Thursday, January 29, 2015

More Pink: These Made by Me

 Continuing along with my Pink "mood" here are some things I have made over time.  Using many different techniques, you might begin to see how much I love embroidery.  Some of these things I still have, but some have been sold.  Actually,  I wish I had known to take more photos of these pieces to better show them to you...well, you'll notice as we go along there could have been more photos.

This little rectangular pincushion...if I remember, is about 3" x 6."  The flowers are silk ribbon embroidery, with seed beads in the centers.  I used a beautiful varigated green DMC thread for the leaves and the fabric itself was faintly painted.  And,  a ribbon and beaded edge, sewn on by hand.  You know that is the way I prefer to work.  It was FUN!

This is just a smaller version.  I think it was about 3" square.  I remember liking it a lot.  

 This is a mixed media piece.  First I painted some Warm and Natural quilt batting.  Then, I embroidered it with this little "scene."  Then it was stitched to a painted canvas, continuing out with the grass and flower idea.  French Knots for the trees, flowers.  I think it was 5" x 8."  Really enjoyed making of several, all different.  I own none of them.  How weird is that?

 I cross-stitched this several years ago from a chart I made from a stitched piece I saw on a blog, with the owner's permission, of course.  That blog is no longer being published, but I still remember the kindness of that particular blogger.  This background is also painted lightly.  I still have not framed this piece, but do intend to try and finish this and lots of pieces I have in "limbo."  The green border is about 5" x 5" or so.

This is the center of a quilt I made...and one of my favorites.  This is a nine inch block.  I loved making it.

 These three little pincushions are made with appliqued pieces which have been held in place by an iron on interfacing...then embroidered with a single strand of DMC Floss, using a Chain Stitch.  Very tiny Chain Stitches.  Very easy, but tedious and great fun!  I think the larger one is about 5" x 5." 

 Another pincushion.....I can't remember the size, but do know it wasn't very big....perhaps 4" x 8."
An appliqued heart attached with the applique stitch.  Embroidered vines and a beaded edge. 

Now, this I still own.  A vintage cup, filled with sand, with an embroidered  wreath of pink flowers on top....a length of flower 'ribbon' sewn in place and beads threaded and stitched between the flowers.    I have a selection of cups, sugar bowls, and such saved up to make more of these.  Expect them at some point...I just can't promise when.

 This piece is a mixed media piece...a canvas about 12" x 15" or so.  It's hanging in my guest bath at this very moment.  I painted a canvas for the background, adding a page from a vintage ledger, roses and butterflies from paper napkins, a lady from a magazine, a hand drawn and painted tree. 

 This tiny farm "scene" is about 3" x 4."  The little barn is very tiny, appliqued, then decorated with many French Knot flowers and trees.  This is one of my very favorite things I've ever made.  Yes, I still own it.  I made several of these, somewhat larger,  with different elements in them.  As I prefer to make only one of a kind items,  I did keep this one. 

This is an ATC card.  2 1/2" x 3 1/2"  Embroidered in Satin Stitch, using DMC floss, with a beaded edge.  Those little hearts are the kind that will be in my tutorial in February.

 I should have shown a photo of this piece after it was framed.  But....
I used a piece of painter's canvas that was my "paint rag" for the background of this piece.  (Never throw out anything!!!!)  Then, I painted the old tree, then the birds.  I painted some paper in bright colors, cut tiny leaves from it and sewed the leaves on with machine stitches and the piece was finished.  Oh, and added a funky little flower too.  Great fun!!

And, finally, pretty pink flowers in silk ribbon embroidery. This is a piece of a Crazy Quilt I made...lots of pink in it.  Yes, I've got a variety of things on this post...all with some pink....all FUN...and hopefully, interesting and enjoyable for you to see.

Next, a single pink item....I will show it to you by special request.  Not nearly so dramatic as that sounds...but maybe you will find it very it sort of comes under the heading of what   to do when cleaning up a vintage purchase isn't quite as easy as you thought.

Until then,

Sunday, January 25, 2015

I'm Feeling the Color Pink Today

Well, actually, I'm feeling somewhat Blue today, but I don't want to give in to that feeling, so I took a look around and thought I'd rather spend some time thinking PINK.   It's one of my favorite colors.  Going round the house finding pink things to highlight is much more cheerful, so here is some of what I found to show you.

