Sunday, February 2, 2020


 Well, you'd think I'd have many embroidered and appliqued hearts in this house....but today, when I needed one...not one could be found.  So, I chose to use this appliqued heart to go with the
quote I made up using words or phrases cut from old book pages.
 (And, please don't go after me for cutting up old books.  No one would cut up a valuable book or one with lots of sentimental value to it.  Including me.)
Anyway, I managed to make a somewhat interesting just imagine that the heart shown here is made of embroidery and faded red calico.

 I sometimes sit and cut words or phrases from an old book to pass the time, much like working a jigsaw puzzle.  You can argue if such a task is worth spending the time...but the way I see it...well, it's my time and I like doing those things.  And, when I need 'words' there they will be.

 Here's my little quote, made fresh today.  I just move some of the cut-outs around until they make a little bit of sense, then glue them to a piece of paper or cardstock.  Seriously, they are never going to be a literary I don't stress over them.  It just needs to be FUN.

 If you absolutely don't want to cut the words out, well, just go through the pages, choose your words, then write them down....and you can arrange them however you choose on a clean piece of paper...or even fabric.  I love cutting them out...reminds me of ransom notes in old murder mysteries.  Why do I like that?

 I made this pillow when my grandson was seven years old.  I used outlines of our hands to make the applique patterns. 

Heart and Hands shall never part,
When this you see....Remember me.


 Made in 1992...he was seven.
 And, yes, as it says here....(making the cut out words actually really meaningful), 
this heart project will "live ever in our memory."

Somehow, more hearts (of some kind) will show up here in the month of February!

until next time
Bird Nest Cottage


  1. What a beautiful sentiment on the appliqued cushion and a treasured memory I am sure. I like the idea of the cutout words in different sized fonts rearranged to go with the cushion too. You must have plenty of time for memories when you are working on the cut out phrase, a kind of mindfulness. Whatever floats your boat, as they say.

  2. That pillow is precious....and love that it's YOUR hands! The phrase is so neat too.. and then the verse you made today with the bits from an old book are so perfect. I love that idea! I have a bunch of old books, but so far, I haven't been able to cut into them! I sometimes just copy a page and use that as my paper.. but really, old books have probably had many printings, so we aren't cutting up the "only" one out there and I love the look of the old worn pages. Using the words is such a neat idea... how neat it would be on a card or used in mixed media (which I don't do much of). Anything we can do to pass the time, that we enjoy, and that brings us joy.... I say do it! I love cutting out things so can spend an hour or two cutting out little printable flowers or tags or people, etc. that I've printed out as freebies from websites or that I purchased on Etsy... and I really enjoy it so I just do it! I'll love seeing what you come up with for more hearts in this "heart" month! Blessings.. Marilyn

  3. I thought of you this week when I put out my little heart doll. She always visits the kitchen for the month of February to remind me that "somebunny" loves me :)
    I'll give the sister a hug from you when I visit her tomorrow afternoon !!!

  4. I was the fortunate recipient of a heart that you decoupaged several years hangs in
    clear sight in my craft room, reminding me of what a kind heart you have. It would be lovely
    to have one of your "heart prints" as a companion piece.

  5. I have one of your heart prints too! It hangs in the hall surrounded by little gifts from the girlies:-).
    Hugs to you,
