Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Old Navy Man

Richard Eaton
(The Old Navy Man) 
August 4, 1941 - November 29, 2013

After a long illness, Richard passed peacefully in our home on Friday morning.  As you all know, he was my hero for now and always.  Our children were all here and we are currently bent, but not broken....we have a lifetime of lovely memories.

I will be taking the month of December to rest and remember,  then look forward to 2014.  Please join me in January with hopes for a better and a happier New Year.  Thank you so much for 'being there' with  me since beginning this blog in 2008.

I just had to post this photo - one fine day, he came into the Nest with this little backyard bouquet and I snapped this photo of his precious hands...and this is the second one, after his Navy photo, that I knew I would post today.  This photo explains everything I would try to describe best about him and I think you 'get' it. Til January....big hugs, pat

Monday, November 11, 2013

A Nice Day to Sit on the Porch

This was a really nice day to sit on the porch and appreciate what we have.  Saying thank you to all our veteran's doesn't seem quite adequate....but it's ONE thing we can,  for all of you veteran's out there...a huge THANK YOU!  I couldn't enjoy my life on this porch if YOU hadn't taken care of us in 'sunshine and in shadow.'  Much gratitude and love to you all (including my own hero, the old navy man!)

Sitting on the front porch this afternoon was a beautiful  experience...somewhat quiet, an almost  'whisper' of a breeze, a lot of sun and birds singing.  Quite lovely and I'm so lucky to have this porch to spend some good time on.

Sitting in my chair, I snapped this photo....that's the Catholic Church parking lot across the street....I love those trees way at the back.  I've seen deer and other wild animals over there from time to time and standing back in those trees brings a feeling of peace over you.....very quiet.

They are building something on the other side of the church and I think that is lumber or some such sitting back there.  I need to begin walking back there again...but haven't made myself do it for quite a while.  Sometimes I lose my determination...especially when it comes to exercise.


This is another view of the church property...this old house they use for children's events and such, I'm told.  The church building is over to the right of this little house.  The tree in this photo is the same one I was so upset over a year or so got struck by lightening and wind...and truly, it is still alive, but only half a tree...I still love it though.


We always put out a flag on the appropriate holidays and celebrations....and this flag is the Navy flag for the old navy man.  A gift from the grandson.

My porch from the South end.....


And, the porch from the North end.   (I'm told by some it's too 'junky.'  Fortunately, I don't worry much about the opinions of others, I just enjoy what I have, and, sometimes there is less 'stuff' on it, sometimes more!)

It's comfy.


I really do LOVE this kid's chair!

And, this old screen door, a gift from my favorite son-in-law.


And, my wishes for your "Happy Fall."


Dried hydrangeas, from what year, I do not remember. I just save them until they fall apart!

I wanted to go inside the house for just a minute, where I have my small collection of bird feathers, chosen from those fallen in my own backyard this year.  And, some Fall leaves, chosen from the front yard, just the other day.

 The leaves and other outdoor things....real bird nests, feathers and such.  Love that old wooden 'bird' box!!

               The little glitter bird and nest sent to me by my favorite and very sweet sister!!!

Some of those collected bird feathers.  I love walking around the back yard on the hunt for them....and I'm rarely disappointed...although winter is coming, so few will be found right now.


Well, one more bear photo......why, I don't know.  I'm thinking I should make more of these....someday.


 That 'bird box.'  Just had to bring it home from the flea market one fine day. 

