Ok...it's Thursday night and I promised to announce my quilt book giveaway winners tonight. With the help of the "old navy man" the winners have been chosen. If your name is shown here, kindly email me your snail mail address and I will be sending out the books on Monday, October 1st.
We decided first to choose the first and last to comment as winners....then choose some winners 'inbetween.' Here is the list:
JULIE, LEDAMEWOOD, JEANNE GWIN, CAROL, BRIAN, AND KATHY. I bet you noticed that there are more than three winners, didn't you? Seems I made a search of the Nest and found I had more books left in my 'stash' than previously thought, so I decided to give away the extra ones too. Also, LEDAMEWOOD mentioned that she is teaching a young girl to quilt, so I'm sending one for the girl too. (Ledamewood...would you please send me the names you would like your book autographed to.) I'll be expecting to hear from you all sometime this weekend!
Didn't know what to 'show' on this post, so thought I'd just post some photos taken around here the other day. The first one is way in our back yard. There are two acres here...so this is what it looks like 'back there.' Then, the last little blooms around here this time of year and a peek at the Nest.
We had some beautiful days last week.......wish they could go on for quite a while as Fall is my favorite season.
The last little bit of color on the hydrangeas. I also love them when they get all pinkish/greenish and leathery......
So...there you are. Winners - thank you so much for reading my blog posts. I just wish I had enough books to send everyone who commented a book, but take heart......I will be having another Giveaway in October...so please visit again! take care, pat
PS. to email those addresses: go to "About Me", click on Pat and you will link to my email address.
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Monday, September 24, 2012
THE Visit, A Story, A Gift and a GIVEAWAY
As you can tell from the title of this post....I'll be talking about THE visit, a story, a gift and a GIVEAWAY. So, bear with me while I try to cover these subjects. (By the way, sorry to have been away for so long...can I just say 'time got away from me'?) If you remember, in my last post, I mentioned that my favorite son was coming for a short visit. He did. It was. But, I did get to spend a little time with him. It was NICE! Thought you might like to see just one photo taken...this one on his way out the door to go to the airport in Little Rock and back to San Francisco. So, here we are:
that's the old navy man (Richard) on the left. My favorite son, Scott, me, and my favorite grandson, Tyler. Daughter, Kelly, was the photographer. Aren't they cute? And, by the way, thanks for waiting for me to post again.
Now, for the 'story' part of this post. Before Scott came to visit, I received an email from Holland.
It was from "Barbara W. from Holland." Something about that name rang a bell and I remembered that she was one of the twenty-seven people I wrote handwritten letters to last year on one of my "handwritten letters to blogging friends" episodes. Maybe you were one of the twenty-seven? I was pleased to hear from her and after reading her letter, knew immediately that I should share it in a future post. Here is what she said:
"Hi, Pat, You probably don't remember me, but last year I received one of your handwritten letters! Life got in the way and I never did get around to writing back to you (so sorry about that) - we moved house a month or two ago after nearly a year long hunt for our dream home, and most of my time has been taken up with that. Anyway, I was just going through some old quilting books and I discovered the most amazing thing. Background info first. In 1994, my husband and I had our first vacation in the US. We went to Maryland where an old friend of hubby's from the UK lived, and one day we visited an Old Country Store, where I saw my very first quilt - a small Dresden Plate wall quilt. I bought it and decided on the spot that this is what I wanted to do - make quilts! I hadn't a clue how to, so the very first book I bought on quilting, in 1994, was called "Teach Yourself to Quilt," written by one Patricia Eaton! I searched for your beautifully written letter - nowhere to be found - oh no! Then I remembered the name of your blog, and a quick look at your profile confirmed what I had suspected - You are she! Is that incredible, or what? I have been quilting and collecting books ever since, and I love it. Nowadays I do lots of mixed media work as well and love to try out new products, but my first love will always be quilting. Best regards, Barbara W. in Holland"
Well, yes, I DO think that is pretty incredible!!! So, some background on that book. It came out in 1988 and has been for sale by Leisure Arts, Inc., ever since. That's a pretty long time for a book such as that. Earlier this year, I was informed by Leisure Arts, that when the remainder of the copies on hand are sold, it will not be reprinted, but goodness, who could complain as being sold for the last twenty-four years is a pretty good deal. And, the fact that a person from Holland taught herself to quilt from it, THEN years later, unbeknownst to her, began to read the author's blog, then received a letter from her practically by chance is, yes, INCREDIBLE!!
