Monday, January 16, 2012

A Special Bird Nest

It should come as no surprise to you that I am partial to birds. Real ones. And, the not-so-real ones. Likewise, I am totally nuts over bird nests. Well, the name of my blog is BIRD NEST ON THE GROUND...what would you expect? Anyway....people give me birds and bird nests. The 'real' and the 'not-so-real.' The birds...well, of course, they are definitely not real. But, we do feed birds here and I see them each day. We have regular favorites are the Cardinals...perhaps because being RED, I can see them better than others, however, I'm awfully partial to Mourning Doves for their sounds. And, then, there are the hummingbirds. know I really love them all.

So, I wanted you to see a special Nest that was presented to me by my friend, Vicki. It is sitting here amongst other nests...some real and some not-so-real. Vicki's beautiful nest is knitted. Yes, I did say KNITTED! You see it here....all those gorgeous yarns and ribbons, trims, glass leaves, and such. She says there are over 200 different yarns, ribbons and such making up each nest. I believe it. And, I think it is a VERY SPECIAL NEST, indeed! Before this Nest arrived at my house, I couldn't imagine how she made it...and, now that I've seen the Nest in all it's glory, I still can't imagine how she did it....and there's no telling how much the time she spent doing it....after all, knitting together hundreds of little strands of magic yarns....and then, getting it to turn out like a real Nest, now that is tricky!!! Actually, this Nest looks as if it should live in a magic forrest.....just delightful!!!

I played around with these Nests the other night, trying to find a way to display the real and not-so-real nests, along with the Very Special Nest, somewhere in my house...and came up with the idea of displaying them on my entry buffet. (Yes, I know you don't usually put a buffet in the entry, but my dining room already had one and there was no room for another anywhere but right here! Found at one of the local flea markets - for a great price, you know I just had to buy it! As I mentioned to my friend, Jim, the other day....YES, we are both evidently "hoarders.") After placing the nests there, I decided I needed something else behind the nests, so chose a painting by my brother-in-law, Don. "Autumn Stream." I think it looks pretty there. For sale, of course, and borrowed, from our downtown art studio.

An avid knitter, Vicki makes these very special Nests with a specific reason in mind....she raises funds for the Ronald McDonald House in her area. In addition to knitting (a lot!!!) she is a nurse. A very special nurse, if you ask me. You may visit Vicki at her blog, 2 Bagsfull, HERE. When you do, you can find out about the Nests and see what all Vicki does....including showing you the beautiful gardens that her husband, the "Gardener" tends. You can travel along with them and see beautiful places they visit too. You'll enjoy it.

I find bird nests around our two acres....even one of my neighbors, Jimmy, has been known to bring me a fallen nest once in a while. They are fascinating to me....perhaps because I am also a nest-maker in a way. But, actually, this special soft and glittery Nest is something I will always enjoy and every time I look at it...I will remember the very special lady who made it. Thanks, again, Vicki and may your new year bring you much joy!!!

Visit again soon...I will be showing a quilt...I know you love seeing those and I like showing them to you. Meantime, stay safe, warm and cozy! pat


  1. Your gifted knitted nest is just beautiful.

    The name of your blog originally called for me to visit. I love birds too and live for days to spend outside tending our pond and gardens. And you sew..another bonus.
    Have a great day.

  2. Hey Girlfriend--
    I knew something was up- I'm being flooded with emails-- now I see why! Pat - your nest is so beautifully displayed on your buffet- what a gorgeous collection they are all nestled there together!
    I'm so happy you love the nest-- thank you so much for sharing it with your many friends. Just seeing the nest there makes me so hopeful and anxious for spring to get here. Counting the days---

    Love you-

  3. Absolutely beautiful!!! If I tried to put my stuff out on a long table my Mama would say I need to straghten up. LOL!!! you sure have the nack. Great post!!! JIM

  4. Oh,my that is beautiful!

    As I was looking at the pictures, my eye was drawn, fist, to that quilt I love so much and then I kept seeing that bowl with all the fibers in it and I thought, wow that looks like a nest! I hope Pat gets closer to it with the camera!

    I LOVE it!

  5. And it's obvious I should have gone to bed hours ago! My spelling gets worse at night.

  6. Oh goodness. Just love your knitted nest. What a great gift!
