Friday, May 17, 2019

Can I Let Things Go?

Someone asked me how I could sell some of my pretty things at the flea market.  How could I let it go? And, the simple answer is this: 
 I don't know. 
Lately I have mulled that question over and over in my head.
You may have read that I have loved 'old things' since I was a small child.  It's true. 
So, I have saved (some may say hoarded) things since way back when.  
I have also given lots of things away and never looked back and wondered why.
It defies explanation really.
So, here I'm going to show you just how confusing this question is to me.
While I have given many things away that I made with my own two hands (and gladly, I might add)
some things I have gathered, well, I can't seem to let them go.
Why is that?

 Take, for instance....this broken candy dish. 
 I bought it at the flea market several years ago and as I was bringing it into my house, I dropped the bag on the driveway. 
 As you can is broken.  I was I thought those little birds were just the sweetest things! 
So I saved them.

While packing to move into this house...Bird Nest Cottage....I carefully took three of my favorite items and packed them so well I was sure nothing would happen to them.
As I do not do every thing perfectly well....
 when I unpacked that particular box, lo and behold!  All three items were broken.
It made me sick really.
So, what were they?
Well, a china doll, the kind you make a pincushion out of with ribbons, lace, etc.
You see it here.  I saved the pieces.


The tiniest little bowl from England.  
So dear. 
And, now in pieces. 

Here is the bottom of the bowl.

And, my favorite....a pie plate.
The prettiest pie plate I thought I had ever seen.
Still do.

 It's a crying shame.
Don't you think? 

So, what does one do with these things?
(And they are just things.)
I expect most "normal folks" would just throw them away.
But, me...well, we know I'm not normal.
I saved them all.
One day I came across a McCoy planter in my stash of flea market finds.
"Wow", I thought.
Why don't I arrange all these beautiful pieces of china in this planter.  That way,
I can still enjoy looking at them from time to time.  And,
they can still be appreciated.

  Because, evidently....I can't let things go.


Just how pretty do you think this lady is?  Far too beautiful for me
to throw her away.
 Even the bottom of that little bowl and the birds are
much too delightful to be cast away in the garbage.

One of my friends calls this planter full of assorted broken china 
"my beautiful art piece."
I enjoy hearing that.

So, one day, it will all go somewhere, along with everything else in this house.
Even now, some of it will find it's way to the flea market or friend's houses,  or any number of places.
And that's ok with me.
Until it does, however, well.... 
it will continue to bring me great pleasure and evidently entertain those who come here.
Can I let things go?
Everything in it's time, I say.

until next time


Monday, May 13, 2019

In My Own Little World

 So, I suppose you could say I have stepped out on a limb.  Something I'm not very good at doing.  I'm not a highly aggressive person, and with only the tiniest tiniest slice of a sense adventure.  But, I've thought of having my own little shop within a store at my friends Kathy and Morgan's flea market for a while now.  I brought it up with Kathy about three weeks ago.  She was very encouraging...just the way she is!  And, the decision was made.

As there wasn't much space available...and I really didn't want to have a large space anyway, well, the space you see here was my choice.  And, like Goldilocks said....this one was "just right."  

I think this will be fun...but also work...a combo I actually like.  I'll have to be clever and maybe even a bit innovative to keep it stocked...but, oh my....there's probably enough in my house to supply me with merchandise for a good while.

I selected this little phrase to sum up how I feel about this new situation:

"I live in my own little world, but, it's ok.  They know me here." 

Yes, this will be my new "own little world."

And, it will exist inside The Junk House, a place I really enjoy and go to for friendship and 'therapy.'

 I really had no idea what I was doing.  I just selected some things from my little Bird Nest Cottage and tried to display them like I would in my home.  
More or less.

 So, the photos will tell you the their own way...

 A closer look.

 This area looked pretty colorful....something I am not....but I did like it.

And, there it is!
I came across this quote.  A very timely one considering my age: 

"You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream."
 C.S. Lewis

Only time will tell if this was a wise decision.  I'm doing it for my health, really.  I felt I needed to also be more disciplined.  I can waste a whole day at a time and it will feel like five minutes if I'm not  careful.  I'm a list maker, so some goal setting is good.  And, of course, there is that friendship thing too.  It's always fun to be there!  We will see how it goes.  I'm excited about it.

until next time
Bird Nest Cottage

Thursday, May 9, 2019

A New Old Rug of Roses

"I'd rather have roses on my table than diamonds on my neck."
Emma Goldman

Oh, yes.  I would.

 It's also evident - I'd rather have them on my floor too.  This is my latest treasure from the flea market.  It came home with me yesterday.  I wasn't sure it would "go" in this, my living room, but I jumped for joy when I unrolled it on the floor.  Love, love, love!!! 

