Sunday, December 11, 2011

Art, Out and About

Yesterday, a special art showing was held at the Searcy Art Gallery. The gallery is located in a marvelous house build in the 1800's which has become the local city art gallery. Recently freshly painted and glorified, the house is a wonderful place to visit and see some artwork from local artists. There is also a small gift shop there.

This day, four of the artists from Second Saturday Studio had their work featured. The show will hang until sometime in January. Those four girls are the most precious people and I am lucky enough to get to spend time with them at our downtown studio. Of course, as you've read here before, one of them is my own daughter and the other three have become really good friends of mine. I'm so proud of them and their work and thought you might like to see some of the pieces in the show.

Kelly (my daughter) does abstracts. It's really fun to watch her create her colorful paintings. She uses all kinds of techniques to get the paint colors 'just the way she wants them' although at the beginning of each painting even she doesn't know how it will turn out. It's fascinating! Kelly is a realtor in 'real' life, with one grown son.

Micah paints whimsical little 'stories.' At least, that's how I look at it. There always seems to be a friend or family 'story' which has given her an idea and she runs with it. Her colors are delightful and we all 'ooh and ahh' as she works. In her 'real' life, she is a hairdresser and has two teenagers.

Cheri paints using oils, watercolors or acrylics and paints on a variety of different objects...from artist's canvas, to wood, to antique tin ceiling's always a surprise what she will come up with. And, we always enjoy her adventures. Cheri used to work in the advertising world, but right now she is raising her wonderful twelve year old son.

Audra will paint your pet in watercolor. She's very good at it....the animals always look REAL.
She is young, with two small kids and has a job too. I'm always amazed at the portraits she paints.

How these girls do all they do is a mystery to me. They are constantly busy and yet make the time to create. They are inspiring!!!

Hope you enjoy seeing some of their work and remember to check back here later in the week. I'm having a Christmas Giveaway pretty soon! Enjoy your great new week too and stay safe, warm and cozy! pat

PS. YES, there IS a ballerina by the Christmas tree...there was dancing, a one act play, and a book signing as that 'little bit extra' for the opening! A wonderful time was had by all!

1 comment:

  1. What fun! I enjoyed the show. Almost makes me wish to get back to painting ... but then, I have more pictures than places to hang them.
