Monday, February 27, 2017


It happened several years ago, (I'm guessing around ten of them), the 'old navy man' came home from work with a package.  He said he had stopped for lunch in one of the little towns he used to go through to get to his job.  He knew every little town (and it's substations) in the northern half of Arkansas.  Being a substation repairman for Entergy, he drove all over the place.  In the heat of summer and sometimes the ice of he'd go early each morning and arrive home late in the evening.  That day, after stopping for a quick lunch, he decided to take a few minutes to run into a little flea market nearby.  He wanted to bring me something. 

That was Mr. Eaton....always thinking of someone else.  So, this is the box he brought home.  A vintage button box filled with lots of buttons...some old, some not so old.  All beautiful to me!
It's heavy for it's size and filled with many, many buttons.  I immediately dumped the contents on the table to take a look.  What fun that was!   He was pleased I liked the gift. I have never removed a button from this box and each time I open it, I remember that day.  It has become even more special over time.

Earlier today when I decided I was going to post the box and it's contents, I thought it only fitting to pour them out and push the buttons into a heart shape.  (That was FUN!)  He would have given me a great big smile!



 Some close-ups.

Something cheery on a winter's day!  And, also a lovely memory.

I'm spending part of each day, now, finding things around the house that hold memories and yet inspire me to make new things too.  You can think of many new things to make when you look at the old things you have collected over time.  As 'they' say..."everything old is new again."

This box of buttons is a special treasure from a very special person.  

I hope you might feel inspired also.

Bird Nest Cottage
until next time

Monday, February 20, 2017

Four Birds: A Recent Gift

"Everyone likes birds.  What wild creature is more accessible to our eyes and ears, as close to us and everyone in the world, as universal as a bird?"

David Attenborough

Recently, I was given this bell pull as a gift.  My friend, Kathy, a flea market owner, found it and presented it to me.  I love it goes the saying - "I'm over the moon about it."  It came from an old house in a south Arkansas town....the house has a woman named 'birdie' in it's history.  I also picked up some old photos, papers and such from that old house.  How wonderful is it that I,  "Bird Nest on the Ground" person....have received such a gift!!!   THANK YOU, Kathy, for thinking of me!

 What is so wonderful to me about these birds is that they are done in petit point.  Look closely at them...such tiny stitches!  And, I love the colors!

 Just adorable!!!

In that first photo you will also see a very old mirror....I thought you might want to see what's in the top part of know I just love sentimental says: 
"From Your Son in the Service."
Just dear!   

Hope you enjoyed the birds!  BTW, if you live in this area, you can visit Kathy and her husband, Morgan, at

115 West Idaho St.
Beebe, Arkansas 72012

You just never know what you might find there!

until next time

Tuesday, February 14, 2017


"Who, being loved, is poor?"
Oscar Wilde 

"Nobody has ever measured, even poets. how much a heart can hold."
Zelda Fitzgerald

"My whole heart for my whole life."'
a French saying

Bird Nest Cottage
until next time


Saturday, February 11, 2017

Tyler and Some Bears

This afternoon, I was 'fluffing up' some teddy bears...there are several here and there in my house.
I've had bears here since my kids were little...after all, who can resist a teddy bear?  They made me think of a photo I have of my grandson taken...well, many years ago now....but what a great photo.  Here he is....with a great big bear!  Both are adorable.  Tyler was eight in this photo...taken in Eureka Springs on a family trip.  We all loved that big old bear....I'm sure he was just sitting there waiting for a kid to come along to keep him company.    Someone had tried to put a shirt on him, but didn't get very far.  That made Tyler laugh.  One of the fun memories!!  Tyler is THIRTY-ONE now.  I wonder if he remembers this?  (I'm going to send this photo to him and find out.)

These are the bears I was fluffing up today.  A very cute assortment.  Look at their faces....just like us, each one has his/her own facial expressions.  The two on the left, of all things, belonged to my mother and they have really cute old fashioned dresses on, part of the reason they came to live with me.

