Monday, March 2, 2020

"That Redwork Basket"

My friend, Sherry, especially likes  
this Redwork basket...a portion of which was showing in my last post.  
"Did I have the pattern?" she asked. 
"Well, I made it in 1986, so if I still have the book it was in, yes...I'll have the pattern," I said.
You know what that meant....a massive search!
It was late at night when we while we were chatting, I proceeded to look everywhere I thought the book was.  It took a while.
And, what do you know.....I FOUND it!
While we were talking, I went to amazon on the handy dandy internet machine to see if she could still buy the book.  
Of course, it was from an age ago...what were the chances?
But, guess what, I found it!!!  And, there was ONE COPY available...for $2.99!!!
Who would have thought?  So, she ordered it right away.
We were both so excited..well, ok...we are easily pleased, so no surprise there.

 My copy of the book was so well loved that the pages had all fallen out. So I'm going to see if I can get it spiral bound...evidently I'm not through loving it to death!!!

A bit more info....I reduced the pattern down as I didn't want it as large as it came....and I used two, 
sometimes, one strand in the tight places to do the embroidery.  

I also beaded the edge of the pillow and along the seamline where the two fabrics joined.
Redwork is such fun!

It has held up pretty well...

I may make another one someday....

There are seven red seed beads in each loop of the edge.  
Another thing I love to do!!!


 Here is the book! 
Better Homes and Gardens "Crafts to Decorate Your Home"
 You'll notice the basket in the middle is the same basket...only the larger size.  I don't remember what percentage I reduced the pattern, but you could choose whatever size you like.
I can tell you that the background of mine is 10" x 10."

 Here is how it appears in the book.


 And, here is the pattern.

 What a fun experience Sherry and I had that night on the phone...we laughed a lot.  Who thought we would find not only the book in my house....but the book available on amazon.  

until next time
Bird Nest Cottage


  1. Hi Pat,
    What a beautiful pillow. I love redwork. I just don't find the time to much embroidery lately.

  2. This is so beautiful and the addition of the beads inspiring. Happy Stitching from me!

  3. It was as much fun reading this post as our telephone adventure was that night! Isn't it great that we are so good at entertaining ourselves?!? The other pillow shown on the book cover is beautiful, too. Maybe you can stitch that one while I stitch the one with the basket! I'm sure we'll have them both done in no time! ;^)

    Sherry in Little Rock

  4. Oh I remember books like those. I hung onto them for YEARS.. finally got rid of most of them about 4 years ago as figured I could find just about any pattern on the internet these days. I still hoard a large shelf of my old favorite pattern books and magazines though.. plus some 3 ring notebooks of "quilts I want to make" which will never happen! You do such beautiful embroidery! Your stitches are so straight! My straight lines even seem to have a little waggle to them and are not completely straight for some reason. I love the beading on the edges. How neat that you found the book! It may have been at a local library, as the libraries usually always carry those pattern books from Better Homes and Gardens, from the 80's and 90's. Thanks for the wonderful share! xoxo Marilyn

  5. Beautiful pillow! I love red work too. Just not enough time in a day to get everything done that I want to do!

  6. I love the story and am glad you could find the book. I keep old pattern books but lost a few during previous moves.
