Thursday, November 3, 2016

Pincushions and a Teddy Bear

Kevin's Teddy Bear
I recently mailed some handmade gifts to my dear friends Brian, Kevin and Debra (Brian's Mom).
These gifts were supposed to reach Indiana long before now, but considering that my efficiency levels are not what they once were...they arrived at their new home last week...finally.  It was a happy day when I mailed that box - the sense of accomplishment felt pretty good.

I'm not going to say much about them...they are sort of self explanatory.  They are hand embroidered and beaded, even the bear is hand stitched.  You know that is how I 'roll' as they say.  I did want to say that the Bear is for my friend, Kevin....yes, I always say he is a teddy bear, so he just had to have this little six inch tall character.  The "Back Home Again in Indiana" pincushion is for my friend, Brian.  We've talked.  He likes it.  (Oh, Thank Goodness!!)    The "Home is Where the Heart Is" pincushion is for Brian's Mom, Debra.  We've never met, but I'm thankful to have her son as a friend, so thought she deserved a pincushion of her own.  (Brian is an've seen his work on my blog you remember the memorial piece he made to honor the Old Navy Man?)

So, take a look at these.  I hope you enjoy them.  If you have any know you can comment or email, here they are:


 Brian's Pincushion:

 Debra's Pincushion:

 So, there you are.  Three handmade pieces for three special people.
Hope you enjoyed seeing them.

Bird Nest Cottage
until next time

Monday, October 31, 2016


I've been trying to get this post done for several days.  I don't know about you....but my days seem to fly by and my accomplishments each day are shrinking too.  It certainly is true..."time is of the essence."  I wanted to have this post finished much earlier this evening, but it has taken me hours just to get the photos on my blog.  Is it just me???

In answer to one of my readers, Robin, I am showing you some button cards she spied in a photograph I shared not long ago, and asked if I would show them.  Sure.  So here they are.  You can see there are five store sample button cards there behind the vintage garment....I found them several years ago and have enjoyed them very much.  So...the following photos may give you an idea of what they look like.

I'm not going to talk about them...just enjoy them.  You will see them much better, of course, if you click to enlarge.


Then, there are some button cards, not all vintage, but a lot are just that.  I have buttons everywhere in this house, so don't be surprised to find this batch in the kitchen....on the top of the refrigerator, of all places.

 I sometimes have photographs on this vintage-looking wire picture holder.  This time, it holds some button cards.

 Then, there is a punch bowl filled with many button cards...some old, some not.  

 Here are some button cards of various ages.  Some older than others.  I find the cards themselves as interesting as the buttons, so notice all the graphics...I love the little people who populate cards such as very cute!!

Robin had seen this photo and is the one she asked me to show on the blog.  This old dresser is in my bedroom/studio and is one of the places I work.  I hung these old button sample cards up over my little far, I have left them as I found them....that is, I have not removed one button from them.  (Yes, you can see I have started a heart collection there on the right side!)

 So....Robin...I hope you enjoyed seeing the cards.  I'm sure these can be found here and there at various flea markets, although I am sure they are harder to find.  You never know, though, so go out and about and take a good look!!!

Wishing you all a lovely time I will be showing you some things I made for some special friends of mine.  I think you will enjoy seeing hints, just visit sometime around Thursday.
Thanks for being here!!!!

Bird Nest Cottage
until next time