Saturday, September 18, 2010

AWOL Part 3, "What Happens at AWOL, Stays at AWOL!"

OK, then. The last of my AWOL posts. Oh, there could plenty We are quite a diverse group with different likes and dislikes. So, life at AWOL can be kind of interesting. Why go if it isn't, is what I say. It's really great fun and quite stimulating. The one thing I always take away with me is a lot of good memories. Those, and inspiration......a great energizer!

In the first photo, which I think was taken on Friday morning, my friends, Sherry, Marilyn and Debbie are getting ready to begin can tell it's early because the tables are fairly neat. As the day goes on, our tables will get messier and messier and all our 'stuff' kind of merges together on it's own. The empty spot is for Mary Lou....she has to drive a long way and was later than the rest of us, but she makes up for the loss of time somehow and always manages to get a lot done. Most of 'my peeps' accomplish a lot more than I do at these events. I'm too busy talking and laughing!

Then, there's Jim. In this photo, he is putting the binding on a quilt. He brought a quilt to work on for his granddaughter....binding this one is taking a 'break' from the other one. And, yes, he's always this relaxed.....I tried to sweet talk him out of some of his orange/green/pink fabrics you can see on this table. It didn't work...usually doesn't, but a girl has to try! He managed to sew through his finger on the sewing machine this day, but lived to tell the tale. He got all the blocks done for his granddaughter's quilt at this event...and the binding job too....

Well, here's a photo for you....all focusing on their work. This isn't the 'quiet' room. This is the room with me, Jim, and others I could name who like to talk and work at the same time. It can get kind of rowdy. I love it! No matter how many times we lose our breath from laughter, or how many questions we answer about how to do this and that....LOTS of work gets done and several quilt tops will be sewn and taken home from this weekend. (Not from me, though. I work too slow! And, I don't care!) Click on some of the photos to see things (including quilts) much closer up. There are some beauties on the wall!!!

Here's a photo of Eddie and some serious quiltmakers in the "Quiet Room." This is the computer room at the 4H Center, but they remove the computers so we can use the space....nice, isn't it? Eddie comes prepared to make several quilt tops during the weekend. And, most of the quiltmakers in this room do the same. They are serious about being able to focus and accomplish something. And, they DO.

Me, well, I can work quietly at home, so my idea of a great weekend is being with my friends who like to work and talk at the same time.......and being at the 4H Center for the weekend is a rejuvenation. I spend so much time alone in my studio that hearing people talk and laugh is a real treat to my ears. And, I love seeing them having a good time too. Fortunately, we have room for the 'quiet' ones AND room for those who enjoy...shall I say...a bit more of an enthusiastic atmosphere. We also can use the Conference Room...which sits between these two larger rooms. It will seat about 8-12, depending on what kind of work they are doing. Nice if you have your own 'group' thing going....or just want to be in there working on your own some of the time.

Now this last photo......this is how things look not too long after we all arrive.....neatness does not count here. And, this is just a portion of it. I haven't even mentioned ironing boards, cutting tables, and SNACKS! There are two tables (one in each room) loaded with snacks! I was told not to mention that....

Can you see the little red Singer Featherweight in this photo? It's kind of like "Where's Waldo?" Well, that's my space. I like sitting here and listening to the conversation going on all around me. I love hearing people laugh. And, talking "quilts". And, other things. Yes, a GREAT time was had by all. Our next AWOL weekend will take place on April 1-3, 2011, at this wonderful place. Maybe you will want to join, remember, what happens at AWOL, STAYS at AWOL!!!! take care, pat

PS. I'm not crazy about how these blog posts turn out sometimes......the placement of the photos and the text somehow often aren't arranged to my satisfaction. And, of course, I love to talk so there's always way too many words!


  1. Gosh, Pat, reading your posts makes me want to go back and do it all again next weekend! Good pictures, too.


  2. Oh now I'm ready to go back! It was so much fun. 194 more days ;0)

  3. Noooo Pat...never" toomuch" talking at all...tits like i am there with you if you are "talking"me thrue like to see the pictures...and from where i am sitting it looks like a lot of fun...can amagine that fabrics are switched and a lot of tips exchanged...and you know that i love your blog..always time to relax for me and with a cup of coffee to read what you have to "say"..always a joy!!
    greetings Francien.

  4. Oh it looked like such great fun. I'm going to put the dates in my phone right now. Love how the tables look. My sewing table looked just like those all weekend. But, boy did I get a lot accomplished. Thanks for a peek at the fun you had.

  5. Looks like ya'll had an awesome time! Wish I could attend with you one time..I absolutely LOVE a good old fashioned quilting bee!!
