Monday, July 31, 2017

The Unexpected in a Dining Room

The other day, one of my friends suggested that I post about some of the things in my house that are 'unexpected' or displayed in an unexpected way.  I think she was trying to be complimentary, however I consider myself a hoarder, so thinking of how to decorate in an unexpected way sounds foreign to me.  I don't know what my 'style' is and I surely don't give a lot of thought to how I decorate.  What I do is hunt and gather,  find things I really like....then simply "find a place to put them."
Once I find a place, I look at it for a while and if I like it, it stays.  If I don't, I just look again and find another place.  I find it fun to hunt and gather.    A lot of time is never spent wondering if it's 'right'.....I live alone, so if I'm happy with it......all is well and good.  And, then again, I'm apt to decide to change things around a week later.

These photos are of one wall in the dining room.  I actually do have a dining room, but you'd never know from these photos.  It's a collection of things I love, found as I hunt and gather.  It has to be put somewhere, so here is where I chose to put it, helped along by two wire racks I found at my favorite flea market.  I couldn't resist them.  So, they came home with  me, I cleaned them and discovered the only place they would fit was "this spot" in the dining room.  I liked them so much, that I spent a couple of days gathering things from around the house to fill the racks.  Then, as I always do, I have to overload them, hang things on the walls, find a chair or two to fill, etc.  It was great FUN and I will still place a thing or two there from time to time.  These racks are one of the things that will not be moved around...they simply won't 'go' anywhere else.

So, take a look at these photos.  I've probably chosen too many, but I did want you to see ALL of this dining room wall.  In my mind, it looks just like something I would do.  To you, maybe a bit too much and in the wrong place.  Not to worry, though.  Here's a quote...(I don't know who said it, but it's me all over!):

"I live in my own little world and it's ok.  They know me here."

 One of my favorite parts of this vast array of 'stuff.'

If you click on these photos, you can actually see what is on each shelf.  Some of you may want to do that.  Others won't.  All is ok.

 And, there it all is.  (Sorry about the reflection in the glass).

 So many stories here on these shelves.  No way I can tell them all, so you can just make up your own stories.   Or, if you see something you want to know about...kindly ask me in a comment or email.

 No end to the inspiration I find here.  These things, their stories, and my imagination can lead me to come up with a good many ideas.  So many I will never be able to finish them all.  Think about this:

"To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk."  
Thomas Edison


 I'm fairly creative, so here is another quote I really like:

"Being creative is not a hobby, it is a way of life." 

 This little trunk is one of my favorite things.  I did the inside of the lid myself, several years ago, using old ledger sheets and paper napkins.  Inside is a collection of some of my favorite things.
Of course!!!

So, there you are.  Most folks probably wouldn't put all this in a dining room.  Would you?
I is obvious, but I have no one else here to please, so why not?  

I'll show you more of the dining room if you'd care to see it. 

until next time


Sunday, July 23, 2017

"Lace, Tucks, Hearts, Bears and some Quilting"

 "Think big thoughts but relish small pleasures."
H.Jackson Brown, Jr.

Sure, who isn't thinking big thoughts these days?  It's difficult to find something to take our minds off those big thoughts and worries of the day.  Don't you think?  Maybe it's just me, but I find it invaluable, sometimes, to search around the cottage for a diversion from those big, heavy thoughts.  Something that might give me a little while to contemplate the small, enjoyable things of life.  So, for the last hour or so, I have gathered my thoughts around these things:  lace, tucks, hearts, bears and some quilting.  These things exist here in my little corner of the world, and at certain times...well, I'd rather spend some time gathering them together,  and enjoying an hour to two than thinking those big thoughts.  Like today.

This little bear is holding a small heart made by my friend, Bibi.  So cute.

 I've shown you these bears before....but not with this particular selection of lace, tucks, hearts or quilting.  I find "hunting and gathering" tucked fabric with  lace or crocheting is very enjoyable.  Hard to find, but worth the looking.  Do you?

There is a little pillow with tucks in the background of this photo.  The pillow was made by my sister-in-law, Betsy.  It is delicate and so dear.  In front of that is a little doll bed pillow with an appliqued heart.  A little heart pincushion, made by the mother of a good friend.  Dear also.  And, then, a doll bed quilt I made a long time ago...with tiny embroidered hearts and to enlarge if you wish to see that.  

