Saturday, May 24, 2014

Front Porch Weekend

 The current words on my front porch blackboard.  Porch Weather.  Thought we were never going to see this kind of weather just a little while ago and now its here...and on this beautiful Memorial Weekend....we should all enjoy the weekend and remember in our own safety and with much feeling. 

As you have seen here before, I have a great front porch and enjoy sitting out there, watching people go by, the birds flying and chirping and whatever else catches my eye.  This morning I remembered my first encounter with a big porch.  I was about four years old.  My Dad was in the Army.  At that time when he was out of the country, we stayed at my grandmother's house.  A very poor house, but it did have an old wooden porch across the whole front.  I remember it so well....I would take my grandmothers broom to the porch and try to sweep it.  The family 'story' is when asked what I was doing, I said "Sweeping.  I was born to sweep."  That Christmas I received a kid sized broom of my very own.  And, to this day....I love to sweep the porch.  Funny I should think of that so often.

As we remember the reasons we honor this holiday weekend....I wish you and your families the very best.


Til next time, pat ♥

Monday, May 19, 2014

A New Vendor/Cutting Boards

One of the flea markets I frequent has a new vendor.  My grandson came over and told me about it on, on Saturday I paid a visit to that flea market to see what Ty's excitement was all about.
Seems his employer has been using his early morning, pre-work time, to create beautiful cutting boards...and opened a space at the flea market to sell them.  Ty was so proud of what his boss had done and wanted me to see them.  And,  WOW!!  That's pretty much what I thought.  

ART.  That's what they are.   He uses three different kinds of wood....Dark Walnut, Purple Heart, and Maple.   Beautiful work.  So, I thought you should see them too.

Not only do they look gorgeous, but they are very smooth to the touch....I would find it hard to use them, actually.  But, that IS what they are made for and he also has made his own oil and conditioner for sale also.  I don't think you should own one of these and use them without taking very good care of them.  

 His display of various boards is quite special and a treat for the eyes.  I know there is lots of work involved in creating each one.


The bread and cheese board...shown here standing on end, has all three of the different woods in I bought it.    

 These are his wood care products.  A necessity to properly take care of these boards.

A close-up of one of the larger ones...of course, this one is also a quilt pattern called "Baby Blocks" so it caught my attention.

A smaller version...this one has a handle, covered up by the tag in this photo.

This photo was taken in my kitchen.  I thought the cutting board I bought should be seen in a real kitchen...although my cutting boards...(which I seem to bring home often, used and needing a home)....are pretty poor looking compared to this one.  Well, you know how I love beat up old things...(And, don't we love that spoon in the shape of a heart!)  

I have decided to give this cheeseboard as a gift to someone's really too pretty to live in my kitchen and I have the perfect person in mind.  You'll know who it is...he lives in California,  has a birthday coming up in June and is one of my favorite people of all time.

TM Hardwood Designs.  A local building contractor who happens to employ my grandson.  I hope he sells every one of his cutting boards.  I think he needs to get online so lots of folks can see these.  They start at $50 and go up...and are beautifully made.  Art.  Yes, indeed.   The Freeway Emporium....I go there often.  Cheapest therapy I can think of and very enjoyable.


I couldn't resist setting up a photo with the cutting board actually in use...well, sort of.  I didn't really slice this bread on the board as I intend to give it away, but entertained myself pretending.  Notice I DID have to add a little bird....just what I do around here.  That little piece of paper the bird is standing on holds an actual maple leaf, preserved forever...given to me by my friend, Bibi.  Cute, huh? never know where you will find art...who will be making it....or how you will react to it.
Remember to support your local's a good thing!

Til next time, pat ♥


Monday, May 12, 2014

Vicki's Nests and Jeanne's Thoughtfulness

This is the story of a most magnificent knitted bird nest and two most wonderful people.  There is a lovely lady who knits birds nests....and decorates them with hundreds of beautiful ribbons, yarns, buttons, beads, millinery flowers and such....then adds objects created by her artist friends to create a nest that will take your breath away.  Truly.  Her name is Vicki and you can find out all about these nests HERE.  Go there, you will see many beautiful things and find out what a special person she is AND you will enjoy it!  Do you see the bird nest to the left of the book in this photo?  That is one of Vicki's creations....and you will see it "up close and personal" in the following photos.

While you are enjoying these photos....I must tell you about the other special lady in my story.  She is Jeanne and you can find out about her on her blog HERE.   Jeanne is very special to me because she has been following my blog for some time and never fails to cheer me up when I need it.  How she knows, I don't know, but she does and her comments and emails have meant a lot to me, especially over the last several months.  She somehow KNEW I loved Vicki's knitted Nests, so the dear girl, unbeknowst to me, ordered one for me.  It came the other a complete surprise.  Vicki mailed it to me with a lovely note not only from her, but from Jeanne also.  While you look at these photos, you will know just how special this surprise is...both the Nest and the two girls are a treasure to me.


 Here is the Nest.....A beautiful vision for your eyes and it just has to touch your heart as it does mine.
So much thought, talent and yes, time and work, goes into each one.    They are just amazing.  You will want to see past versions of the Nests on Vicki's blog...each a masterpiece.    I can't believe Jeanne thought of me in this way....I have been blessed.

 Just had to add this book to my little Nest display in my entryway.  It just so 'goes' with the theme.
It's "Bird Egg Feather Nest" by MaryJo Koch.  I'm sure you can get it on  It's beautiful!

