Monday, November 4, 2013

A Busy Month

I really should apologize for being absent for so long....feels like I've been away a very long time. Posting on my blog has taken a back seat the last month or so as my sister-in-law and I have spent the last while setting up my father-in-law in assisted living.  He is 93.  After doing that, we spent the next weeks cleaning out his house....packing, moving, etc.  My garage is now full of things we are hoping the rest of the family will partake of...probably around Thanksgiving.  Some have been to pick up a few things, including my sister-in-law and me.  Too big to be in his new apartment and with no one seeming to want this cabinet - it came home with me.  (Thanks to two very strong and tall grandson Ty, and his friend, Cody.)   It actually is two pieces of furniture....the tall cabinet on top of a long low cabinet.  Well, they aren't gorgeous and I probably should paint them...but as you can see, I couldn't wait to load it with all my fabric, so who really knows now if it will ever be painted.  I'm proud to have it though.


You may remember my studio 'tour' just a couple of months ago....if so, then you know my sewing machine table was here where the cabinet is...with lots of button cards on the wall,etc.  And, there was a white iron bed where I have now moved that sewing table.  (The bed is back in the house.  I've been sleeping on it lately and, boy, did I forget how comfortable that bed is!  I'm enjoying it!)  So, now, the studio looks different.....and I've rearranged the shelves the fabric was on.  Perhaps I'll show you what I've done with those in the next post...and hopefully, it won't be long before I post again.

I'm tired...but still a way to go before we are through at the house....sad to see an end to all the good times we had there....but awfully happy Gramps is liking his new place and with his own furniture and mementos around him.  You know, some things you do for love and this was one of them.  Y'all take care out there...see you soon!  pat


  1. O gosh, what a lot of work. You need a breather.

    DOn't you just hate revamping your space. As the kids have moved in and out and back again it seems like I am always moving things around. I put my foot down and now that Corey is back that's it. If my other grandson ever needs to be here, I have a room for him but that 's it.

    I love that hutch. I sure would have found a place for it too! Glad your FIL is settled in.
    xx, Carol

  2. Just glad you and yours are okay. I think the hutch is beautiful as it is without paint. In my opinion, and don't mean to hurt anyone feelings, people have gone paint crazy and are covering up beautiful wood. :( Take care and it is good to have you back online. Glad you were able to accomplish so much with your dear
    FIL's move, though I know it was a lot of work.

  3. So sweet of you to help your father-in-law get settled. I know that it is quite a job to get a whole house emptied.

    I love the cabinet in your nest! I wouldn't paint it. I love it as is.


  4. It is hard starting a new chapter in life. I bet your father-in-law will be playing dominoes and cards with new friends in no time. And you have such a talent for writing, you need to record all of those wonderful memories from the old home place.

    The cabinet looks great as is in your studio. It didn't take you long to fill it up. Winter is coming along with lots of new ideas for keeping busy. Have fun and take care.