This is the quilt featured in that book. It's all hand appliqued, pieced and quilted. The background fabric came from the old navy man's aunts' estate and was purchased by her in 1944, the year I was born! I taught a "Teach Yourself to Quilt" class many times using this quilt and that is what prompted the book so long ago.
Here's what the first cover looked like way back in 1988. The quilt on the cover was made by someone on staff at Leisure Arts.......because they didn't think my quilt would sell the book because the background of my quilt is green, so they put my handmade quilt on the back of the book. I had to work on getting over that at the time.
Here is the second version of the cover, redone after several years of being in print, I guess for a 'newer look.'
And, here is my actual quilt pictured on the back......remember, at the start of this post, I showed you this very quilt hanging in our guest room! It is amazing to me that the book sold for so long and a million more times amazing to me that someone in another country used it to actually teach herself to quilt...and I know of this because I wanted to write some handwritten letters to some of my blog readers. Yes, Life can be very exciting.
Barbara, my friend in Holland, mentioned to me in subsequent emails, that she had found my book but misplaced my letter. I'm sure because of the move, so I asked her if she'd like another letter. She said yes, so I wrote one for her and sent it away to Holland. Meantime, she wrote again and mentioned she had read my blog post on the vintage baby clothes a new friend had given me. (You can read about them in my August 20th post.) She asked if I would like to have a vintage baby bonnet she had found in her late aunt's home and of course, I was thrilled to have it. So, imagine, my letter was crossing the Atlantic to go to Holland and her aunt's baby bonnet was making it's way over here at practically the same moment! Another simply incredible fact. She received the letter and copies of two of my other books and I received her fantastic gift.....
When her package arrived, I opened it to find several items....first was this absolutely lovely fabric postcard she made just for me. I was so excited I had to show the old navy man....even he got excited!!! Isn't this postcard fantastic? Beautifully hand embroidered!!
Here is the back of the postcard! Well, I will always treasure it...wouldn't you? It's just dear!!!
Barbara also sent me some crochet and tatting. She said the three medallions she purchased at a flea market and the long piece of tatting is actually a collar that was given to her long ago. They are all so delicate and gorgeous! I can crochet....but never have I been able to learn tatting. I tried to take classes and my teacher said I should stick to quilting and embroidery. I think she was right, but I do LOVE tatting and will certainly treasure these pieces!!
I couldn't get a really sharp photo of these pieces, but hopefully, you get the idea. They are so small and delicate and quite beautiful!
This is a portion of the collar. So delicate!!
And, now, the precious bonnet!!!!! Barbara said she found this in her aunt's home after she died and she thought I should have it. What an honor!!! Although Barbara lives in Holland, she's from England and so was her aunt. This beautiful piece of handwork, YES, it's all hand made, well, except the ties of the bonnet were hemmed on a sewing machine. All the rest is hand stitched and you know how I feel about that.....I always immediately identify with the maker and appreciate all the time involved. It's so very special to me.
The bonnet is gathered and has beautiful lace on the front edges. It's just amazing how much work people put into this type of baby clothing. And, this bonnet is rather large, so Barbara and I think it was made for an older child....perhaps three or four. I just simply LOVE it!!!
More views of the bonnet.........
Hope you can click to enlarge and tell more about this wonderful work.........
So, I hope you have enjoyed this beautiful gift I received from a blog reader with connections to me since 1994, but we never knew until now. Isn't this blogging thing fantastic? THANK YOU, BARBARA!!!!!!
