Monday, June 20, 2016

Those White Pitchers in the Pass Through

Another question asked of me about my living room tour concerned the white pitchers in my kitchen pass through window.  My good friend, Jackie, a lovely person I have known for well over thirty years, asked about them, so I told her I'd show a closer look at them.  (I am from McGregor, Texas, near Waco, where Jackie lives.  She is best friends with my sister, which is how I met her long years ago.)


So, Jackie, here is the pass through that goes from my living room into the kitchen.  I have been collecting these pitchers for the last few years.  The main requirement I have for actually buying one of them is that the pitcher speak to me in some way....such as the shape, texture,  or size.  It matters not a bit to me if they are of any I don't pay much for them.  I often use them to serve from, but have also been known to use them to hold flowers, silverware or wooden spoons. 


You can see silverware in that one on the far right.  I actually bought that one entirely for the shape plus, it feels good when you hold it.  I loved the lines in that one second from the left.  


 Mixed in with the pitchers are a few birds.  The two birds with a baby bird in the nest were given to me by my friend, Deb C.  She is no longer with us, but when I see this cute 'bird family' I think of her.
That big cup is actually a cereal bowl (and, I think, SOUP!).  I bought it at Tuesday Morning.  I actually bought three.  I wanted four, but three is what they had.  The way I look at it is I can serve two, with an extra on hand in case of breakage.  I'm currently thinking of other ways to use them....holding buttons, for example.  I love that little bird perched on the handle.  Also there is that bird on a lid, just sitting there.  I bought it at the flea.  Just a lid....50 cents.  And, it's a heart.  The way I look at it...well, it can still be enjoyed!

 A close up of the bird family.


 The cereal bowl, the bird on a heart.

And, then, on the left side, a little pitcher with a bird perched on the lid.  That lid really doesn't fit the pitcher, but I put it up there anyway.  Cute.  Two cute birds who are actually salt and pepper shakers.  A gift from Sherry.  Very sweet!  A smaller bird just showed up here one the bigger birds adopted it.  Then there is a planter, given to me by my friend, Bibi.  Here holding old silverware. 
 I'm always finding these vintage pieces  - I LOVE that little spoon on the has a twisted handle, so sweet!!  It is in a very small creamer.


 And, now, here is the view of those pitchers and things from the other side...the kitchen, looking into the living room.  That little pitcher there, from friend, Kevin.  And, there is that cute little dog.  Found that one day at the flea and it just said, "take me home...I can aggravate your cats."  (You'll see!)  I think he is awfully cute!

The back of the cereal bowl, the birds on the branch, and another pitcher. 
Also you can see the samplers I showed in the last post.

 The backs of other pitchers and now, the cats.  A mom and a kitten....hiding from the dog on the other end of the window!  They make me smile when I'm doing dishes.

 I don't know how long these will be in the window.   You know I get the urge to move things pretty often, but for right now, they will stay for a while.  So, Jackie, there you are...what I can tell you about the pitchers....which amounts to the fact that they are there for my own personal use and enjoyment, isn't very informative.  Just know they may show up in future being used in some odd way we may have not thought of before.  Thanks for asking about them, dear friend!!!

I hope to have a short post concerning those book stacks in the next day or so, then toward the end of the week, I am doing a very special post on a dear friend's new book, published in France.  You will definitely want to see it and if you love embroidery, stories, interiors, and collections, as you know I do, then you will want to buy one.  I promise you have never seen anything like it! I'll be sharing my special copy with you before the week is over, along with ordering information. please come see!!!

Bird Nest Cottage
until next time


  1. I love the white pitchers &I putting the silverware in it is perfect. The birds & dog are so so sweet - I am going thrift shopping tomorrow.

  2. Years ago Terry and I used to haunt the thrift shops and many antique marts and flea markets that used to be in this area. Now those shops have dwindled down to flea markets that think they are antique shops that think their items are made of gold. I so scour the garage sale ads for estate sales etc. Mostly those kind of sales are run by those stores I mentioned. They sell the estate items and also move in stuff from their stores to pack the house. It's very discouraging but is the trend in the South Bend Indiana area.

    I like your white collection. I especially like the bird on the heart and that you brought that one home. I found a large heart shaped stone..about 5" diameter and leaned it against a tree. I think of you everytime I pass it in the driveway.
    xx, Carol

  3. Wow, close ups make me wonder, do you have help with dusting things? It must be a big job, but I'm sure it's worth it. Beautiful sights in every direction! I also like to move things, but don't have many small things (I'm a minimalist) so I move furniture! Or, rather, I used to move furniture, but now into my 70s, not so much anymore. Lol

  4. Just beautiful! And so interesting, all the stories and connections with each treasure.
    Thank you for sharing.

  5. Wow....lovely closeups!!! I think I need to redo my shelf (that Rick made for me) in the dining room and copy your ideas. Surely I can find some white pitchers/containers around here somewhere ;^)
    Thank you so much for this post!!! I'm in love!
