Sunday, April 27, 2014

Bluetts in a Pie Plate

I have been trying for weeks to think of something 'different' to post on this blog.  As you know, my forward momentum came to a stop at the end of November and I am still having difficulty focusing on what I need to do...such as posting.  In fact, I've been unable to post, sew or any number of things that I would normally spend time doing.  I'm working on it getting better...guess I'm just a slow poke at the moment....and hope before long I will, at the least, come up with something pretty for you to see and while doing that, maybe I'll perk myself up at the same time.

I have a huge fondness for Bluetts.  In our yards, they are weeds, but in all the "out and about places" they are one of Arkansas's most beautiful wildflowers.  Strictly my own opinion of course.  I have plenty of them on my two acres here  and enjoy searching for them.  I say searching because they are teeny tiny little things and hard for me to see....but search I do and find them all over the place.  The other day, in honor of my friend, Sherry, who also loves Bluetts, I ventured forth into the backyard and photographed and picked some of them.  This post is for you,  Sherry!

I put them in a child's doll glass from a little vintage set I have had for a long time.... it's about an inch and a half you can see the flowers really are teeny tiny.  I thought you might get an idea of their size if I held the point of a ball point pen next to one.  See, I'm not kidding about their smallness, although to me (and Sherry!), they are 'biggies' on the list of wildflowers. 


When taking the photos, I decided it would be interesting to place the tiny glass on one of my recent flea market finds...this gorgeous pie plate.  And, isn't it though?  Gorgeous,  I mean.  This pie plate just made my heart flutter about so.  And, along with the Bluetts, makes me feel really good just to be able to see these beautiful things!

 Thought you might want to see the back of the pie plate too.  Even it is beautiful!!! 

 Another close-up of the flowers flowers.  These stayed 'pretty' for about four days in this tiny glass and I enjoyed having them in my kitchen.

Another photo of the pie plate.  It was love at first sight!!  Makes me want to go and embroider roses and other flowers...something that is difficult for me to do right now....but soon, I hope to be able to stitch's a vision thing, not a state of mind thing.  I think I need to find a plate stand so I can put this in the kitchen and enjoy it all the time!!


Another part of the pie plate.  I just can't seem to get enough of looking at beautiful!  I can see stitching some Roses, Forget-Me-Knots, tiny leaves and of course....French Knots if I used this for inspiration.

 I need some fabrics in all these colors.....and some silk ribbon, some perle cotton, oh my!


This may be only time I would say not to cover up a pie plate with actual pie!!

 Another view of the back....I can tell you, if I ever found another one...I'd buy it too!

 And, don't you love pieces like this with the crazed finish.....Be Still My Heart!!!

If you are interested in Arkansas is a book I really enjoy.  And, this is how I learned about Bluetts.  I'm pretty sure it would still be in print although I have had this one for quite a long time.

Page 214.  All about Bluetts.  Maybe they grow where you are...I just don't know, but if you are out hiking somewhere (or have weeds in your yard as I do) then maybe you might run across some.  Look closely...and if you find them, you will look each time you go out walking as they are a reward for looking at your surroundings closely.  I hope you enjoyed seeing them here on my blog too. 

Well, now I feel better.  Maybe I can find something else around here to show you very soon.....I know I need to spend some time trying anyway...because if you feel better, then I know I will feel better too!!!

I came across the work of a young artist a few days ago.  Her work is so happy and cheerful, I wanted to share it with you.  You can see it at  This is what one of her pieces has to say:

"My soul is made of meadow flowers"

Yes, indeedy, Katie!!!!  Y'all take care out there, pat