Now, for the GIVEAWAY...yeah, it did take me a long time to get to it, but you know how I am when I'm telling you a story!!! IF you would like to receive a copy of my book "TEACH YOURSELF TO QUILT," kindly make a comment on this blog post by Thursday, September 27th, and I will choose THREE people, each to receive ONE copy of this book. Yeah, it's been in print for twenty-four years, so it has no current information in it on how to make a quilt "of today", but, it's the way I would still make a quilt, so maybe you'd get something out of it....well, you'd get a free book anyway. So, let me hear from you. And, please remember to be sure I will have a way to get in touch with you too.
So, there we are....a vist from my favorite son, a story, a precious gift from Holland, and a Giveaway.
Look for another post on Thursday...probably late that night. I'll announce the winners then and there is no telling what else I will be showing you. Til then, take care out there. pat
that's the old navy man (Richard) on the left. My favorite son, Scott, me, and my favorite grandson, Tyler. Daughter, Kelly, was the photographer. Aren't they cute? And, by the way, thanks for waiting for me to post again.
Now, for the 'story' part of this post. Before Scott came to visit, I received an email from Holland.
It was from "Barbara W. from Holland." Something about that name rang a bell and I remembered that she was one of the twenty-seven people I wrote handwritten letters to last year on one of my "handwritten letters to blogging friends" episodes. Maybe you were one of the twenty-seven? I was pleased to hear from her and after reading her letter, knew immediately that I should share it in a future post. Here is what she said:
"Hi, Pat, You probably don't remember me, but last year I received one of your handwritten letters! Life got in the way and I never did get around to writing back to you (so sorry about that) - we moved house a month or two ago after nearly a year long hunt for our dream home, and most of my time has been taken up with that. Anyway, I was just going through some old quilting books and I discovered the most amazing thing. Background info first. In 1994, my husband and I had our first vacation in the US. We went to Maryland where an old friend of hubby's from the UK lived, and one day we visited an Old Country Store, where I saw my very first quilt - a small Dresden Plate wall quilt. I bought it and decided on the spot that this is what I wanted to do - make quilts! I hadn't a clue how to, so the very first book I bought on quilting, in 1994, was called "Teach Yourself to Quilt," written by one Patricia Eaton! I searched for your beautifully written letter - nowhere to be found - oh no! Then I remembered the name of your blog, and a quick look at your profile confirmed what I had suspected - You are she! Is that incredible, or what? I have been quilting and collecting books ever since, and I love it. Nowadays I do lots of mixed media work as well and love to try out new products, but my first love will always be quilting. Best regards, Barbara W. in Holland"
Well, yes, I DO think that is pretty incredible!!! So, some background on that book. It came out in 1988 and has been for sale by Leisure Arts, Inc., ever since. That's a pretty long time for a book such as that. Earlier this year, I was informed by Leisure Arts, that when the remainder of the copies on hand are sold, it will not be reprinted, but goodness, who could complain as being sold for the last twenty-four years is a pretty good deal. And, the fact that a person from Holland taught herself to quilt from it, THEN years later, unbeknownst to her, began to read the author's blog, then received a letter from her practically by chance is, yes, INCREDIBLE!!
This is the quilt featured in that book. It's all hand appliqued, pieced and quilted. The background fabric came from the old navy man's aunts' estate and was purchased by her in 1944, the year I was born! I taught a "Teach Yourself to Quilt" class many times using this quilt and that is what prompted the book so long ago.
Here's what the first cover looked like way back in 1988. The quilt on the cover was made by someone on staff at Leisure Arts.......because they didn't think my quilt would sell the book because the background of my quilt is green, so they put my handmade quilt on the back of the book. I had to work on getting over that at the time.
Here is the second version of the cover, redone after several years of being in print, I guess for a 'newer look.'
And, here is my actual quilt pictured on the back......remember, at the start of this post, I showed you this very quilt hanging in our guest room! It is amazing to me that the book sold for so long and a million more times amazing to me that someone in another country used it to actually teach herself to quilt...and I know of this because I wanted to write some handwritten letters to some of my blog readers. Yes, Life can be very exciting.
