Sunday, March 31, 2019

Where Flowers Bloom

Kathy sent me this quote over the weekend.  Such a nice one.  Having grown up in Texas, and being of a certain age, I had heard it "back in the day."  And, it never hurts to remember it.  I have been fascinated by people making up these little "kits" these days, so had a couple handy.  I thought I could use one to make a pincushion and wouldn't it be nice to use the quote Kathy had sent.  Indeed!  A really good idea.  So, here you are, a place to begin.

These days, I am much better at dreaming up a project than I am actually making it.  I keep telling myself they are here patiently waiting for me to begin and I should take them up on it.  Never give up I say.

That piece of lace in pink and yellow...right there on the right side of the photo...I painted that an age ago.  Not even realizing what I was doing today...I placed a yellow heart pin and a pink pin into that little bundle and didn't realize it until I took the photo.  Just a little visual treat, I would say.  A happy little accident.  Serendipity.  

 Some of the "ingredients" peeking out the side of the little bundle.  Oh, my goodness.....I will never get tired of playing with all this stuff!!!

 "Where flowers bloom so does Hope."
Lady Bird Johnson

Seems to me we are in need of lots of Hope these let's all plant or sew more flowers!

until next time
Bird Nest Cottage

Thursday, March 28, 2019

What I Saw Today, Including a New Crop of Bluetts

 So this is what I saw today (which at this hour of the night was YESTERDAY).  It was a good day at the Junk House....lots of goodies to look at, work to do and lots of laughing.  Good medicine.  
On last week's chair....two colorful items.  With just enough red!  

 And, on top of this cabinet, lots of goodies.  More on that lamp further along in my story.

 I've decided that nearly everything I like seems to have flowers on it.  And, I love pink and red.  Funny, since I remember my first grade teacher telling me you shouldn't use the pink and red crayons together.  Ruined me for life, I think, because I love them together...and shades thereof.

 This tray is pretty! 

This tin is old and worn.  I have resisted buying it so far, but every time I look at it, I have to reconsider.  Well, let's see how long that lasts before I give in.

A few really pretty pieces of needlepoint have been in the store lately.  This is one of them.

Another pretty little lamp, so sweet.  And, a bit of quilting ready to be made into something else.  The Irish Oatmeal can is pretty interesting too.

 Some quilt pieces....(butterflies) and other things.  I have a 'thing' for thread cones like this one.  I came home today with a pink one.

Oh my.  A chamber pot lid.  In poor light, so that warrants another photo (although I like the way it looks here).

So, here it is in different light.  Just beautiful.  I placed it on top of a wonderful book on herbs.
The size of the photos perfect for small embroideries.  BTW, I came home with both.  I don't know what I will do with that lid, but I do have an assortment of sizes of this kind of lid.  I keep thinking I will figure out something creative to do with them....meantime, I like looking at them and wondering what I will do with them!

 Now, here's that lamp I mentioned earlier.  So cute.  And, perfect for Bird Nest on the Ground, don't you think?  I'll show you where it winds up in my house as soon as I figure that out!

 Today my job was to take all the linens out of this cabinet, sort through them, removing some, rearranging others.  I love that job.  This is the after photo. 

 Lots of goodies here. 

And here.

 And, here.

I almost missed this little bird.  In fact, Kathy says it was there in that cabinet last week, so I did miss it then, but I saw it today.  It's 2" x 3" and adorable!!  Yes.  It did come home with me.  Ok, it was $1.00.  How could I leave it there?

This little cardboard church is very sweet.  I like the little boy and girl sitting over there on the side.
Look at her face...I think she likes the little church too!

 Another view.

 Ok.  I'm a pushover for TINY houses painted on this, that, or another, of course, this little vase came home with me too.  Inspiration for an idea with that piece of painted canvas I showed you in the last post.  If I can do it.

This little black item caught my eye.  Turns out it holds one of my very favorite things to be found at the old photograph!  It needs repair, but is still DEAR!

And, here you see the inside!  Isn't she sweet?  Another new relative I can make up stories about.

A beautiful pitcher.  What's not to love?

And, this wonderful old box.  With green graphics to top it off.  Filled with a cute glass lamp, a cool basket and other the little white shelf with just enough room to hold two old, tiny prints.  

Love the little thatched roof cottage.  How could I have left it there???

Lots of crochet and lacy things.  Tatting.  Be still my heart!

 Ok, Ok!  Yes.  I did bring these two tiny vases home.  The second I saw them I thought of one of my favorite flowers of Spring....the Bluetts that grow here, there and yon.  Every Spring since I moved into this house, I go out back to Two Pines Park and look for the current crop of Bluetts.  They come in blue, pink or white here.  I was disappointed to see that the lawn out there had been mowed today while I was gone, so I had to look...but did find just enough Bluetts to make these photos.
Are they not just adorable?  The two little pitchers, very thin glass, made in France. 

