for sticking with me, if you choose to do so, and I hope we all have a better year in 2014.  

Now, a few words about the work you see here.  It's one of those pesky UFO's we all have, begun a couple or three years ago and left to sit in a drawer while I was doing more important things.  It surfaced again recently as something I could just dive right into both to keep busy and also to take my mind off my troubles.  I know you understand that.   This is just a small part of the project.  One day, hopefully, in the not-so-distant future, you will see it finished.  A vow I've made to myself and am now saying 'out loud.'  I hope you enjoy seeing this little bit of embroidery....a lot of French you know, one of my favorite things to make!!!

And, yes, there are some of those teeny tiny little hearts I love to make....right here and then - there...where you can't see at the moment.  You will see more and more of it though, until I can show you the final completed  project.

I will post again very soon.....maybe with another peek at this piece...maybe not, but do expect something as these winter days bring us closer together via the 'internet machine' (as someone I think a lot of always calls it...humorously, of course!)

And now, here are two quotes on my mind a lot during the last few weeks....both from Dr. Seuss....who knew?  They have inspired this old person to face the music, pick myself up and keep on going, just like my hero, the old navy man, would want me to do:

"Don't cry because it's because it happened." 

 and then,

"You have brains in your head
  You have feet in your shoes,
  You can steer yourself any direction you choose."

The second one is embroidered on a small pillow, given to me by my friend, Brenda, several years ago.  Who would have known it would mean so much to me NOW.

Y'all stay warm and take care out there....big hugs and much love, pat