Barbara, my friend in Holland, mentioned to me in subsequent emails, that she had found my book but misplaced my letter. I'm sure because of the move, so I asked her if she'd like another letter. She said yes, so I wrote one for her and sent it away to Holland. Meantime, she wrote again and mentioned she had read my blog post on the vintage baby clothes a new friend had given me. (You can read about them in my August 20th post.) She asked if I would like to have a vintage baby bonnet she had found in her late aunt's home and of course, I was thrilled to have it. So, imagine, my letter was crossing the Atlantic to go to Holland and her aunt's baby bonnet was making it's way over here at practically the same moment! Another simply incredible fact. She received the letter and copies of two of my other books and I received her fantastic gift.....
When her package arrived, I opened it to find several items....first was this absolutely lovely fabric postcard she made just for me. I was so excited I had to show the old navy man....even he got excited!!! Isn't this postcard fantastic? Beautifully hand embroidered!!
Here is the back of the postcard! Well, I will always treasure it...wouldn't you? It's just dear!!!
Barbara also sent me some crochet and tatting. She said the three medallions she purchased at a flea market and the long piece of tatting is actually a collar that was given to her long ago. They are all so delicate and gorgeous! I can crochet....but never have I been able to learn tatting. I tried to take classes and my teacher said I should stick to quilting and embroidery. I think she was right, but I do LOVE tatting and will certainly treasure these pieces!!
I couldn't get a really sharp photo of these pieces, but hopefully, you get the idea. They are so small and delicate and quite beautiful!
This is a portion of the collar. So delicate!!
And, now, the precious bonnet!!!!! Barbara said she found this in her aunt's home after she died and she thought I should have it. What an honor!!! Although Barbara lives in Holland, she's from England and so was her aunt. This beautiful piece of handwork, YES, it's all hand made, well, except the ties of the bonnet were hemmed on a sewing machine. All the rest is hand stitched and you know how I feel about that.....I always immediately identify with the maker and appreciate all the time involved. It's so very special to me.
The bonnet is gathered and has beautiful lace on the front edges. It's just amazing how much work people put into this type of baby clothing. And, this bonnet is rather large, so Barbara and I think it was made for an older child....perhaps three or four. I just simply LOVE it!!!
More views of the bonnet.........
Hope you can click to enlarge and tell more about this wonderful work.........
So, I hope you have enjoyed this beautiful gift I received from a blog reader with connections to me since 1994, but we never knew until now. Isn't this blogging thing fantastic? THANK YOU, BARBARA!!!!!!
Now, for the GIVEAWAY...yeah, it did take me a long time to get to it, but you know how I am when I'm telling you a story!!! IF you would like to receive a copy of my book "TEACH YOURSELF TO QUILT," kindly make a comment on this blog post by Thursday, September 27th, and I will choose THREE people, each to receive ONE copy of this book. Yeah, it's been in print for twenty-four years, so it has no current information in it on how to make a quilt "of today", but, it's the way I would still make a quilt, so maybe you'd get something out of it....well, you'd get a free book anyway. So, let me hear from you. And, please remember to be sure I will have a way to get in touch with you too.
So, there we are....a vist from my favorite son, a story, a precious gift from Holland, and a Giveaway.
Look for another post on Thursday...probably late that night. I'll announce the winners then and there is no telling what else I will be showing you. Til then, take care out there. pat
baby clothes,
Teach Yourself to Quilt,
Monday, September 3, 2012
Some Things I've Made
Sorry it's been so long between posts around here. Things sometimes happen that change your best laid plans into something else entirely and so it goes here. I've thought of you often and hope you are well. This weekend I had hoped to show you something very 'new' but that 'life thing' didn't help me out at all, so, instead, I am showing some things I've made in the past. Many of you will have already seen these things, but as I know you are all kind, maybe it won't matter and those of you new to my blog will see them for the first time. Keep in mind these are some of MY favorites, made over the years and, as always, one of a kind. Let's start with this old barn.
I made it quite a while ago. As you may remember, I love to applique by hand and that method was used here. I chose my fabrics without really knowing what I was really going to do...and this little 5" x 7" scene is what I came up with. The old navy man said the barn needed lights, so I should add power poles and a transformer. So, I did! It was fun. I should say that there is an assortment of fabrics included here. I should also let you know about the 'sky' fabric. Actually, the fabric I chose to use depicted a beach scene and I just cut out a bit of it to use for my sky thinking it looked kind of 'stormy.' Did I ruin it for you? Sorry. Also, the sheep were not added by me....but the green print included those tiny sheep and I couldn't resist. I always try to choose fabrics that 'do some of the work for me.'
