Monday, March 30, 2020

The Heartprint Winners for March

Well, here we are...another set of winners to announce.  I hope y'all are well and your Sheltering In...going well too.  And, although I can't send everyone a Heartprint...(wouldn't that be FUN), I'm happy to be sending out two a month and I am thinking of all of you as I stitch these little pieces, wishing you the best of everything...we will make it through these trying days.

So, the winners this month are:

Julie Fukuda and Carol sferra 

 This is Julie's Heartprint.  Julie has been a long time reader of my blog....and I thought of this being in her greenhouse bedroom the whole time I was making it. 

 You can certainly tell these are made from old quilts....the fabrics are quite worn...but I'm thinking they will last a pretty long time.


 And, the hearts....well, I will always love those!

 And, this Heartprint belongs to Carol sferra. 
I'm trying to make these with some small differences between them,
so they won't all be identical.

Hope both of you ENJOY!


 The usual hearts, and one of my favorite things...embroidered Fantasy Flowers.  I call them that because they really don't look anything like real flowers.  
And, it's okay.

  Hoping you all stay safe and well during the next weeks and months. 

Wherever you may be this day
Bird Nest Cottage


  1. They are both beautiful! I'm sure they'll be treasured.

  2. Pat, you know I will just love another reminder of our friendship over these many years. Though half a world away, we are so close in all the things we enjoy together. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  3. Congrats to the two winners. The heart prints are so so pretty. I like how you customize them to each person. Yes.. another month gone by.. and I hope you and your followers are safe and well. I get a little panicky if I start watching too much news, so I just stay away from it! Stay home and do what I can to help. Hugs... Marilyn