Here is the tiniest bear I have....just about three inches tall....there with a pink heart pin I found a while back.  Both so sweet!  Some lace and underneath the lace, some tucks...the bottom of a vintage skirt.  And, all in front of a vintage quilt top in the Grandmother's Flower Garden pattern.  It belongs to my sister-in-law Nancy's mother.  Made by her Mother's sister and with any luck, I will have it quilted for her by next summer in time for her 90th birthday.    Some mending and such will have to be done first.  When this huge job is done, you will definitely see it here on the blog. 

 Another look at that quilt, with the bear I made wearing a heart necklace, a tucked piece with crocheted lace, and a small crazy quilted pincushion I made some time ago, also with a tiny embroidered heart. you have a "small pleasures diversion" for a Sunday afternoon from my house to yours.

until next time

Monday, July 17, 2017

A Pink Bird

In the last couple of days, I 'unearthed' this ceramic piece in the garage.  As I tend to fill every kind of container you can think of with buttons and such...this time, I thought of a little collection I have of tiny balls of perle cotton, crochet thread, etc.  The colors were just so perfect.  I love this little 
'flower' dish with the perfect pink bird hovering over it....and so, with a bit more color  -  a quilt, this blog post came about.

 I love how the top of the "flower" is yellow and as you look down, it turns into this pretty pink color...just like the bird.

 A bit closer....

 And, upside down.  Where it's really pink!  There you see the maker...Royal Copley.

Thought I should give you a better idea of it's size...even the thread size can be noted.    I don't think I can ever use this I rarely find these little balls of thread in my flea market trips...and this thread is, to me, very special.  

And, what about the quilt?  It's special too.  Actually, most of the quilt is in need of lots of repair, so it may not happen.  However, I will do something with it...meantime, it's great for a backdrop.  With PINK!    


 And, more color!

As you know, shopping at the flea market is one of my favorite things and I've been doing it for years.  So, therefore, my house is full of "stuff.'  My doctor recently told me to keep it up as it "keeps me going."  Oh, yea, Permission!  How cool is that?  People tell me that my house 'looks just like me."  And, you know I have always said there is a story for every item.  With that in mind, I found this quote today:

"Collect things that you love, that are authentic to you, and your house becomes your story."
Erin Flett


Bird Nest Cottage
until next time,

Saturday, July 15, 2017

A Summer Day at the Cottage

It's a quiet summer day here at Bird Nest Cottage, so I thought I'd show a bit of the flowering going on around here.  I do not have a green thumb,  so many of these are in pots, but some actually are in the ground and I have hopes of not killing them.  I'm trying harder than usual, since I LOVE
them so.

Here's a quote I took a fancy to this morning:

Jim Carrey

 This Crepe Myrtle tree is really in the wrong place, but I do love this shady little corner.  We will be trimming it in the has white blooms, nearly all of them gone right now.  

 Here we are out front of the cottage......I really do call it a cottage.  Mostly because I just like the way it sounds!

 I had some rocks that were collected by my late Mother-in-Law.  They used to have a farm between Harrison and Yellville, Arkansas.  There was a creek and she gathered rocks and arrowheads there.  I ended up with some of those rocks.  I gave some to my son-in-law and he made an angel by their back porch for my daughter.  As we say around here 'I had a fit over it' and the minute I got home had to put an angel in my own flower bed.  I like that we have given a new home to Alleen's rock collection!

 The green heart hanging here is MOSS.  Too Cute!  Given to me by my daughter.  

 The quotes:

"I would sooner live in a cottage and wonder at everything than live in a castle and wonder at nothing."
 Joan Winmill Brown

"Better my own cottage than the palace of another."
A Welsh Proverb

 Looking outward from my front door.  A very beautiful summer day!

 Then, outward to the patio...a very HOT place right now.

 Also looking outward from the door in the room I call The Pantry. 

Just a little visit on a hot summer day.  I am so grateful, not only for my home, but also for air-conditioning. 

Bird Nest Cottage
until next time 