Saturday, January 14, 2012

My Other Two Clipboards

I mentioned the other day that I'd show you the remaining two clipboards I have made....remember, I had found three at the flea market...the old kind...and decided to make 'art' out of them. And, I mentioned I had been inspired by my friend Shannon. are the two remaining for a friend, and one for sale at the downtown studio.

The first one I made for Marisa...she works at the local newspaper. A young person...I was surprised to find that she liked the same kind of old, or should I say 'vintage' stuff that I do. So, I made a clipboard I would like and I'm thinking she might also.

First, I painted the clipboard. Front and back. Then, I found various paper napkins, and other paper 'decorations' for it....and included a sheet from the ancient ledger I own. Pink paper flowers and silk leaves that I painted. As always, I added you know, one of my favorite things to do. I have a rubber stamp that is nothing but rows of little dots. I love painting those and stamping dots all over things...I think they may show up enough for you to see them here, front and back.

The second one is an odd pink. More paper flowers, paper napkins, a tag, the bird/and bird house were part of a birthday card my daughter gave me once. And, as I often do, I've drawn a little vine here and there.

So....two clipboards. I think they are fun. You?

By the way, I wanted to answer a question one of my readers asked. She wanted to know how I took such nice photos. Well, my goodness....I was surprised as no one has said that before. So, I felt I should mention this. I don't consider myself any kind of photographer at all, but I like to take photos and give all the credit for any of them to my camera. It's a Canon PowerShot SD750. A gift from my son and one of my very favorite things. Honestly, all I do is aim the thing and press the button! I use the Macro setting a lot and rarely use the flash. So, see, it takes no talent on my part and I can delete the photos I don't care for....a very cool thing. Oh, and it has a nice size screen so I can see what I'm getting....a plus for a person with goofy vision.

Next post, I will show you something special. A gift from a friend. Soon, expect to see more of a couple of those quilts I gave you a 'peek' of last post, as requested. So....see you soon. Stay warm, safe and cozy....pat


  1. I like them both.
    I'd say that creating these was really thinking outside the box. I wish I had that "eye".

  2. deb - purpleprincesstxJanuary 15, 2012 at 12:03 PM

    Love, love, love the pink clipboard, Pat! An unusual color - and not purple - but it's GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Very nice idea, Pat! I have some of those old clipboards - from oversize to small. I didn't think about re-doing them. I should have, since one of them has a big ol' water stain on it. I think I'll take a stab at it a little while down the road. Thanks for the post. Very cool.

  4. Love your clip boards. I just love finding young people who love vintage things. I remember a pre-teen who started wearing bell bottom pants in mid 2000 before anyone else in our town did. It sure was funny when they became as popular as they were in the 70's.

  5. This pink clipboard is now one of my favorite things! It's perfect on my desk! Audra
