Sunday, April 28, 2013

One of My Favorite Places

Hope you have all had a beautiful Sunday!  It was really nice here...hopefully, Spring is finally upon us. I spent part of the day outdoors...just doing some weed-pulling and such...much more to do, but did enjoy the afternoon out.  Speaking of beautiful days, I've been meaning to show you this photo taken by my favorite son. He lives in San Francisco.  I often say I've 'left my heart' the song goes.  Not only do I love the of the most beautiful places I've ever been...but the favorite son has lived there for years (while working in Silicon Valley) making it even more special to me.  Scott often goes sailing with friends, one of his favorite activities, so on a recent weekend drive....he took this photo of the Bay, this day with lots of sailboats.  No doubt everyone out there enjoying the sun and the water, the Golden Gate and THAT gorgeous view of the city!!!  He once got me to go on one of those boat tours around the Bay.  It went under the bridge and around Alcatraz...see that little island on the left....I was happy to see the city that way, but absolutely mortified the whole time as I am deathly afraid of being on the water.  Of course, it was my 'favorite' son practically begging me to go I HAD to go.  I got through it ok...and now, I remember it being one of my little 'adventures' in this life.  He has also been sky-diving, but he can forget begging me to do that!  I can see why he enjoys life there so much...the sights, sounds, smells, the VIEW and friends.....and he shares it with me via his photos.  Lucky me!
And, here is a photo of the favorite son....taken by one of his friends (Thank You, friend!).   Too close to the water for me....but he loves it.  I'm thinking YOU might enjoy doing such a if you ever visit....well, LOVE your time in that special place as I did!  And, if you have a son or daughter there, I bet you know exactly how I feel about 'leaving my heart' in San Francisco!  Take care, pat


  1. Ok Pat. I think I would love to see that city. AND I absolutely LOVE the sun and water. I grew up in Michigan City on Lake Michigan and spent every single minute I could at the beach and on the water.

    This is a fab pic of both the bay and your son enjoying a thrill at sea.
    xx, Carol

  2. hi, Pat ... beautiful picstures! I'm very proud of you going out on the boat into the Bay. I'm not thrilled with large bodies of water, either but my Mom is worse - deathly afraid. But, I did get her out on a dinner boat on Lake Michigan a few years ago. It was the Star of Chicago and we had an early dinner on board and cruised toward Wisconsin. They bring you back in such a way that you get to see the entire Chicago skyline at night - and there was a full moon. She did very well and enjoyed it. I think it depends on how safe you feel. I'm that way about heights. I was fine when I went up the Sears Tower but was terrified at the Grand Canyon. hahaha - aren't we humans silly? Have a good week!


  3. Hi Pat-- my goodness that truly is a spectacular photo-- love that bridge.. Love that city-- especially along the waterfront.

    I hope your spring is as lovely as ours-- so happy it's here! Sending you great big hugs--

  4. That must have been fun and exciting! I’m very happy for you guys seeing your family bonding and sharing each other’s company. That’s really really sweet and memorable. Anyway, thanks a million for sharing your moments and hope you could post more of your latest adventures. Take care and have fun!
