Monday, February 25, 2019

More Hearts and a Doll Update

So last Tuesday, my friend, the one I call Mr. G. came for a visit.  He always brings things.
He knows I love the work of Kelly Rae Roberts and he was lucky enough to find this print of hers at the flea market.  So, he brought it to me.   She will join my collection of other KRR loot...and I will enjoy seeing her here.  Thank you, Mr. G.!❤️

 I love the sentiment there:  "Whole Hearted."  Indeed!  I have a sign in my living room that says
"You have my whole heart."  How else are you supposed to love?

And, here are the hearts she has placed just so.  One is a "ghost heart."  You never know where you will find one of those, so they are extra special.

Here's a silk ribbon embroidered heart I made long ago.  I'm thinking there is absolutely no limit to the ways you can make a heart.  ❤️


And, here's one I also did in silk ribbon long ago.  And, in this photo, it is sitting on a segment of a vintage Log Cabin Quilt.  I shared that quilt with my friend, Brian, way back when.  He has done many beautiful things with his.  Mine is still here waiting for me.  It twirls around in the back of my mind a lot and calls my name, reminding me that I have miles to go before I sleep. 

Several of you asked for more information about this doll I showed you last week.  I found it interesting that so many were interested....she's one of those things I've done over time that I felt only I would enjoy.  You know....the doll only her mother would love.

Yes, I DID make her.  Yes, her funny hair is just strips of fabric a stitch through her 'scalp' and each strand tied in a knot.  That's it.  Yes, it was made with one embroidered napkin.  I tied her hands and feet into knots because I didn't think I could really make anything that looked like hands and feet with that small napkin.  Her little tote bag was an afterthought really, as I wanted to pin her on my own totebag I was taking to the quilt show.  Her face is drawn with a permanent pen.  The little fabric 
pieces in the tote are just folded and placed inside....I made a long fabric bead from some fabric and trimmed it with some beads and gold thread.  One of my favorite parts is the blue glass bead she is wearing as a pin.  It too, is a very tiny heart.

When I was ready to take a photograph of her for the post, I needed a way to make her stand.  Sometimes you just need something to quickly solve a problem.  I had this little bottle of colored grandson did that when he was a little kid....and it had a cork I could stick a pin in, so that became the 'stand' to hold her up.  I used a tiny safety pin on her back and put a T-pin through it...stuck it in the cork.  And there we were.  


  One more peek at the back.

 I really hurried with this photo, so she slipped a little before I snapped the photo.  She's as graceful as I happen to be.  Meaning NOT!

 I still LOVE that chair.
And, I love that the chair, the doll and the print, all share pretty much the same colors.
How does that happen?


 Thanks for visiting.  Do take care and enjoy the rest of Heart Month.  February has flown by so fast.
Thank you, too, for asking questions about the doll.  I learn things from you and I hope you learn a few things from me now and again.

until next time
Bird Nest Cottage



  1. you're so funny...the doll only a mother would love. I bet she was inspiration for others to create their own doll. I made so many similar little dolls when I sold at craft shows, but none had your lovely cross stitch.

    I love Kelly Rae art. What a wonderful gift, especially since he thought of you when he saw it.

    xx, Carol

  2. I love your way of writing! It's fun to read your posts. :-)
    What a cute and clever doll...and the painting! Love it!!
    Thanks for sharing some of your world. :-D

    Cindy, creator of
