Tuesday, August 27, 2013

An Embroidered Surprise

The other day, I heard the doorbell ring.  Rarely happens here, so I wondered who was dropping in.  Turns out it was the mailman with two boxes.  One was from my sister and the other did not have a sender named anywhere on it.  A mystery.  I do so love a mystery!  I will post my sister's package in a few days, but for today, let's talk about the mystery.  You can see it above...but WHO is it from?

 Naturally, I couldn't wait to get the box opened and when I did, I found myself momentarily at a loss as to where this lovely gift came from.  So, I stood there a minute and thought...."now who would do this?" Sometimes my brain just doesn't quite function...why, I don't know....maybe too many things going on for efficiency of the thought process.  Well, that sounds like a pretty good reason, doesn't it?
And, then, it hit me!  Who do I know doing this kind of work?  Oh, YEAH!!!!  This has to be from my new old friend, Brian!!!!  Isn't this embroidery just gorgeous?  YES, it sure is!  This little envelope bag is so wonderful....what was in it...you'll see a few photos down.  LOVELY!

 Also there were these three hearts.  You KNOW how I love hearts....guess Brian does too.  Am I lucky or what?  Brian is known for his crazy quilting...more on that further down this post too.  These hearts are just wonderful.  All the pieces are made from a wonderful felt....and hand stitched, as Brian is known to do, with crochet thread and/or perle cotton.  Spider Web roses abound...beautifully designed and stitched by Brian himself. 

 So, here are the hearts one at a time.  Well, I'll begin with the one on the envelope bag.  So much detail in a small area.....Brian is a stitcher after my own heart, as they say.  Love the various sized French Knots.

And the first individual heart.  So pretty.

 And, now, the second heart.  I like the addition of that curve of French Knots on the upper right...adds such a special touch and detail to this heart.  Again...just beautiful!

And, the third heart....the smallest with the biggest roses...definitely special.

A closer look.....

 Another close look....

 And, now a look at what was in the envelope bag.....a wonderful vintage photo...oh, how I love these!  And, this one has been specially glorified with some of Brian's drawings...the drawing would be beautiful stitched on something special!  Hmmm....just maybe I'll do that!  Then, a lovely beautifully sentimental inscription specially for me.  LOVE IT! (Yeah, I'm just a sucker for sentimentality too!)

And, when I turned it over....GUESS WHO!!!  By then, I already knew, but what a fun thing anyway!!

If you've read my blog over a period of time, you have seen Brian's work here before.  He has two books in publication and you can find them at Brian's blog,  The Creative World of Brian Haggard.
If you wish, they can also be found at amazon.com.

Now, here is the back of both books....and you will love every page!  Brian, will there be book number three?  They are delightful to look at and really showcase his talents.

Now, I have to tell you this....Brian will be teaching here in Arkansas in just a week or two...at Quilt Arkansas!   Also, I just learned by visiting Brian's blog today...he will be hosting and teaching at The International Quilt Festival of Ireland, June 3-12, 2014.  A ten day trip and wonderful opportunity to meet and learn from Brian and also feast your eyes on the beautiful sights of Ireland! You might want to go along on this trip...check it out at his blog and make your plans NOW. 

So...a lovely surprise for me....and great news for you who may want to travel to Ireland along with Brian!! 

Thank you, my dear new old friend...for sharing you beautiful work with me...I'm so happy to now own something from your heart and hands! Well, including your beautiful books, of course!!  And, for you readers out there...as always, take care.  pat


  1. Pat
    How Kind, you are a sweetie. I am grateful to the universe for sending a kind lady such as you into my life. Its why we are all in this place we call life to hold each other up, and raise us all to a higher level. Your friend in Indianapolis IN Brian Haggard The Crazy Haberdasher

  2. Holy crap! The mobile interface for leaving comments here is WHACK! Or possibly, just possibly, I'm an idiot. This is my sixth time to try leaving a comment. Here goes nuthin:

    I thought those hearts looked awfully "Brian Haggard-y!" Very pretty!

    Love seeing your new blog posts - I'm considering adopting your embroidery floss storage method. It's slightly more organized than the one I use now. Currently all the floss is wadded up in a big bag or two. Or four.

    Will you be at Quilt AR this year? You know, we should make plans now to go to Ireland next summer. We can make Jim come with us to carry our bags & be the designated driver. ;-) Ireland would never be the same.

    Hope to see you at Ferndale!

  3. How wonderful to get surprises in the mail! So very nice of your friend. (A talented little bugger, isn't he? :-D) Have a good week, Pat.

  4. What beautiful colours and the most gorgeous embroidery. I too love hearts. An absolutley beautiful gift.

  5. Wow, what a talented artist - work is amazing. I am so happy for you.

  6. Brians work is amazing! I have both of his books and count them as 2 of my most favorite ones to be inspired by.

  7. Hi Pat,
    Thank you for your kind comment on my blog ,today.. Yes dear Dawn is a wonderful friend of mine,-
    Your gift shown here is absolutely so adorable,- what beautiful embroidered hearts!!
    I will return to see more- on your wonderful blog!!
    Greetings from Dorthe

  8. His work is so beautiful! When I grow up - someday - I hope I can do that too.

    Blessings - Letitia
