I can't believe it's the last day of August! Time is just flying by and I don't like it. When I was young, the days seem to sometimes drag by. Now that I'm "not so young," the days seem to go by so fast I lose track of what day it actually is if I'm not careful. Oh, my! How am I supposed to use up all the wonderful "stuff" in this studio before I run out of time? I wish I could somehow make time slow down and enjoy this wonderful place forever. Well, we know that isn't going to happen, so I shall just have to enjoy it for however long I have it.
We built this little house in the backyard in August of 2004. It was much hotter here during the month it took to finish, than it is this month. I remember the day the concrete foundation was poured, it was 105 degrees. I don't remember what the heat index was, but I know I kept the ice water and sweet tea coming for the workers all day, every day. In fact, at that same time, we were connecting to the city sewer system and the city workers were digging up our front yard, etc., for about a week and a half or so. They were very hot too, so we took them water and tea also....something I don't think they are used to, but we didn't want anyone dying of a heat stroke on our behalf. That seems like yesterday!
Today I am out in the Nest, trying to not only get another post on my blog, but also to get a few things accomplished. When I am in kind of a "nervous, unsettled mood" I tend to come out here and "straighten things up." I do that it a lot, it seems. The tv is on because I am keeping track of Hurricane Gustaf and feeling bad for all those on the Gulf Coast. My youngest brother lives in Corpus Christi, Texas, another reason for me to pay attention. I am sure hoping things turn out better than we think they may.
So, I decided to post some photos taken out here today. You know, this place is special to me, so what I may think is just wonderful, you may not, and vice-versa. Because I can't possibly go into every nook and cranny....I chose three spots to show
you today. (If you'd like to see more, you can refer to my blog archives and see a studio tour in more depth.....the posts were in April.)
I have the Nest arranged in little "zones," each with a different purpose. An old computer table that I use when I applique, do other hand sewing or beading is just to the left of the entry and right under a window, so I can look out while I work. Aside from my desk and computer area or the 4' x 8" work table my husband made for me, I probably use this area the most, as I am an avid hand quilter/embroiderer. Next is the table that matches my old 50's office desk, but I use it for my sewing machine. I have a great sewing machine, but I confess I don't use it like I should. You can see lots of thread. Does it multiply during the night, or what? The button cards on the wall are also from the 50's and came from my local flea market recently.
I love buttons!
Another area I wanted to show you is part of my storage drawer collection. There are lots of them in here...these are a few.
You can see one of my quilts hanging over the drawers....this is my working wall, where I can pin quilt pieces for auditioning.
I can pin all the way from floor to ceiling, but as you can see....there's too much stuff here, so the drawers block using the entire wall. For now. I am famous for moving things around. The next time I show the Nest...it could look different.
On top of the drawers, in the center, you can see a tray full of wonderful old threads, lace, buttons, photos, scissors, etc. I love this collection. There is lots more...hidden, of course, in the drawers.
The quilt hanging there is one I made several years ago. With the exception of the outer borders, it is made from "leftovers" from other projects. Waste not, want not, and all that.
So, that's it for the mini-tour today...the last day of August. Hopefully, the first few days of September will bring us good news and I pray the quilters/embroiderers (and everyone else!) in the New Orleans/Gulf area can get back home and find their favorite places intact. As I count my blessings, that is my hope. Y'all take care. Pat