 Silk roses, a pink crocheted heart pincushion, various threads - some vintage, a calling card, a couple balls of crochet cotton....embellished, of course.  An old pincushion doll (more about her further down this post)  a vintage post card, scissors, vintage sewing tools, pieces of vintage jewelry, a watch, and one of my very favorite things...a vintage photo.  This stuff should get anyone like me out of a blue mood!

 Just take a good look!

 I'd love to make my own crocheted heart pincushion like this.  I should look for the instructions.

Old buttons, forgot to mention those.  Always on the hunt for them...seems I never get enough of looking for them!

 Bits of old jewelry.  It's always nice to add a bit of sparkle to whatever you are doing.  Well, IF you ask me.  And, I LOVE that calling card!

A plastic crochet hook...and then there are is a long and a short  bodkin...I'm not sure if they are early plastic or ivory.

 And, here she is....the pincushion doll.  Isn't she pretty.  (Love those old beads next to her face too!)
Now, she does have a story....

Here she is again...kinda peeking into the photo.   And, notice the two ladies in the old photo.  So Cute!

The old jewelry...that old watch 'em all!!  I think the small roses are made of paper.

I've saved several old watches I've found here and there.

There she is again.  Have you gotten attached to her yet?  I have, as you will see.

 Just another view of the bowl of goodies!!

A lovely collection of Pink!

A very close-up of the card and those little 'jewels.'

So, now here is the story of this lady.  She's fabulous!  I love her so much and have tried to take such good care of her....

 Doesn't she look special here?  Well, there was a little accident......I simply dropped her before the move.

And this is how she looks now.  I simply could not bring myself to throw her away.  

She looks so hopeful that all will go well.  The eternal optimist, I suppose.

And, if you place her 'just so'  with a bunch of other pretty stuff...well, one can still see how beautiful she is!  


 See...a little Pink can get you out of the "blues." 

While I'm on the subject of pink,  
 Next time,
I will continue with pink and show you some things I have made in that color. 
Until then,


Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Remembering a Friend

Tom Russell
Extraordinary Quilt Artist

Passed away on January 18, 2015

I will never forget him

Those we love don't go away.
They walk beside us every day,
Unseen, unheard, but always near,
Still loved, still missed and very dear.

Monday, January 12, 2015

A Friend's Gift x 2

 I recently received two gifts - one from my friend Jim and one from a reader of my blog...also a friend, just one I have never met - Sandra.  Both gifts are amazing each in their own way. 

Let me begin with the gift from Jim.  He actually made this tote bag for me....I intend to carry knitting, or other projects in this great tote.  He also made sure it had plenty of pockets inside for all the little things I might need.  It's cool.  As you can see, it's made from a tapestry fabric and is quite roomy.

And, it says "Home Sweet Home."  Well, you know I like that!

 This tote is very special because Jim personalized it for me by burning designs in the wooden handles.  Flowers, of course, and then my name.  Who wouldn't like that?  

He also added my last name on the other handle....I like that...and this makes it very personal, indeed.

Leaving no space untouched, he also burned a little design on the inside of the handles.  Too cute!

 The second gift was sent to me by Sandra....we have exchanged many emails back and forth lately and I was surprised to receive REAL mail from her.  How sweet was that?  The "Gentle Art of Quiltmaking."  By Jane Brocket, published by C & T Publishing.  It is gorgeous!  The photography is quite beautiful and I love the styling of the various quilts, each in their own setting.

 This blue quilt is pictured on the cover...more about it inside. 

 My very favorite quilt in the book is a Log Cabin variation...actually, a Half Log Cabin.  It is named "Purple Rain."  While purple isn't my favorite color, this quilt is spectacular and the Log Cabin IS my favorite pieced quilt pattern of all, so I gravitated to this quilt in particular.  Delicious!!!!!

 I love the mix of fabrics in this quilt...I nearly always love quilts made of a mixture of prints and if they are mostly floral...well, there you are!!! 

 Aren't they just beautiful?

 Here is the back of the book....with peeks of what else might be in store for you to see. 

People can be so generous.  One, I have known for over twenty years, another, a very new acquaintance, each thinking of me at a time when they somehow knew I needed to be remembered.
 Thank you very much...Jim and Sandra, I am very grateful for your kindness.

Hope you all are keeping warm, safe and cozy!

Till we meet again, 