 Seriously, do you see different expressions?

 As I said, these two were my mothers.   The smaller one definitely has a different expression....might be my favorite.  Let me just say, I recognize that mood there.

 I think they are cute...and it's good to fluff a teddy bear once in a while!!!

Bird Nest Cottage 
until  next time

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Rescuing a 1924 Beaded Bag

Last year I was asked by a neighbor if I could take a look at a beaded bag she owned.  She was in hopes I could somehow do something to stop it from further deteriorating.  Beads were falling off as I carefully took a look at it.  Knowing that I was probably the only person around the area who knew anything about this kind of beading...well, I told her I would try.  The biggest problem I could see was there were no replacement beads.  (Notice from this photo that there are missing beads.)

This beautiful bag was owned by her aunt and she knew it was from 1924.  She said there 'used to be a flapper dress' that matched the bag, but it has been lost in history.  What a shame!   So began a months long search for beads I could use to replace the missing ones.  I needed white beads and also some clear ones.  Well, I KNEW it wasn't going to be easy and eventually, I had to be creative and find beads that didn't match, but would look ok.  Better that, than the bag falling completely apart.

In this photo, you can see the threads that have lost beads and what that looks like at the very bottom of the bag.  I managed to tie these threads in square knots and then glue the ends in the seam right there where the front and back are put together.  I used a toothpick and Fabri-Tac glue which dries clear. That in itself was a job.

You might see these just a little better here.

 Near the top of the bag are stains and missing beads.  There was no way to removed the stains, and really, no way (or beads) for me to 'fill in' the missing beads.  Again, I used a toothpick and glue to hold what beads that were loose to the bag and also did a very thin coat of glue over the bare places.  This clue dries in a mat finish.  I had to go over the entire bag to fasten down loose beads.  It seems to have done a pretty good job as they are no longer falling off.

 This bag was made from a mesh canvas of a sort.  Probably what has kept most of the beads attached.
Look closely to see the clear beads on the body of the bag.

 Here you can see my source of replacement  beads....I found an old necklace at the flea market and took it apart.    Although these beads were a tad larger than the original beads,  since I was going to have to remove all the fringe at the bottom of the bag, I figured I could mix the old with the new and maybe the newer beads would not be noticeable.  I did the same with the clear beads, just mixed old with new.  However, the clear beads are not alike in any way except for being clear.  I think it's ok though.  Much better than not being able to do repairs.  (By the way, I have most of that white necklace left.  No telling when or if I will ever need vintage white beads to actually match something again.  I will save them...'just in case.')

 These are the clear ones I used.  I actually found them in a jar of beads from the flea market.  Matching in no way, but usable.

 This is the beaded bag on the inside.  In almost perfect condition!


Here is where I began to do repairs.   I used Silamide beading thread. Size A.

These are the beads as they came off the bag.  I just mixed them up with the newer ones and began to replace the fringe.

 You can see here the first two fringes....I think they look pretty good considering the clear ones don't match and the white ones are not all the same size.

 Here is the bag finished.  It's the best I could do....taking quite a while to finish.  I always say I love to do tedious work and I suppose this project proves it. 

 The body of the bag...looking a bit better also.

 It's really a pretty thing.


 I did bead an extra row over the seam at the bottom...on both front and back.  It seemed to need a bit more weight in my opinion and I thought it might also hold everything together just a tad better.

So, here is the bottom of the bag, repaired.


 It looks really good on this dark background.

And, here it is shown on an embroidered scarf of mine, a light background.  I just thought it would look really good in the photo along with some more 'fancy work.' 

So glad to have this project completed.  I will deliver it to its owner in the next few days.  I've got fingers crossed she will be pleased.

 It seems crazy to be in February already!

I'm wishing you all things great and good, with my whole heart.  Take care.

Bird Nest Cottage
until next time