Monday, March 16, 2020

And, One for a Friend

I am currently working on the Heartprints for the March winners.
They will be announced on the 29th.
While I am stitching two a month for my blog Giveaway, I am also making one or two a month for an assortment of non-bloggers I am attached to in my 'real life.'
So, here is one I made for my friend Kathy and her other self "Lola."
I wanted you to see it too.  I will give it to her this coming Wednesday if I actually get to the store that day.
Because of the virus that has us all mortified, I may or may not leave home that day.
Fingers crossed, I will though.  And, she will squeal and be delighted and we will laugh and this small little thing will help us get through another day.  And, we will.
And, you will.  We must be determined.  We must never give up.
So, I hope you enjoy seeing this one.

 I took some photos of this Heartprint in several places around the house.  
You can put them just about anywhere and I thought you might want to see where I might put them here in my rather full Bird Nest Cottage.  One never knows where I will put anything or even how long I
might leave an object in any one place.  It's a game I play if nothing else.
This one was taken on my desk.  My desk is in my bedroom. 
My sewing studio is also in my bedroom.  Yes, it's crowded. 
 Come to think of it,  my whole house seems to be the studio.
No, it doesn't bother me...I love it.

I wanted to use a lot of these little hearts for these "prints."
 I have made them for many years, but until now....not for a while.
It's amazing how I have lost my touch with them, but, I'm still going to make them.

 This is in my dining room.  Actually, they are placed on a stack of books. 


 It's ok, but I think I'd rather put it somewhere else.  It's all experimental, that's for sure.


 Here, it just placed against a  kind of embossed painted board I got from Kathy.  This isn't going to be it either.
I know I would prefer a different place.


 This is one corner of my the left of my sink.
You will notice that I have temporarily placed a gallon jar of buttons right in the big middle of the whole thing.  I've placed a blue bird inside the jar...just for the fun of it. 
This is my favorite part of the kitchen.  And, as is my's over crowded.  
I love it anyway...and of course, the jar won't stay there...I just did it for this photo. 
 But, that means I also get to find another place for the jar/bird situation.


 That little painting is one of my favorite things in the house. 
 It's so SWEET!
I really don't remember where I got it...but I love it so.  Some of what you find in my house came from Kathy's flea market and a most of the time from her own house.  We have the same taste in what we call junk....but think of as TREASURE.

 This photo was taken just a bit further down the cabinet.  
And, right above is a bird with a crown.
Turns out Kathy gave me that bird.
Then on another visit, she gave me the crown.
I felt it just belonged on the bird.

 This is also in the dining room.  
That's a French Market basket with wheels holding all those paper rolls.  I love the way it looks.
 Wrapping paper and wall papers.  Who wouldn't love those?
Well, probably a lot of people.
But, they don't live here, so it's ok.
And, for some reason, I like the Heartprint perched right up in there!

 A glorious sight to behold from my point of view!


 Here we are on the kitchen island.
It won't stay here long either, but I really do like the looks of it here.
I usually have that pretend rose on my desk.


 And, here it is again, same place, but sitting in this chintz patterned dish or tray.  I'm not sure what it is to be used for....I can't read the mark on the back...but I think it might be from England. 
So, there you are.
Several views of a Heartprint around the house.
I intended to show it in my big bookshelf in the living room...but then, I would have had to dust!

You have probably noticed the time when I post is nearly always in the middle of the night.
I'm a terrible sleeper.
So, don't be surprised if I'm awake all night.
I think its a habit more than anything.
Also, I seem to think I will be missing something if I sleep.
Yes, I am an odd old bird.

I found this of those things where you find yourself somewhere on the net but don't know how you got there.
It spoke to me.

"3 AM is the hour of writers,
painters, poets, musicians, silence seekers,
overthinkers and creative people.
We know who you are.
We can see your light on.  
Keep on keeping on." 


until next time
Bird Nest Cottage


  1. Good morning, Pat,
    I just love that little heart print. It looked good in whatever spot you put it in. My favorite was on the kitchen island with the rose.
    The picture that caught my eye the most was with the needlepoint chair. It's beautiful. Did you do the needlepoint for it?

    Take care in all of this mess.

  2. How sweet this little piece of art is! I think I like it best in the kitchen corner, although it looks pretty everywhere. Cute in the French basket with the paper rolls too.
    Hoping all is well with you and remains so,

  3. What a pretty piece. It looks great in so many places. The colors are so light, I thought it looked like stained glass at first. Beautiful mini quilt.

  4. Very sweet. I like it next to the jar of buttons! I thought the rose was real!!!

  5. Hello Pat, I love your heartprint in all the settings, your home resonates with me, I love all those papers, what fun. I hope things are calmer where you are, here in England the shops are empty and people are crazy. At least we have our stitching to keep us happy while we're at home. I love my heartprint, thank you so much, it fits in beautifully in my home. My hubby was quite tickled that I received such a lovely piece from you. Thank you and bless you for lighting up my day. Regards Mandy xx

  6. Oh Pat, I love this sweet heart print! It looks great everywhere that you placed it.. made me think of it as "modeling" for the camera! do I look good here? or do I look better there? how is this backdrop?? so sweet! Sounds like you and Kathy get into alot of trouble together! I love the photos of your kitchen corner with the little lamp on... I love a little lamp in the kitchen. My counters have NOWHERE to put a lamp. They are filled with our microwave, coffee pot, blender, canisters, etc. and there is only one plug in. I have tried it on my dryer (in the kitchen) but not enough plug-ins for it. Darn. I also love your basket of rolled papers! Wow those are just so vintage and gorgeous! That white embossed one is especially fetching! I'm like you.. I would probably stay up all night except that my hubby goes to bed way early and gets up around 6:30.. if I was still up I think I'd be in a bit of trouble... as it is, I stay up until 2 a.m. or 3 a.m. just watching YouTube or emailing or crafting. I love the quiet hours of the night and the darkness outside. I love that little ditty about us who stay up half the night! I think I'll print it out and put it by my computer. Take care.. and was fun getting a glimpse of your home. xoxox Marilyn

  7. My "bedroom" is the greenhouse on the roof. These days with so much of life on hold, I have been taking advantage of sunny days to do my quilting up there. It wouldn't make a good sewing room with piles of fabric fading in the sun, but it is warm so I don't need the heat on and the natural light is really fine to work in. I am more of an early bird than a night owl, but sometimes it is a bit hard to find the off button.
