Saturday, May 30, 2015

Wild Roses in May

The other day I was driving down the road from my old house.  I still go that way when headed to certain places.  On that day I was headed to the highway to go to Beebe.  To the flea, of course.  There is an old house there....right down the road from mine.....and each year there are roses there.  No one has lived on that property in many years, but there are still roses.  I call them Wild.  Really, I should call them Determined.  They are so beautiful, so on the way back home, I stopped and picked one little bouquet of them.....just couldn't resist.

 This is what they look like along side the road...pretty neglected and trying so hard to be noticed.

 So, I stopped and was treated to a beautiful sight....when you get close....well, they are spectacular!

 Really, what could be prettier than these?  Seriously?  Anything?

 Very special....full blooms, and many people drive on by and never see these?

  They look big in these photos, but the blooms are less than two inches across.

I'm trying to see the 'little things' that make life so beautiful....this particular day....I really did!!
Wishing you those sights too!

This is still written on my chalkboard from last year:

 "She said she usually cried at least once each day not because she was sad but because the world was so beautiful and life was so short."  Unknown

Until next time,

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

My Grandson's Sailboat


This is my grandson Tyler's sailboat.  He and a couple of friends took it out on the lake over the weekend.  The part of the weekend without rain.  He sent this photo to me via his cell phone.  It was taken by his cousin.  I think it's a nice photo.  Ty has had this sailboat for a couple of years now...he's done some restoration work on it.  He didn't fall far from his grandmother's tree, as he likes to 'find' things.  This sailboat he found on Craig's list.  For FREE.  He had to drive to Little Rock to get it.  It came complete with trailer.  Nice find, I would say.  So, Happy Sailing, Tyler!  Be safe and enjoy!!

Until next time, 

Saturday, May 16, 2015

It's A Wonderful World

It really is a Wonderful World, isn't it?  Oh, how I love that Louis Armstrong or Willie Nelson....makes me tear up every time I hear it.  And, to me, nothing says it better than flowers.
So, today, I was looking through some of my photos and thought it would be a good time to show you flowers I photographed while in San Francisco.  And, in thinking about those particular flowers, I also thought of some mixed media art pieces I created, you know, back before I lost my sense of direction
workwise.  With those in mind, I decided to post not only a piece of that artwork, but some of the photos I took in Scott's neighborhood of Bernal Heights. 


 As you can see, and as I've said many times...when I see flowers...all kinds of them, I immediately think of French Knots.  I'm just an old embroiderer at heart, you know.  This piece has an extraordinary amount of them and I loved making each and every one!  Also, a lot of Lazy Daisy stitches.  The background is painted quilt batting, embroidered, then sewn onto a painted canvas. 


Here you can see the embroidery, as well as the painted canvas.  I loved making this piece.  In fact, made several...all different.  And, sold everyone of them...I haven't a one.  Maybe someday I'll do more, as I still haven't seen anything quite like them. 

 I took these photos as my sister and I walked around Scott's cute neighborhood.  Down the street and around the corner we went.  I'm sure if the neighbors heard us, they may have thought we were crazy...oohing and aahing over every flower we saw.  And, there are many there!  You'll see more as I go through my photo collection from the trip.  Some of these gorgeous flowers seemed to pop right out of the sidewalks!  Like this Butterfly Bush.  At least, I think that is what this one is called.  Just absolutely gorgeous!!!

It was a treat to be on that walk, with my sister, in such a beautiful place.  

A close-up!  Fantastic!

 Coming around the corner, we saw this Morning Glory.  And, seeing as how it was appropriate.  And, beautiful!!

 Don't you agree?

 Here are some sunny and quite beautiful California Poppies.  You ought to get a good dose of Vitamin D just looking at them!

And, these gorgeous things....I don't know what they are called, but they are taller than me!  And quite wonderful.  Look at those leaves....about eighteen inches across.  These are growing right by my son's garage.


