Sunday, February 28, 2016

Embroidered Covered Buttons

Here's a selection from my collection of Covered Buttons, presented to you in a vintage pie plate.  Quite Pretty little things I think.  The one in the center and the three on the right, are buttons I stitched myself.  The one at the top and bottom and the three on the left, I either purchased or they were presented to me as gifts.  

A button I stitched for a French Knot class long ago.  I love making French Knots so this button was quite fun to make.

Someone made this from a portion of vintage cross-stitch embroidery.

A know I love those and a bit of embroidery with pink perle cotton flowers.

A vintage cross-stitch basket. The lilacs stitched by me.

Larger view.

And another.

A cute little vintage embroidery.

And, another.  Love this one!

More French Knots!  This one also vintage.

From a different angle.

Loved making this one!

I really liked making this button....using perle cotton for the pink flowers.  Love the shaded color and the texture.

Sure did!

Another view of those purple French Knots!

And, Cross-stitches.'s a quarter to compare the buttons with which I hope will give you a way to gauge
 their size.
So, there you are...just a bit of button fun!

Bird Nest Cottage
until next time 

Saturday, February 13, 2016



Sending you, my friends,  best wishes for a lovely day via a small quilt made years ago.  The colors are much softer than shown here, but the sentiment is the same.

 A fifteen inch Crazy Quilt, hand stitched with many hearts.

 With handwritten quotes around the borders.

 And in the center square.

 A scalloped border done with tube paints.


  "When friends meet, hearts warm."  

"The greatest gift we can give to one another is rapt attention to one another's existence."
Sue Atchley Ebaugh

"If you want an accounting of your worth, count your friends."
 Merry Browne

"No life is so strong, so complete, But it yearns for the smile if a friend."
Wallace Bruce 

 Bird Nest Cottage
  until next time

Friday, February 5, 2016

On an Early Morning Walk....

  On my early morning walk today, I looked up and this is what I saw.  Gorgeous, isn't it?  Those jet trails were everywhere....reminding me that some people begin their jobs in the very early hours of each new day.  And, these particular people, making their marks across the sky, were making this morning very special.   Early Morning Weavings.  "Slow Stitching" at jet speed.  Quilting to the Nth degree.  Over lace.  I always think of trees in silhouette as being "nature's version of lace."  Do you see it? 

These photos were taken from the empty street behind my house.  In the cold - it was 25 degrees.

 Here, in the church parking lot.

 This one, directly behind my house.

This one also.

I tried to get a closer view of one jet trail. 

 First thing I thought of when I saw it was a strip of Tatting.  Yes, Tatting.  The one type of needlework I could never quite grasp.  But a pilot did.
 (Why do thoughts like this enter my mind?)

A beautiful way to start the day!!!
I am grateful.
Have a lovely weekend!


Bird Nest Cottage

until next time