And, now I am at the end of the photos....this one taken earlier today......part of the backyard.  As you can see, we no longer mow all two acres of our little plot here.  Well, we never did mow all of it, to tell the truth.  We did have a very nice older gentleman come and bush hog our 'back acre.'  He didn't charge us a penny, but did manage to squeeze a few bales of hay from it.  Now, he is not in good health and not having anyone else to do it....we have been letting it go...back to nature, I like to think.  The grandson has been mowing the front acre, thanks goodness....after work, when he can.    So, another day is nearly gone...a beauty it was.  I'm thankful for the Fall weather, thankful to live here in the USA, and very thankful to be able to enjoy it with YOU.  pat

Monday, November 4, 2013

A Busy Month

I really should apologize for being absent for so long....feels like I've been away a very long time. Posting on my blog has taken a back seat the last month or so as my sister-in-law and I have spent the last while setting up my father-in-law in assisted living.  He is 93.  After doing that, we spent the next weeks cleaning out his house....packing, moving, etc.  My garage is now full of things we are hoping the rest of the family will partake of...probably around Thanksgiving.  Some have been to pick up a few things, including my sister-in-law and me.  Too big to be in his new apartment and with no one seeming to want this cabinet - it came home with me.  (Thanks to two very strong and tall grandson Ty, and his friend, Cody.)   It actually is two pieces of furniture....the tall cabinet on top of a long low cabinet.  Well, they aren't gorgeous and I probably should paint them...but as you can see, I couldn't wait to load it with all my fabric, so who really knows now if it will ever be painted.  I'm proud to have it though.


You may remember my studio 'tour' just a couple of months ago....if so, then you know my sewing machine table was here where the cabinet is...with lots of button cards on the wall,etc.  And, there was a white iron bed where I have now moved that sewing table.  (The bed is back in the house.  I've been sleeping on it lately and, boy, did I forget how comfortable that bed is!  I'm enjoying it!)  So, now, the studio looks different.....and I've rearranged the shelves the fabric was on.  Perhaps I'll show you what I've done with those in the next post...and hopefully, it won't be long before I post again.

I'm tired...but still a way to go before we are through at the house....sad to see an end to all the good times we had there....but awfully happy Gramps is liking his new place and with his own furniture and mementos around him.  You know, some things you do for love and this was one of them.  Y'all take care out there...see you soon!  pat

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Vicki's "Pink Scarf Project"

A year ago, my friend, Vicki, asked those who read her blog to participate in her "Pink Scarf Project."  The scarves collected would be given to women fighting breast cancer, hopefully to warm their bodies, as well as their souls and letting them know they were being thought of by other women around the country.   October 1, 2013 was the deadline, but Vicki has had so many participate and more asking to extend the deadline a bit so they could get their scarf in, that it was extended and soon a final count will be given and scarves will be given out.  It's been a wonderful project and I know Vicki is so proud of the response.   And, I know those knitting and crocheting out there in blogland and proudly sending in their donations are excited to see the results also.  Every stitch we made was a big hug for someone!

If you'd like to read about this project, please go visit Vicki's blog....2bagsfull, right HERE.  You will enjoy not only seeing all the scarves and reading more about the project, but also reading all about Vicki's hand knitted BIRD NESTS she makes for charity.  They are made with great love and dedication and quite beautiful!!  And, if you'd like to purchase one, thereby also helping her chosen charity, you can order one of her beautifully knitted NESTS and enjoy it for years to come.  You will also want to read about her Sacred Knitting Room, her travel photos (she takes wonderful photographs!) and I might suggest also checking out the work of the  "Gardener", Vicki's wonderful husband, who has made their home and property a Paradise.  At least that is what I call it!  So...go there, visit, and she will end up being your friend also. 

Vicki has taken wonderful photos of all the scarf donations.  You can see them all.  The above photographs (sent to me by Vicki) are of scarves I knitted and/or crocheted.  I tend to be slow, so even though I began them early in the year, they were just delivered to her in September.  And, they are simple ones too, but made from my heart and hands.  I hope they each warm someone for a long time to come.  BIG HUGS to those who receive one of them!

I thought you might want to see one of Vicki's NESTS.  This one is mine....and I love it!  Each NEST has hundreds of different yarns, ribbons, beads, and other embellishments, each also hand knitted by Vicki herself.  


Here's a close up photo to give you an idea.  My photos aren't nearly as good as Vicki's, but you can get the idea of just how beautiful these Nests are.