The tiny birds are embroidered and one of my very favorite things to sew are tiny trees...here you see one embroidered...the 'blooms' in French Knots. I believe if I could sew every day....French Knots would be one of the stitches I could make over and over and over. So much FUN!
There is a reflection in the glass in this photo...sorry, I swear I think I probably should give up putting glass in any frames for just that reason.
Having a 'stash' of fabrics sure comes in handy when you work like this...you just never know what will work for just the look you want. Batiks are neat for certain things....such as this barn.
This TINY picture is one of my all time favorites. It's 2 1/2" x 3 1/2". I've placed a spool of thread beside it so you can sort of judge it's size. Once again, I used that same beach fabric for the sky and batiks for part of the house. More of those French Knots! I love Spring when all the fruit trees are blooming....I can't see one of those trees without thinking of French Knots. What do you think? Do they look like fruit trees to you??
Even more French Knots..........making a piece like this is time consuming....a lot of work in such a small space...but it's a lot of fun and I really should make more....well, let me think about that.
Many, many knots......so very entertaining! I guess these little birds are one of my 'trademarks' also. I seem to put them on just about everything I make!
Remember, this is a very tiny piece of work.......I find the larger you make them, the less appealing they are. I realize, of course, that's just my own opinion.
I do love this little piece so! Yes.........more should be made at some point in my life....I should make a point of doing it.
I made this little teddy bear a very long time ago. I also made a second one for a friend, then never made another. I made it from some scraps of a quilt I was working on. It's all stitched by hand. He's only about six inches tall. Seemed today he wanted to sit on my new old Featherweight sewing machine.
He's very cute....and kind of pudgy. He has been at home in every studio space I have had...never says much just gives me 'that look.' I like him a lot!
His little arms and legs move..........and he fits in lots of different places around the room. Like me, he needs a change of scene every now and again!
Isn't it funny what you decide your favorite things are? Of all things, a very small teddy bear has stayed a favorite over so many years. I wonder where he will live later?
Here he is on top of a spool of trim. I don't know why he is there, but it's near the window, so maybe that's it.
These are some buttons I made way back when. You can use those metal button forms and make just any kind of button you can dream up. The heart one is 2 1/2" and the smaller ones are 1 3/4." I was just playing around when I made these....had no plan on how to use them, and so, never have added them to anything. I need to remedy that, I do believe. I used DMC floss to embroider them, but added some perle cotton on the red/pink one.
A close-up of the French Knots on the Heart. Oh, my goodness! I could make these all the day long!
Lilacs?? Maybe. I've no idea, really, just sat down with those thread colors and this is what happened.
This red/pink one is my very favorite and I don't know why....maybe just because of the colors. And, it was also the quickest. I rarely worry about how 'quick' something can be made, so it seems odd to me it would be my favorite for that reason. Maybe it's just the perle cotton...I do love using it.
Last, but not least, this little embroidered basket button. More French Knots. I think it's quite nice as the basket motif is one of my very favorites. I have intended for years to make a quilt (or something)
with lots of embroidered baskets. I have quite a collection of vintage basket embroidery patterns. So...goodness....why don't I get with it?
There you are. Some of my favorite things I've made over time. I hope you enjoyed seeing them and that you will visit me again. My favorite son will be visiting from California and will arrive a week from tomorrow. It may be a couple of weeks before I post again....but, rest assured, you WILL be thought of many times til I post again. You have a lovely Labor Day and take care out there. pat
I made it quite a while ago. As you may remember, I love to applique by hand and that method was used here. I chose my fabrics without really knowing what I was really going to do...and this little 5" x 7" scene is what I came up with. The old navy man said the barn needed lights, so I should add power poles and a transformer. So, I did! It was fun. I should say that there is an assortment of fabrics included here. I should also let you know about the 'sky' fabric. Actually, the fabric I chose to use depicted a beach scene and I just cut out a bit of it to use for my sky thinking it looked kind of 'stormy.' Did I ruin it for you? Sorry. Also, the sheep were not added by me....but the green print included those tiny sheep and I couldn't resist. I always try to choose fabrics that 'do some of the work for me.'
