Monday, October 31, 2016


I've been trying to get this post done for several days.  I don't know about you....but my days seem to fly by and my accomplishments each day are shrinking too.  It certainly is true..."time is of the essence."  I wanted to have this post finished much earlier this evening, but it has taken me hours just to get the photos on my blog.  Is it just me???

In answer to one of my readers, Robin, I am showing you some button cards she spied in a photograph I shared not long ago, and asked if I would show them.  Sure.  So here they are.  You can see there are five store sample button cards there behind the vintage garment....I found them several years ago and have enjoyed them very much.  So...the following photos may give you an idea of what they look like.

I'm not going to talk about them...just enjoy them.  You will see them much better, of course, if you click to enlarge.


Then, there are some button cards, not all vintage, but a lot are just that.  I have buttons everywhere in this house, so don't be surprised to find this batch in the kitchen....on the top of the refrigerator, of all places.

 I sometimes have photographs on this vintage-looking wire picture holder.  This time, it holds some button cards.

 Then, there is a punch bowl filled with many button cards...some old, some not.  

 Here are some button cards of various ages.  Some older than others.  I find the cards themselves as interesting as the buttons, so notice all the graphics...I love the little people who populate cards such as very cute!!

Robin had seen this photo and is the one she asked me to show on the blog.  This old dresser is in my bedroom/studio and is one of the places I work.  I hung these old button sample cards up over my little far, I have left them as I found them....that is, I have not removed one button from them.  (Yes, you can see I have started a heart collection there on the right side!)

 So....Robin...I hope you enjoyed seeing the cards.  I'm sure these can be found here and there at various flea markets, although I am sure they are harder to find.  You never know, though, so go out and about and take a good look!!!

Wishing you all a lovely time I will be showing you some things I made for some special friends of mine.  I think you will enjoy seeing hints, just visit sometime around Thursday.
Thanks for being here!!!!

Bird Nest Cottage
until next time

Sunday, October 23, 2016

A Very Special Gift from a Very Special Blogger

If you've been a reader of my blog for very long, you will recognize the person in this photo.  If you are new to my blog, then let me tell you who he is.  He is Richard Eaton, my late husband.  On this blog, I nearly always just call him "the old navy man."   ( He gave that name to himself, by the way.)  He passed away three years ago, this November 29th.  I took this photo of him before he became really ill and it is one of my favorites. 

I have had this blog since 2008.  The old navy man encouraged me to start one....and in fact, he gave my little quilting enterprise the name BIRD NEST ON THE GROUND, years ago.  Over the years, I have made FRIENDS with many people who also post on their own blogs, and also people who just like to read what the bloggers are saying and seeing what it is we all do.  Since his death, I have not been very good at posting....but my heart is in the right I intend to always do better, although I know I haven't been as good as my intentions are.  It does appear, though, that I have some blog fans, no matter how good I am at posting.  It's amazing!  I receive a few comments here and there, which I really appreciate.  And, I also receive many email messages.  These lovely people send me messages which I find uplifting, inspiring, funny, thought provoking, helpful and smart.  I do so enjoy hearing from them.

My blog readers sometimes surprise me, which I enjoy.  I also enjoy that many of them do not live in the U.S.  They are a wonderful group and I do love hearing from them.  This time, I have one in particular I'd like to tell you about.  Her name is Lynn and she lives in France.  She contacted me last year to let me know she was making me something.  It would take her quite a while to make it, so would I just know that she was thinking of me as she created this gift from her.  My goodness!  What could she be doing?  This last week, I received a package in the mail from France.  Well, now, who would really expect someone to take a year or so to make you something?  I was so surprised that there at my door was a gift from Lynn!!!    The day before my 72nd birthday!!!  Now, when I say I was shocked when I opened it....I really was....who knew she would be cross stitching a photo of the old navy man...the very one I am showing you now at the beginning of this post.  WHO WOULD DO THAT?

 This is a 7 inch x 9 inch, (approximately) cross stitched version of the old navy man's photo. 
I can certainly see why it would take so long.  I can see how wonderfully she stitched all those million cross stitches. and the colors are spot on,  but I have to say.....I simply burst into tears when I opened that package.  Lynn doesn't 'really' know me.  I'm sure I'm not deserving of such a gift.
And, seeing THAT face come out of a package from France.  It was a shock.  It won't matter how many ways I think of to thank her....nothing I say could possibly explain my feelings at that moment and every day since.  No amount of gratitude offered her could live up to what she has actually DONE FOR ME.

 He was so dear!!!  And this cross stitched version of his photo is magnificent!!!  I LOVE it!  

Here are some close-ups of the stitching.  As I told her later in an email....just when you think the world is going to hell in a hand basket, someone out in blogland, steps up and does something so lovely and unexpected, that we just know everything will be ok somehow.  Humanity, once again, has a shining example of a lovely human being who has spent much of her time thinking of others, rather than herself.  I am completely blown away by her thoughtfulness and generosity.  I bet you are too!

Just think of all the stitches!  All that time and energy. 
 With all the other things she has to do in life!!

OH, MY!!!!

 I know the old navy man would be so pleased to see this.  He would wonder, as I do, WHY, HOW?
And, he would smile, wishing her all the very best in she represents the best in all of us.
We are grateful for every way.

 Here is the card she made and sent along with this wonderful gift.  Once again, I teared up as I read her words.  I didn't photograph the whole message, but thought you would like to read these paragraphs.  She is dear, don't you think?  

 Lynn has a blog.  You might want to visit.  So, go there to see what all she does.  You might want to leave a comment.  She deserves lots of them!!!
Visit here:  

Lynn is also participating in a contest to choose a Cross Stitching Champion in the UK.  You might want to visit that site too, and vote for her.  You don't have to be a citizen of the UK to vote, but you do have to be one to win a prize.  She would love to have a vote from you. (Just type her name, Lynn B.,  in the proper place, then vote for her blog!) here to go vote) you know about blogging friends....they are a treasure.


As for the rest of my are dear also.  THANK YOU for brightening my days!

until next time

(Next time I will be talking about a collection of vintage Button Cards, a request of Robin, another lovely blog reader!)