Yes, I am lucky, indeed, to know Vicki, via her blog,  and I was very happy not only to participate in her Pink Scarf Project, but to be the owner of one of her gives me great joy each time I look at it.  She is truly one special person, kind and generous, warm and loving, and a very hard worker too, as she is a nurse in her 'other life.'   THANK YOU, VICKI, for all you do.  Now, y'all go visit 2bagsfull, right HERE.  You, too, will be happy you did!  And, now that Fall is here....many beautiful Fall days to you!  Take care, pat

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Another Generous Act

Yesterday, as I was giving some thought as to what to post mail was delivered and lo, another package arrived.  It was such a pleasant surprise that my mind was made up instantly....the contents of the package would be my next post. 

It was a beautiful surprise, containing something I really appreciate....monogrammed linens...and with a "P" too!  There is a small tablecloth, about three feet square, with the "P" embroidered just below center, and with a lovely woven floral background around the edge.  This letter is three inches tall.  I've shown monograms here before...don't you just adore them too! 

And then, there are six linen napkins with a small, perfectly embroidered letter "P."  The letter is one inch tall.  Gorgeous! 

The hem on the tablecloth has a beautiful weave in it....I think you can get the idea from this photo.

Why, even the ribbon used to tie the package is wonderful too and there is enough of it to do something FUN with and in my favorite colors....well, I can add a bit more will be fabulous! I love the soft pink of the background and that little touch of soft red.

And, then, there was the card.  THAT card!  This wonderful gift was sent by my dear long time friend, Marty.  She used to live in Little Rock, but now lives in Springdale.  I rarely see her any more, but that doesn't mean I'm happy about it....if I had been at our guild's retreat..."Quilt Arkansas 2013," I would have been able to visit with her.  So, she, dear person that she is, sent me this gift to say she missed me.  How very thoughtful is that?  I appreciate the gift so much, and am pleased that she even gave me a thought...there is so much fun going on there, how could one think of ME.   And, not only did she think of me so sweetly....she sent THIS card!  I had to look at it a couple of times and read the back before I actually remembered this quilt...and then, I realized she had saved that card for a long time and sent it to me....probably intending to remind me of some things we worked on together in the past...well, you can see the date further down in the photos.  1998, that was a pretty long time ago.  So, I got to walk down 'memory lane' thanks to Marty.  How cool is that?

This Log Cabin quilt was one our guild members contributed blocks for...Marty was one of the "block piecers', our friend, Deon, coordinated the fabrics and the efforts to get it done and I hand-quilted it.
Funny, until the card reminded me, I had forgotten....and now, I remember and it seems like yesterday.

We sold these cards for a while and I guess I gave away all now I have one thanks to Marty!

Here is the tablecloth letter...sorry I didn't iron it first, but hurried out into the backyard to snap these photos before the light went away....

This photo is of the floral design in the fabric, damask, I think.........barely visible....but gorgeous just the same.   This design is right above about a two inch hem shown in one of the above photos and it's about five inches wide....

And, I've included here a photo of the new magazine "Victoria Classics MONOGRAMS."  If you love monograms, as I do, then this magazine is a  "must have."  Everything in it is just wonderful!  Makes me want to stitch a monogram right away!

And, just for is a photo I made of her special pincushion.  I was asked to make it for her by a mutual friend...another lovely person!....and it was one of the most fun things I've ever made.  I just love the colors and the different elements. 


I also loved that big floral print.....

 And, the beaded edging.  Marty is such a fun was great to be able to make something 'just for her.'  And, now she has just "made my day" with the lovely package of monograms.  I am grateful for her generosity and thoughtfulness.  THANK YOU, MARTY!!!!  I hope to see you in the not so very distant future.   Hope you all are well.......see you soon.  BIG HUGS, pat

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


It's always nice to hear from friends and family....and it is amazing to me that these days, some of my friends and family have so much kindness and generosity directed my way as to "make my day" on exactly the day I needed a kind word or deed.  What you see here is that kindness and generosity made visible....some gifts from those I love and who evidently love me too.  I am grateful for having them in my life.

