Earlier this year, my monthly group meeting was held at the home of my friend, Jim. I affectionately call him "Mr. G." He has a very interesting home filled with collections of many kinds. And I DO mean MANY. One of his collections is made up of petit-point purses. He has collected these beautiful purses over many years. Some he found at quilt shows, flea markets,
garage sales, on-line, antique shops and by word of mouth. I would say he has a strong penchant for hunting and gathering. He is not really a person you want to go hunting and gathering with, as he will find all the things you would love....before you find them. If you know what I mean. (Well, actually, it really is fun to go hunting and gathering with him...because even though he will find "IT" before you do....he is a character and a FUN person. You will laugh a lot and that is always a very good thing.)
He called this evening just to 'catch up' and afterwards I thought I'd show you his petit-point purse collection in tonight's blog post. Well, part of the collection anyway. There is a closet in his house dedicated solely to these purses. It also contains many drawers containing small items done in petit-point. Look carefully....I'm not kidding....this collection is amazing!
You can see Mr. G in one of these photographs. Accompanied by my friend, Mary Lou. These photos were taken just a few days after a massive 'reorganization' of the purses....and we were all completely amazed at the sight. I bet you are too!
I've chosen one photo of a close-up.....isn't this purse just gorgeous? Aren't they all?
As time goes by....I may choose to show you more of the amazing Mr. G's collections. He has a quilt closet 'to die for' and lots of other interesting things to see. I may even show you MY favorite things in Mr. G's house...which would include a small chair or two, some shadow boxes filled with many ancient, interesting and beautiful things....well....you'll see.
Y'all take care out there and stay cool. pat
Oh, Patrica! What a great honor it is to be on your blog!!!!! Thanks for sharing. No one ever sees them behind the closed double door closet. Funny, I would have never thought about posting a collection on my blog. The collection started as a means to show my art and sttchery students how colors are blended and shaded and for use as props for the theatre department. (Since you were here I have added 6 new items.)
Is that Mrs. G with Mr. G.
Does he let her use that gorgeous, mouth watering collection?
I want to see his Quilts next!
Go go go Mr. G
Oh, My, Gosh! What a delight.
I hope Mr. G has an estate plan to leave these purses to YOU! or to a Museum so they will be saved as a collection forever!
What a lovely collection. Those are really treasures. I do the collrctions merit badge for the Boy Scouts and it is such fun to see what boys collect and feel the passion they have for their hobby. I've seen some unique collections but never one like this.
To say that Mr. G’s collection is stunning would be like calling a tsunami “wet”. OMG. I have maybe a half dozen petit point purses, but I have to say that seeing his massive collection of purses pictured together magnifies their individual and collective beauty. Absolutely exquisite! Be still my beating heart. Thanks for sharing this, Pat. I’m looking forward to seeing more of Mr. G’s collections, and how he (probably very artfully) displays them. Hugs, Cathy
Oh Pat, I am one of your lurkers, in a good way that is, I follow you, drool alot and generally just love the pix. This topic really caught my heart. Thanks so much for the lovely, lovely collection. I'm with Julie, You go Mr. G!!!
Wow! Fabulous collection! I so enjoyed seeing those purses. How wonderful, too, that Mr. G is collecting and caring for these pieces of art.
I love all your posts but my goodness this has got to be the best collection I've seen displayed. What beautiful treasures he has. His quilts are just as beautiful. Hope you are having a great summer. Stay cool.
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