 Thank you Kathy and Morgan.

until next time
Bird Nest Cottage

Monday, May 6, 2019

Seven Things

I got lost on the color pink today.  It's funny to me how one thing can catch your interest on any old day and you just have to go with the flow.  So, today it was pink.   So, I chose a few things to show on this post. 

 I loved these pink Satin Stitch flowers the very instant I saw this little embroidered dog.  It's a door stop.  It holds the door open in the room I call  "Deb's room."  That's my sister.  It's a TINY room, but it's hers when she visits.  The other tiny bedroom is called "Scott's room."  That's my son.  Neither of them are here often, but when they do get to visit...well, they certainly have their own rooms.  And, at Debbie's door, this dog keeps watch.   (Scott has a cast iron English cottage at his door and I have a cast iron pink rose.  Oh...why didn't I take a photo of that one...PINK!! Well, another time...)

 A ball of crochet thread....decorated.  A pincushion of sorts.  I've shown it to you before...but I still like the thing a whole lot, so in my mind, it never hurts to show something again.

 This one too.  You've seen it.  And, like the dog, I did not stitch it.  They both came from the flea market...but not at the same time.  I really like this cross-stitched square pincushion.  I like that it stands up really well too.

 This is a covered button.  It's a large one.  I stitched it long ago for a class I taught on French it is stitched totally in that stitch.  Such fun to do.  I think it looks kind of like a hooked rug.  I found out not everyone wants to make French Knots.  Well, I'm quirky, so I enjoy them.

 I embroidered a narrow piece of fabric to fit around this wooden spool specifically to make a nest for this hummingbird.  It is a glass "hummer" and belonged to my friend, Sharon H.  After she passed away, I brought the broken bird home and did the stitching.  She was my dear friend and I miss her and I smile every time I look at this bird.

 In this photo, you can see the back of the button and the inside of a little porcelain "box."  Hand-painted by "Nancy."   So cute.

 It's about an inch and a quarter across.  Sweet.

 (I just liked this photo!)

A little closer view.

 And....more of a look at this little has been well loved over time...about half of the size of a crib quilt.  Just about worn out....but I loved it the minute I saw it.  I want to embroider flowers and words on pieces of this and other worn out quilts....harder for me to tackle these days....but I'm hoping to surprise myself and actually do it!!!

"painting and ornament, 
things which are known to all,
forever cherished" 

 And, yes.  I did take some words and phrases from old book pages to make a "quote" for this post.  Love doing that!  Maybe it should be embroidered on a bit of this vintage quilt. 
You think?
(And, next time I use book pages, I'm not going to talk about will just know.)

until next time

Thursday, May 2, 2019

"New" Old Photographs

 For many years, I have collected old photographs.  I don't know why I am drawn to them, but I think it has something to do with THIS photograph.  I do not know what year this photograph was taken.  I never saw it until 2004.  This is my Dad's mother and one of his sisters.  My Grandmother's name was Margaret Williams, my Aunt was Marquerite.  His mom died during the influenza epidemic in Philadelphia in 1918.  She had eleven children and several of them (including my Dad) spent several years in a Catholic orphanage there.  He was nine years old when she died.  He lived in the orphanage from age nine until he lied about his age and joined the army.  He was assisted in that effort by my Aunt Marquerite, who signed the papers saying he was a year older than he really was.  My Dad retired from the army in 1954.   I have always wondered about her.  And, I know nothing about his Dad.  I suppose that is why I have always loved vintage photographs... 

 So, a couple of weeks ago, I ran across two old albums in the flea of my Wednesday finds.  They are shown here in this photo.  One was a thinner album, held together by this piece of a book spine.  There are three loose photos, there on the left.  And the Album in the front held lots of portraits of men and women....I wonder who they were?  I always wonder who they were, what they did, where and how they lived.  This album also held a secret.  While I was looking at all the photos, one of the pages felt funny...I looked behind one of the photos and there were three tintypes in there.  Oh, My.  

 This photo was on the front of the thinner album.  I will never understand how they got that many kids all dressed up in white and ready at the same time, but there they are....pretty as a picture!

 These three are the loose the kids in these types of photos....

 Also in that album were several photographs of scenery...wonder where that is?

 And a few houses.

 Rivers and one of my favorite things...TREES!

 This is the heavier album...more photographs in it....

 I have always wondered what the people in these photographs are thinking as their picture is being taken.

 Guys and girls. 
All beautiful in their own way.

 What do you suppose she was thinking?

 Or these two?

 Here are the three tintypes I discovered.  I wonder why they were hidden behind other photographs?
Love that little kid there!
Yes, I always want to know what I will never know about them.  And, I think I want to know because I know so little about my Grandmother.
By the way.....
these albums were only $4.95 each.
Yes, a pittance for such wonderful new relatives!!!

until next time
Bird Nest Cottage