Tuesday, March 29, 2016

A Little Pink on a Tuesday

I decided this a.m. to post a little something PINK here on my blog.  Just a little something.
I've taken this photo on the table at the foot of my bed....just in case you ask.  It's actually a worktable, for as you may or may not know....my studio is now in my bedroom.  Having left my wonderful backyard studio when I moved, and having nowhere here to put all my important "stuff," I've had to spread studio contents in just about every room in my new house, including the garage.  It works fine for me...for others, well, maybe not so much.

But, back to the PINK!  

I just quickly gathered up a few things that I thought you might enjoy seeing.


First the box of lace.  I seem to have a serious fondness for these beautiful boxes...a bunch of them live in my house.  I nearly always get them at TUESDAY MORNING, but have also found a few of them at the flea markets. 


 Here you can see a closeup of some of the lace pieces I have put in this box.  Just waiting to be used somehow in many future projects. 

 And, the box itself.  So pretty.


This neat jar of threads I bought at a flea market, complete with the threads and the stitched lid.
Well, really, how could you be a 'maker' of the stitching kind and not buy it? 
That pink and green doily was given to me by my sister...I received it in the mail just last week.
THANKS, Debbie!!  There is a crocheted pincushion, bought at the flea...I do own several of these, some with ribbon woven in the stitches, some not.  

Then, there is the doll.  I made it in 2006.

She was made from an vintage embroidered dinner napkin.  I used every bit of it....for the little bag, her arms and legs, and her body.  She has a glass button "pin" and for her hair, I tore strips of different colors of fabric, tied the strips in knots, then sewed the knots to her head.  Her face I drew on with a permanent pen.  She has a pin back, so I have actually worn her before, but my favorite way of wearing this little doll, is pinned onto my bag when shopping.  As you can see...she is also a shopper!

This crocheted bag is like a little clutch purse...it has no handles.  So cute!


 Here it is with the flap open.

 And, here it is with bits of lace tumbling out of it.  Makes a lovely place to save small pieces of lace, although that is definitely not why it was made.

 And, here it is with one of my vintage crocheted pincushions...this one without the ribbon woven through it you see on so many of these pincushions.


 I wanted you to see this length of vintage quilt.   It is about forty inches wide, eighteen inches deep and the little blocks are four inches square.  This is the way I bought it.  Naturally, I didn't pay much for it....but, I thought I could use it for collage stitching work...and it is a wonderfully faded pink color.  In the condition it's in...I would not hesitate to cut it up....and as you will see, someone else has already cut the quilt in pieces.

 Even in the poor condition of this quilt, there are things one could make from the 'usable fragments.'
So, here are some close-ups of it......and one day...I hope to make a few 'new items' from this old quilt.

 And, here are a couple of photos showing you what the 'good parts' look like.   I do like the 'something good from something old and worn' idea.  I definitely would call it 'previously loved to death.'  I'm looking forward to stitching something on it....sometime soon!

(Actually it should provide enough pieces to make more than one project.)
What would you do?

 So, there you are...a bit of Pink on a Tuesday.  Have a wonderful day!!!

 until next time


  1. Hello agein Pat,I love your pink Tuesday it has a lot of loved things going on,I especially love your beautiful box of lace pieces and what I noticed first was the Heart shaped one,of course you being you had to have a heart shape in beautiful lace.Im sure you will make something wonderful from your old piece of quilt I shall look forward to see what you decide to do with it.Take care and stay safe until next time.xUna.x

  2. I enjoyed this pink Tuesday. I love pink too but my fav color is teal or turquoise and I love peacocks. My blog is so very neglected but perhaps when I finish decorating our master in our new home, I should make a post showing all I've made for the room. I love the little old scrap quilt. It looks as though it was made from feedsack fabrics. My grandmother made dresses in the 1930 from feedsacks and the scraps she used to make 2 quilts for my parents. They became mine when my mother passed away and I cherish them. They are in really good shape since my Mom never used them EVER. Growing up they were always on the shelf in her closet. I'd used your little quilt maybe for a little purse, a small heart pillow or backing/border for a picture of a someone you love. Hope you are well....till next time. LouAnne in GA

  3. I will be watching for creative ways to repair as my husband was very hard on quilted things ... making piles of stuff on beds and chairs and then sitting on those things and tearing the fabrics. No chance for them to wear out from old age.
    Pink is always prettier in someone else's house.

  4. I love those boxes at Tuesday Morning. I drool over them and then pass by. I can't stand not to be able see at a glance what is in the boxes of my supplies. My craft room shelves are filled with see through boxes. (after seeing your beautiful pinks its almost a sacrilege to say plastic). In my older age I become anxious when I can't find what I want, then Terry realizes I am looking for something and comes to help which makes it worse....

    Thanks for sharing a post filled with more of your lovely treasures. I enjoyed seeing all that PINK!! I love pink and wear it often, but there is not a stitch of pink in my decor. I live in a totally male home!!
    Much Love
    xx, Carol

  5. Pat, where have you been all my bloggin' life? Just clicked on an impulse from Carol's blog, and here I am looking at all the kinds of things I love! Lovely, delicate, and pink. I shall return. I'm now off to find Tuesdy Morning. :)

  6. Love me some pink! I love those boxes too - buy them thinking I'm going to get organized but so far it hasn't worked.

  7. I'm loving the pink! You're so creative!! New Follower.
