Thursday, December 31, 2009


8 comments: said...

Happy New Year to You

Threads-r-Flying said...

Happy New to all From Alaska

Unknown said...

Happy New Years pat..form Chattanooga, Tn


rlbates said...

Happy New Year, Pat!

Maggie Ann said...

Happy New Year to you too Pat! May it bring you lots of joy...

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy New Year, Dahlin!!

Shannon said...

Happy New Year Pat. I am one of the ones who took the sampler quilt class at Mt. View a few years back. Just found your blog page. It is fantastic as are the projects that you have shared! I was wondering if you could tell me the best place to buy silk ribbon?

Pat said...

Shannon,you can find silk ribbon at Hobby Lobby and Michael's in North Little Rock....unfortunately, neither one has a large supply. You might want to Google silk ribbon - there are lots of sources out there in cyberspace! I hope to live to see one of these stores in Searcy someday!!! Glad you found my blog and hope you visit again...I answered you this way as you left me no way to contact you. Take care, pat

A Bit of Heaven

A Bit of Heaven
An original designed wall quilt with my vision of heaven on earth.