Friday, December 15, 2017







and each filled




Bird Nest Cottage
the New Year



Saturday, October 28, 2017

A Beautiful Old Jar

 And here it is - the most beautiful old jar!

 I found it at my favorite flea market several weeks ago.  I paid more for it than any other jar I have ever bought, bringing to mind a favorite quote I've posted before:

"If, of thy mortal goods thou art bereft,
And from thy slender store two loaves alone to thee are left,
Sell one and from the dole,
Buy Hyacinths to feel the soul."

Muslihuddin Sadi 
13th Century Persian Poet

Now, nothing really can top  beautiful flowers, like the Hyacinth, but I suppose that day, for me, this jar came really close.  I am "over the moon" about it.

It's large:
11 inches tall
16 inches around at the widest point
13 1/2 inches around at the bottom


 Have you any idea what it might have held?  I've searched the internet and have found not a hint of it anywhere.  It has a screw-on top which I believe has been painted and no markings of any kind.  It is a mystery.  A gorgeous mystery.

If you have any clues, kindly let me know, please.

Bird Nest Cottage
until next time

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Autumn Beauty

This photo was taken last November.  The tree is just over my back fence.  The colors were gorgeous.  Today, there is no color at all.  Just a drab brownish green, waiting for Autumn Beauty to take over.  It reminds me of life these days....just one sad thing after another....with all of us watching and waiting for something beautiful to come along.

These leaves look happy and the time, approaching Thanksgiving,  The year's last party before Winter sets in.

 It is beautiful, isn't it?

 Just look at those beautiful shades of orange with some red thrown in. 
 I'm hoping we get to see some of it before all the leaves are gone.

So, that was last year.  Nothing seems quite right this year, but we can always hope....and, we can still try to be happy, as this quote says:

Anne Frank 

Surely, if Anne could inspire it, we should be able to do it. 

until next time 

Sunday, October 8, 2017

It's the Little Things

 A week ago today, my friend, Jim G. came for a short visit.  It had been a long time since his last visit and it turned out to be a lovely day.  Truly.  Now, if ever there was a friend who liked to give multiple "little things," well, it would be Jim.  If you know him, you know he "collects."  For himself, and for his friends.  So as not to fall short I suppose, this visit was no exception...he brought me several things.  Oh, I can't believe I actually said that....because every visit with Mr. G is exceptional for one reason or another!  And, as my post title's the little things in life that seem to count.  Now, I'm fine if friends arrive with no gifts....after my mind, they ARE the gift!  But, Mr. G., well, he did think of me, obviously several times, and I really do appreciate those thoughts.  I'm not going to show you everything he brought in this post.....just a couple of them....I'm sure you will get what I'm talking about!

 So, let's begin with a vintage petticoat.  A deep lace hem with many tucks above it.  Oh, my goodness, what could be prettier? 

 Don't you agree?

 And, this little precious shoe.....I am just nuts over it!!!  Only Mr. G would find a tiny bird perched on a shoe!!!


 It says something on the bottom, but I sure can't read it.

 I do so LOVE it. ❤️


 Maybe you can get a better idea of it's size here.

Thank you, Jim!

One of life's great pleasures is a good friend.  And, when a friend really knows you and likes you anyway...well, that's a blessing.  I found this quote today....I hope you like it as much as I did.

"In the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter and sharing of pleasures. For in the
dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed."
Khalil Gibran 

Bird Nest Cottage
until next time

Saturday, September 30, 2017

There's No Chair Like An Old Chair

 I know I have too many old chairs in the house.  Some of them are way past their prime.  Like this one.  Gosh, I have a chair here from my elementary school (long torn down), and that is pretty old.
They come to me from various places and people and I can't seem to say no to them.  However, Bird Nest Cottage is reaching it's chair maximum.  I could be talked into more....but some would have to go and that is where there is a problem.  I just hate to see them go.  This one is one of my favorites.  When I bought it, I thought I'd try to re-upholster it in a sepia color with lots of lace and trims and such.  Have I?  No.  So, I thought, just for fun, that I would just add a few things here and there and pretend I was getting ready to actually do that little chore.  So, here is the chair....undressed.....

 And, then "Dresssed."  A plain pillow, an embroidered pillow, a crocheted and embroidered panel, and then, a tatted linen doily over top.  Gee, I love it just like that!

 By the way, this chair used to be covered with green upholstery.  Now, it looks like a rather dusty gray green and there were flowers in there too, but hard to see.

 Here it is with a crocheted doily over top.  Even over top of that tatted piece.

 A close up.

 And, here with a table runner over top.  Battenburg lace.  Really pretty.

 Here it is with a different crocheted piece over top.

 And, again, a different one over top. 

 Some kind of feed sack ... well, it says Texas, how could I not?

 A Home Sweet Home embroidery I bought for just a couple of dollars.

 This a pansy crocheted apron I just draped over the back of the chair.  

 This is some lovely embroidery on the center of that panel in the seat of the chair.  

 And, then, an embroidered linen doily over top.  Quite nice.

 The chair has as soft and smooth a finish as there could be...probably worn by the touch of many hands.  I do love it.  But, what will be it's fate?  I don't know, but I'll probably be playing with it for some time to come as I can't seem to decide just how I will finish it   You can bet you will see whatever it is though. And, it will be white or off-white for sure.

Bird Nest Cottage
until next time,