Thursday, July 4, 2019

HAPPY 4th OF JULY, 2019 🇺🇸

On this beautiful day,
I wish you all
Very Happy Independence Day
July 4, 2019 


until next time
Bird Nest Cottage


Monday, July 1, 2019

"BLENDED EMBROIDERY," an heirloom book by Brian Haggard

I am very pleased to show you the latest book by my very dear friend,
 Brian Haggard

 is a wonderful addition to his list of heirloom embroidery books and, as always, owning each of them is blessing as far as I'm concerned. 
 I call his books "heirloom" embroidery as I consider them books to hand down and preserve.  Also, his actual stitched quilts and other objects themselves are heirlooms. 
 Yours will be too if you learn the lessons he is so beautifully presenting in these books.

C & T Publishing

C & T Publishing

Stories Told Through Embroidery
 QUILTmania Editions

 C & T Publishing

This book is packed full of wonderful ideas, as the cover says:
Combining Old and New Textiles, Ephemera & Embroidery.
Oh my, is it ever!
I'm recommending you buy the book, sit down with a nice hot cup of tea, and prepare to be amazed.  (Actually, I consider it a religious experience!)
Afterwards, go take a look at all those old pieces you have and imagine them glorified in new ways.
Not only is the book beautiful to look will inspire you to use what you love to do to enhance many things you already own.

Here is my autographed copy.
So very special to me.

 Just take a look at this photo...
well, all the photos are absolutely gorgeous and taken in his home.
 He is a designer, after all, and you see that on every single page.

It didn't escape my notice that he has displayed the pincushion I made him "under glass."
 See it there on the upper right.   

 Actually,  that pincushion is living a much nicer life than I would ever have imagined. ❤️


 On this page, Brian talks about visiting my home.  
I was able to see him do a bit of work on this piece.
It was a wonderful experience!
And, I was happy to share that vintage quilt with him.
One of those times when you just want to say
 "O, Happy Day!!!"


  Best of friends, indeed!


 Two of the gorgeous pages in the will enjoy them all, I do believe.

 One of my favorite projects in the book is these pincushions/sachets he has created.  
Absolutely adorable.
 I like that he fills a bowl with them for certain guests who visit.  
 Lucky visitors!
(Who does that these days?)
 It's a wonderful idea....a great one when you want to share a 'little something special."

 I'm thinking it might be a good way to share with those who might visit a certain blog 
on a certain birthday.

 (Thanks for the idea, Brian!)

And, I just picked a random page to show you from the book.
So beautiful!!!

If you love embroidery, you will love the book.

You can get in touch with Brian 

until next time
Bird Nest Cottage 