Perfect!  I placed two little spools of Silk thread there to give you some kind of idea just how small the little  pitchers are.  What fun! And, the tiny and sweet!

So....what do you think?  Would you have chosen what I did, or did you see something in the photos that interested you more?  What was your favorite?

Thanks for the visit....I'll post again on Sunday, if not before. 

until next time
Bird Nest Cottage 

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Just a Few Things I Thought Interesting Today

Today I was looking around the house for something to post.....I had an idea earlier in the week for today's post....but where did that idea go?  A mystery to me.  So, I poked around and chose these items to mention to you...perhaps you will find them of interest.

This first one is a beautiful print given to me several years ago by Mr. G.  Isn't she beautiful?  I really need to get her framed.  Seems Mr. G. has all kinds of ideas about things I happen to love collecting.

 This is a beautiful photo...a card sent to me by one of you, (Sandra in Alabama), also several years ago.  It is dear.  I feel like I'd love walking right into that house and garden.  And, more French Knots.
I can almost smell the flowers!

 Now, okay....this might puzzle you.  It is actually a scrap from a larger piece of painted canvas.  You know I do have a "thing" for that stuff, don't you?  It's about four inches square.  Why am I showing you this?'s probably going to be made into something.  What, you ask?  I'm not sure, but thought if I showed it to you it bring an idea to mind and I could make it, then show THAT to you.
Myself...well, I think it's beautiful just like it is, but I must confess....just thinking what I could do with it entertains me.

Why this photo?  For no other reason than I wanted you to see this beautiful flower.  It is, of course, a Daffodil.  Air dried right there on that little chest.   FROM LAST SPRING!  And, it has dried paper thin and the color is still pretty. 
 I now have some daffodils drying from this Spring.  

 Lastly....this is one of my favorite spots in the house.  Truly.  I don't think I know anyone else using a medicine cabinet to house vintage threads.  LOVE IT!  Actually, there are two of these cabinets in my bathroom.  One much larger, which I use, and this one over the second sink...which is not used at all.
Weird, I know.  But, isn't it pretty? odd selection of photos, I suppose.  Hopefully, you found them interesting and if nothing else, you can appreciate the uniqueness of these items.  As you already know, there is no telling what I might post here at any given time.  Thanks for taking the time to look!

until next time
Bird Nest Cottage

Thursday, March 21, 2019

What I Saw Today

After a couple of weeks absence, I again visited one of my favorite places today...The Junk House Flea Market in Beebe.  It always amazes me how much a place can change in just a couple of weeks.
I vowed to show you photos of my visits there...seeing the things that catch my eye...and sharing with you the things I choose to bring home.  Today was a good day for visiting, both vendors and visitors.

The first things that caught my eye this morning was these two items.  We think they are terrariums, but aren't really sure.  You can't tell there is glass in the larger one, but there is.  Wonderful things they are too...The smaller one came home with me...I immediately knew what I would do with it and you might see that this Sunday when I post again.

Here's a nice chair.  Chairs are popular here, so I doubt it lasts long.  The sign...well, it came home with me also.  My son calls my house and garage a "store" so I'm hanging this in my garage.  People make fun of my garage and since I've been reorganizing it for the past few weeks...I thought the sign suitable.  I've decided to keep my car outdoors, preferring to add to the work space in the garage.  It will be an experiment.

When I was a teenager, I believe I painted a couple of "paint by number" things.  I believe they really are collectible these days, so this one may not be here long.  I've no idea where my own examples wound up, but I know I don't have them.  Funny the things you can be prompted to remember when shopping in a flea market!

I was tempted to bring home the "cottage" sign, but didn't.  I know someone else really needs it!

There are always lots of linens and things in the store!

I thought these chickens were the most colorful, happiest looking chickens you could see and the embroidery is very nice too.  


Well, this picture called my name right away!  Click to see it larger....GORGEOUS!
All those flowers, or as I see them....all those French Knots!!!  
Yes, of course, I did bring this one home.

There is a tiny house on the horizon in this painting.  I was tempted.  But, no....I know someone else will want this one.  Click on it too.  There are tiny flowers scattered under the tree.  Reminds me of one of my favorite quotes from Katie Daisy...."My soul is made of meadow flowers."  Yes, indeed!

Oh, my goodness!  Another one calling my name.  You do know that something has to be taken down so I can put these lovely choices up....Yes, this one came home with me also.  

I loved this old cabinet!  Someone will get this, for sure.  No room in my cottage for it, but I know someone will claim it soon.  The little corner shelf on top was sold right after I took this photo.

And, this needlepoint pillow was enticing also.

Another view of the chair...this time with a cross-stitch piece sitting there.  Color coordinated, of course!

And, a little English village teapot, sugar and creamer.  In pink.  So cute.

 Lots of things to see in this cabinet.  As I always never know what you will find at the Junk House.
 It was a fun day!! 

Until next time
Bird Nest Cottage