My dear sister, Debbie (as I like to 'favorite sister') sent a box of goodies....she is so much more thoughtful than her older  She knows I am crazy about the birds, so these delightful things came my way...a hanging jar with a lovely bird, holding a candle...nice to hang on the porch, or any place I fancy.  A bird nest nice and don't we all love that color!  More from her box further down this post.

 My dear brother-in-law, Don, who lives in Alabama, painted a lovely watercolor of a bird's nest and sent it via his daughter when she came to visit.  When I find the proper frame, it will make a glorious addition to my bird nest collection.  Wasn't it nice of him to think of me?  I do believe so.  THANK YOU, Don!'


My good friend, Sherry, sent a lovely card with this lace inside.  Sherry and I love a lot of the same things and we are currently gifting each other, on occasion, with bits of lace and lovely ecru and brown fabrics...planning on someday creating our own versions of our friend Brian's crazy quilts.  He was here recently for our guild's retreat and left with many wanting more.  Always a good thing.  Anyway, Sherry and I are building our 'stash' of items that will fit Brian's example.  Maybe one day you will see what we do with these beautiful things.  THANK YOU, Sherry, for always knowing what I love and sharing!  And, YOU, Brian, for inspiring us!

My friend, Bibi, sent me this little token of thanks, which I consider a precious gift.  The tag inside says a nice thank you, while the outside is decorated so daintily (as Bibi always does!) and in pink.  We share a love of pink and take great joy in sharing bits and pieces of 'pink stuff' whenever we can.  And, it's hard to believe but this started off life as a lowly toilet paper roll.  One has never looked so good! 

This is a close up of the tiny rose Bibi made from's about the size of a very sweet.  Everything she makes is tiny and dear!  THANK YOU, Bibi, for your generosity in saying thanks to me in such a pretty way.


Now, the rest of the story of my sister's gift.  She also sent me many of these tiny tatted flowers.  She was enjoying an estate sale and found them there.  There is a house in my home town (McGregor, Texas) that she and I have always admired.  The estate sale was there and she was wishing I was there with her.  Me too, it would have been great fun to not only find a treasure there, but to see inside that house.  She came across a tiny box filled with these little tatted flowers and wanted to here you see them.  The one thing I could never do is tat.  I tried and tried...once a tatting teacher told me to "go home and make a quilt" as I'd never be able to do it.  So, I appreciate tatting and whenever I find some, I buy it.   Now I know my sister is going to to the same thing!  


I can't imagine sitting and tatting hundreds of these tiny flowers.  I will have to use them for something very special!  THANK YOU, dear sister, for always being the thoughtful one and remembering your old sister!  (I think these are about the size of Bibi's rose.  A dime!)


Last Thursday, my good friend, Jean, who is also my good friend Susan's mother, gave me this blue and white pillow top.  I forget what she called it, but when I was younger, I knew it as embroidered 'chicken scratch.'  I actually made one like this way back when.  No idea where it ever went to, but this one will receive a new pillow form and go on the blue and white quilt on the bed in my NEST.  Jean is dear, and I appreciate knowing her and spending time with her.  She has a great sense of humor and always makes me laugh.  It's not easy to do either.  THANK YOU, Jean for being YOU!!


Here is a close up of the embroidery.  I never tire of seeing embroidery...always amazing to me how some strands of thread and a simple needle can make so many zillion different patterns and designs.  I'm so glad embroidery is one of my favorite things to do!

So, I hope you enjoyed seeing my pretty new things.......and knowing that there are these very nice people in my life.  I always want to share with you what comes into the Nest and also what goes out.  My birthday is coming up and you know, I love to have a giveaway for that, so sometime in October,  I'll be posting some photos of what I'd like to send out to one of you.  Meantime, enjoy the beautiful Fall favorite time of the year!  Take care, pat