Thursday, December 31, 2020

Auld Lang Syne with Buttons and Birds

 We've been through a year, haven't we?

In some ways, it has been very long and in others, it just flew by.
All I'm going to say about it is this....
I'm not fond of having my life fly by.
I'm not that anxious to get to the end of it.
But, this year....2020, the one we have been tested just can't be over fast enough for me. 

So, tonight I tried to make a little vignette.
A little something that some might think pretty.

                       Just to take us out of this year with the hope of a much better next year.


I'm beginning to hear the strains of 
Auld Lang Syne...
and I'm wishing you a much better

 Wherever You Are Have a Warm and Happy Heart
Bird Nest Cottage


Friday, December 25, 2020

My Twig Christmas Tree

During a year when nothing seems to make sense, when stress never seems to let up, when fear is rampant, and insanity clearly right there in front of's now Christmas.  And, even that doesn't seem like any other one we have celebrated.  For instance, my children, my friends, and others have not been in my house most of this year....I live alone and that has had a more complete meaning this year.
ALONE.  So, having said all that....I decided that I would not put up a tree, or decorate in any other way.   

I've never been a big Christmas this idea didn't alarm me or made sense.
But, I did have a big container of twigs in the house.  I do gather them from the yard and have used them in bunches around the house, on the porch....and then there is that 'tree' by the fireplace, which has been in the house now for years.  I love those twigs/small branches. While thinking about having them always in the house, I decided that maybe it would be fun to at least decorate them for Christmas.
So I did.

 I had purchased some small glass ornaments from the flea and decided to use those, plus some birds I had also picked up there.  A couple ornaments my sister made for me and a beaded snowflake, a small bird in a nest, etc.  These are TALL twigs, and way over my head, so while trying to set up the flower bucket by partially filling it up with rocks, the whole thing slipped out of my hands, fell on my foot and broke some of the glass ornaments.  Everything went everywhere. And, my foot, although it doesn't really hurt, is black and very blue! So much for my bright ideas!  Anyway, I managed to clean it all up and redo it.....I did have to trim a bit off several of the twigs....but did manage to get it done.  While I had broken several of the glass ornaments, I replaced those with others.  While it could use a few more, I did decide I had done enough.


Tuesday, December 1, 2020

For A Little Bit of Inspiration

In my last post I talked about inspiration.  Specifically, that provided by studying another artist's work. That is one way of getting inspired.  Actually, you can find it anywhere if you really want to.  One way I find inspiration is to look at china patterns, both vintage and new.  They can certainly provide subject matter, designs, and color choices too.

In this instance, I have chosen a few pieces to inspire me in the designing and stitching of little houses. I chose these in particular as the size appealed to me and the simple little houses are just what I like to applique and embroider.  You don't have to make them identically to what you see here....but they can speak to you as your create your patterns.  You can add some of the existing things, such as trees, flowers, birds,fences, etc., or just in the general layout of how you might like your little scene to look.
Also, you can reduce or enlarge.  I'm kind of partial to very small patterns....but you should make yours suit your ability and personal taste.

Adding or subtracting elements so though you were inspired by the pieces, yours look nothing like the thing that inspired you in the first place.  They just gave you a place to start.

Here you can see a drawing I made of the house on that little vase.  But, what you don't see is the back of the vase.

It has a lone tree and if you can make a lone tree too, or you can just add flowers around it for a different kind of scene.  And, there are dozens of ways to make the foliage on the trees for different looks.
I mentioned is the same scene on the sugar bowl....two different sizes, from a different perspective.
Once again....add or subtract elements to suit your own taste.  And, think of how you will stitch the elements too.  For instance, I LOVE using French Knots to do some of the trees...making them into blooming fruit trees.  There is a multitude of methods to make yours different from others.

Just have fun with it.  Make a bunch of drawings, adding or subtracting...remember, it's YOUR work and you should feel free to be inspired by other things, but always putting your own touch on the, notice everything...dishes, other needlework, photos in magazines, be open to visual suggestions...and "play."  It's only paper you are drawing on...not a permanent thing unless you want it to be.

                                          Wherever You Are Have a Warm and Happy Heart

                                                                      Bird Nest Cottage