Now, I have to say...these pink beauties really caught my eye.  These were not taken in the neighborhood, but in another part of the city...I actually don't remember where, but I do remember taking this photo from the car as Scott was driving us around.  The flowers, which look like roses to me, grew on the tree in little bunches....a "ready-made bouquet" of a sort.  Just gorgeous!!

 And, here is my sister, admiring this fabulous succulent.  I'm not sure of the name, but know it is HUGE, and quite beautiful.  See that little one to the right....that one is probably even huge if compared to one growing here.  We really did enjoy our walk through the neighborhood.  We even went to the top of Bernal of that experience coming in another post.

Yes, truly, it IS a wonderful world....most especially when treated to a week in San Francisco!!
Thank you, again, Scott and Debbie!!!

Until next time,


Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Where I've Been and What I Found

Well, I've been on a trip....and back!  It was a rather hurriedly planned one encouraged by my favorite son and also involving my favorite sister.  A visit to San Francisco!  The last time I was there (2004), the old navy man and I visited.  This visit was a lot different, but I thought of him a lot.  Anyway, Scott is an excellent host and tour guide and he made the visit especially nice for Debbie and me.    It was FUN!

I am not going to show you all the photos I took....but will include some here and there along with my usual postings.

The first thing my sister wanted to see was the "Painted Ladies."  Well, Alamo Square, here we come!
Debbie just loved being on the Square, we walked around the whole thing, even "upstairs" through the park.  It's quite lovely.  I took lots of photos...(some to be deleted, as you know, I'm not a great photographer).  I will be showing more than just the one above, on some other day.  Anyway, we did thoroughly enjoy our visit to the "Ladies."

This is my son's living room.  Well....actually, he lives in this house with three roommates.  You know, lots of people there share houses and apartments....well, unless they make much more money than the average person.   Emphasize the words MUCH MORE!  So, here is their living room.  It's a house...a mid-century style, with three floors...the living room on the top floor.  Well, San Francisco isn't flat you know....houses all up and down those hills!  I love the view from this room....I'd never get a thing done if I lived here...I'd always be looking out the windows!!!  It's BEAUTIFUL!! 

More to come regarding "the visit"... in future posts.

We were quite busy every single day.  Seeing the sights, going to a Giants/Dodgers game (loved that!!), museums, etc.  And, since my sister and I aren't great shoppers....other than buying food and a  few books, etc., this tote bag is all I bought.  And, other than the fact I liked it, it seemed I should buy it to show it to you.  We've talked here, in recent posts, about making things using the Chain Stitch so when I saw this, I knew you had to see it.

Chain Stitches.  On a lovely muted floral background.  Love at first sight!  


I'm not sure I'd spend so much time making a tote from Chain Stitches....but I can see making all those Chain Stitches on 'yardage' for other, smaller projects.  Yeah, I'm somewhat OCD about doing tedious I would....really, I would!

 Not to ponder the idea very long....I'm thinking it would make a great border on an art quilt, amongst other ideas.  Surely other ideas would drift through my mind, or yours, if we let them.

And, as I did on the pincushion, here are two rows of Chain Stitch together.  A double whammy!


One more view.

 It's quite pretty, I think.  Glad I got it!  Oh, yes, I should say - it was purchased on one of our drives around the country side, at the San Gregorio General Store, on Hwy 84, one mile east of Hwy 1.  A fun place to drop by for a little visit.

Well, so glad I got a post done....such as it is. I don't know why it is so difficult to prepare a post after a bit of 'time off.'  Oh, yes I do...issues with photographs and me not being technically 'savvy.'  Makes me put things off sometimes.  

So, there we are....with help from my favorite son....a new post.  With more to come.  Thank you for stopping by and hanging in there with some of you tend to do.  

THANK YOU, Debbie, for going with me and being my guide through the airports!!  And a huge THANK YOU, Scott, for showing us a WONDERFUL TIME!! 

Until next time, 

The Painted Ladies, Alamo Square, San Francisco....beautiful!!