Thursday, March 19, 2020

"To Work With Your Hands"

"Aspire to live a quiet life, to mind your own affairs and to work with your hands."

1 Thessalonians 4:11

That's pretty much how I have always felt about the quilting, embroidery, crocheting, knitting, etc., that has taken my spare time throughout this life of mine.
Now that we are all traveling through what seems to be a nightmare and since we are being urged to stay home to keep our families seems to make sense even more.  To my way of thinking working with my hands has taken on an even deeper purpose.

I'm partial to all kinds of needlework, so that is what you will see from me, but YOU might be making a multitude of other kinds or work and it  may do the same thing for you that needlework does for me.
A way of being productive and at the same time, soothing the spirit, calming fears,
and giving your sometimes nervous hands AND mind something to do.  It's a meditation, a prayer, a way of coping. Something to get lost in.
Actually, something also that might re-energize and feed your soul.

Staying home is not so difficult for me because basically, I am a hermit.  But it is difficult for some people.  Perhaps now might be a good time to learn how to make something.  Even children can knit or crochet, even quilt.  Google and the internet machine has thousands of videos that will teach you to cook, build a birdhouse, make a garden or just about anything else you might want to know.  Take a look.  Some things may help YOU relax...some things may be good for a small a family. To create something is FUN.  Everyone could make a very simple book of their own, for instance.  There's always lots of paper around...such as the envelopes holding junk mail.  See. 
I've always heard that busy hands are happy hands.

So, we've got to get through all this someway.  I  may even finish this quilt which is been hanging around my house for years.  

On the odd day here and there, I will post a photo or two of some work in progress around here...maybe some work finished.  No stories...hopefully the work will speak for itself.
Would you like me to show some of what you are working on?  If so, just email a photo to me and I'll include it on one of these "odd" days.  If you'd rather, I can just use your first name...or not.
It might be fun to see how other people use handwork or other things to cope through these times.
 You can find my email address on my profile page. 

I will look forward to hearing from some of you...meantime, let your handwork help you in these trying days. I will too.

Wherever you may be this day


  1. Pat, what a lovely post and your quilt-in-progress is so pretty! I know we will all be needing some encouragement during the trying times ahead and your suggestions are both practical and timely. I don't know what I would do without my handwork. I might even send you a picture of a certain coral and brown quilt of mine. As you know, it's an AUFO -- an ancient unfinished object! Take care!

    Sherry in stormy Little Rock

  2. The quilt is lovely, we are all well here in Omaha. Schools will be closed until April 30th, my granddaughter is a senior and she is a bit upset, but heh life has it challenges and now she will learn. Us homemakers know how to handle seclusion, I am a homebody and I have a long list of things to de each day. Take care.

  3. Yes, I'm somewhat of a hermit too, most of the time. I don't mind going out now and then to the library, or a thrift shop and of course, a fabric store! But those can all wait. I have plenty to keep me busy at home. My mom always said "idle hands make for an idle heart" or something like that. I learned to knit and crochet and embroider from her... also to sew. Even though I'm retired, I never seem to find enough hours in the day to do all the crafty things that I want to! I HAVE been making a few little things.. I'll email you some pictures soon.. that would be fun to share. I think young people need to learn how to creative.. and be quiet, and make things.. just for the satisfaction of it, and lose themselves in their own little worlds... too much stimulous out there! I hope their parents are teaching them! Take care and have a nice evening... Marilyn

  4. A lovely quilt! I do counted cross-stitch, may send you a pic. I love that suggestion as it's always nice to see what others are working on.
    And Marilyn's comment about young ones learning the pleasure of quiet and making things is something I agree with so much. The joy of losing yourself in a creative task, a book, or whatever it may be is a great gift.

  5. Your quilt is beautiful! I've pulled out an old project to work on too - a cross stitch sampler I started in 2005. Will I finish it this time - who knows.

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