The tiny birds are embroidered and one of my very favorite things to sew are tiny trees...here you see one embroidered...the 'blooms' in French Knots. I believe if I could sew every day....French Knots would be one of the stitches I could make over and over and over. So much FUN!
There is a reflection in the glass in this photo...sorry, I swear I think I probably should give up putting glass in any frames for just that reason.
Having a 'stash' of fabrics sure comes in handy when you work like this...you just never know what will work for just the look you want. Batiks are neat for certain things....such as this barn.
This TINY picture is one of my all time favorites. It's 2 1/2" x 3 1/2". I've placed a spool of thread beside it so you can sort of judge it's size. Once again, I used that same beach fabric for the sky and batiks for part of the house. More of those French Knots! I love Spring when all the fruit trees are blooming....I can't see one of those trees without thinking of French Knots. What do you think? Do they look like fruit trees to you??
Even more French Knots..........making a piece like this is time consuming....a lot of work in such a small space...but it's a lot of fun and I really should make more....well, let me think about that.
Many, many knots......so very entertaining! I guess these little birds are one of my 'trademarks' also. I seem to put them on just about everything I make!
Remember, this is a very tiny piece of work.......I find the larger you make them, the less appealing they are. I realize, of course, that's just my own opinion.
I do love this little piece so! Yes.........more should be made at some point in my life....I should make a point of doing it.
I made this little teddy bear a very long time ago. I also made a second one for a friend, then never made another. I made it from some scraps of a quilt I was working on. It's all stitched by hand. He's only about six inches tall. Seemed today he wanted to sit on my new old Featherweight sewing machine.
He's very cute....and kind of pudgy. He has been at home in every studio space I have had...never says much just gives me 'that look.' I like him a lot!
His little arms and legs move..........and he fits in lots of different places around the room. Like me, he needs a change of scene every now and again!
Isn't it funny what you decide your favorite things are? Of all things, a very small teddy bear has stayed a favorite over so many years. I wonder where he will live later?
Here he is on top of a spool of trim. I don't know why he is there, but it's near the window, so maybe that's it.
These are some buttons I made way back when. You can use those metal button forms and make just any kind of button you can dream up. The heart one is 2 1/2" and the smaller ones are 1 3/4." I was just playing around when I made these....had no plan on how to use them, and so, never have added them to anything. I need to remedy that, I do believe. I used DMC floss to embroider them, but added some perle cotton on the red/pink one.
A close-up of the French Knots on the Heart. Oh, my goodness! I could make these all the day long!
Lilacs?? Maybe. I've no idea, really, just sat down with those thread colors and this is what happened.
This red/pink one is my very favorite and I don't know why....maybe just because of the colors. And, it was also the quickest. I rarely worry about how 'quick' something can be made, so it seems odd to me it would be my favorite for that reason. Maybe it's just the perle cotton...I do love using it.
Last, but not least, this little embroidered basket button. More French Knots. I think it's quite nice as the basket motif is one of my very favorites. I have intended for years to make a quilt (or something)
with lots of embroidered baskets. I have quite a collection of vintage basket embroidery patterns. So...goodness....why don't I get with it?
There you are. Some of my favorite things I've made over time. I hope you enjoyed seeing them and that you will visit me again. My favorite son will be visiting from California and will arrive a week from tomorrow. It may be a couple of weeks before I post again....but, rest assured, you WILL be thought of many times til I post again. You have a lovely Labor Day and take care out there. pat
French Knots,
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A Bit of Heaven
![A Bit of Heaven](http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_c6Z4P4T2ZGw/R74cUIPNFCI/AAAAAAAAAAo/Ksrju4TaaLg/S226/CafePress+045.jpg)
An original designed wall quilt with my vision of heaven on earth.