 I also had to add the new 'old' bird house.  New to me, made from previously loved wood from some building or other around Arkansas.  This Blue Jay feather came from my backyard.  The dried rose is from my stash of dried roses saved from bouquets over the years.  There is a vase of tiny dried roses in the photo also.  Little miniature ones, so sweet.


 Here is the page opposite the Nest in the book.  Also, a purple bird with a fabric rose....made by one of Vicki's artists.  Please visit 2bagsfull, Vicki's blog, and read about the artists who helped her create this beautiful Nest. 


 Look closely at this's a tiny garland made of three triangles of fabric with buttons, lace, etc.  I dearly love it!  Another artist to thank!  See, you have to visit 2bagsfull.  Vicki is dear and you will enjoy everything she shows you on the blog.  You will also see what a hardworking person she is...makes you proud you visited.  Then, there is Jeanne...a lovely she knows what I love I will never know...amazing since we have never met.  (I think I said that already, but it IS true!) I have for some time, thought it an amazing thing to hear from her and other people reading my blog...and to have her think of me in this way, well, it boggles the mind.
I wish she could know how special it is to me that she cared.
 So, be sure and visit her too!

Some millinery flowers...I wouldn't even know where to find these beautiful things!


 I love this little purple vine....well, everything is special, really and truly.


Here is Vicki's little'll see the other side in one of the next photos.  And, look at that tiny little embroidered flower.  So sweet!


And, the tiny Nest!


And, more!


 Isn't it just singing SPRING time!!

Yes, indeed!


 Another beautiful part of the Nest...this crocheted butterfly...another special artist.


 A beautiful green leaf.  Be still my heart!  You know green is my favorite color...and this one suits Springtime to well.


 Here is the other side of Vicki's tag. 


 Now, this little vintage plaque has nothing to do with the Nest gift.  But, I've had it a long time and it seems such a perfect sentiment to use to THANK Jeanne and Vicki.  Here's the verse:

Though measured not by tune or words,
There's beauty in the song of birds;
Thus, too, do friends enrich the heart,
With joy that friendship ties impart.

 Yes, two special friends, Jeanne and Vicki.  I never would have known them without this blog.  That, and the fact that they are so kind and generous and caring. Amazing, what the "Internet machine" has done for us, isn't it? 


The little rose in these two photos are from the dried arrangement on that buffet in my entry.  Saved from a little bouquet from my favorite son.  I just had to add one to this special Nest!

 Til next time, Pat ♥

Monday, May 5, 2014

A Button Display Under the Trees

This afternoon I had an overwhelming urge to sit under the trees in my backyard.  It was such a beautiful afternoon...eighty-four degrees, a light breeze, not a cloud in the sky.  A gorgeous day!
So, I decided to bring out that old plastic table one more time (I had already put it in a pile to be taken to the recycle, along with the chairs).  Out they came, along with a tablecloth.  I sat there and then, decided to make a little display with buttons....for my own entertainment.  The light and shadows were so lovely....seemed a good idea to me.

And, here we are...out in the backyard....being silly and enjoying the afternoon.


The old navy man always picked the roses, first one each spring, last one each fall, and brought them to me. These are the first this year...he would have enjoyed them so the fragrance is quite lovely.   And, so...I enjoyed them for him today.

What could be better than seeing this rose, feeling this breeze, enjoying the shade of the trees?

Well, being a silly person....I think seeing some buttons, in sunshine and in shade, is a pretty good thing to see.  You've seen them in my house, but it's better out here in the backyard.

Here is my latest purchase....another pie plate and the buttons in it.  These buttons were in a baby food jar...$1.95  The pie plate...$3.00.  That little clay heart dish, $.25 a very long time ago, and the vintage spoon....well, sometimes I don't remember what I paid and that's ok, because to me they are priceless anyway.  Don't they make a lovely picture?

 I also found this quilt square at the flea market a year or so ago.  Remember, I had been looking for quilt pieces or quilts falling apart to use them in some collages.  Someone cut this from a quilt and I guess this was the only block left...which I knew immediately would go home with me.  And, yes, I do intend to use it somehow in an embroidered collage.  Sometime.  If I could only get myself going!

 Very old scissors.  Old thimble.  Old metal dish of buttons....some rayon seam binding...perle old spool of thread...that should make a silly old quilter stand up and take notice...inspiration.  I suppose that is why I wanted to set this photo up under the shade trees today.  You think?

Seems I can't get enough of looking at this pie plate/heart dish photo.  I do so love all the white and off-white buttons here within the plate and the heart.  For a long time I have wanted to make something beautiful with just old white buttons...not the fancy kind...the simple ones.  What, I don't know, but it swirls around in my head from time to time.


I was told once, by a friend, that this kind of button has no real value.  But, to my mind, these are the very best, most valuable kind.... they are ones that touch my heart.  By the way, can you see the reflection of the roses in the bowl of the spoon?

 Sitting under the shade trees....thinking of what to do with these precious buttons and my precious time....I think that was a pretty good way to spend my afternoon today.
 I hope you had a nice afternoon too, with something pretty to inspire you in some way.  Maybe even in the shade under your favorite tree!

Til next time, pat ♥


Thursday, May 1, 2014

Strawberry Heart

 Here's a Strawberry, just for YOU.  One of the "Super" foods.
 On one of my vintage dessert plates.
Gorgeous and Delicious!!

 Good for you....Body and Soul!

Til next time,