On Monday, at my house, we had a storm. Well,here's what happened. I had worked at the studio until 2:30 p.m., then was driving out to WallyWorld to pick up some prescriptions. I could hear thunder. No rain, no sign of rain, no drops of water, nothing. That old navy man called and said, "Watch out, there's a bad storm coming your way...it's here now." I heard thunder, no rain, no sign of rain, no drops of water, nothing. So I went about my business. An hour and some minutes later, I turned into my driveway and first thing I saw was the tree in our front yard....most of which was on the ground. I felt so bad about it....as it is the LAST tree left in our front yard.
Have I ever mentioned to you that I believe that "trees are Nature's version of lace"? I love trees. When we bought this house, there were FIVE trees in the front yard. A very nice, shady yard it was. Two days after we moved in....we had a storm. It was a Sunday. We lost a tree in the backyard to that storm. Along the way, during these ten years....we have lost four of the trees in the front yard in the same way. And, now there is one....well, half of one. I'm sorry, I know it's terrible of me to whine about THIS one tree after the year we've had on the planet....thousands of trees everywhere perished in tsunamis, earthquakes, and fires. Not to mention what happened to PEOPLE. I can't help it though...as this was MY tree....the only one left. The remainder of this tree will have to be taken down....as soon as it cools off, I'm thinking. It can't live as it is....but I will try to enjoy what's left of it until that day.
I looked it over to make sure there weren't any bird nests that needed rescuing. None. So, thankfully, the birds that feast at our feeders in the backyard evidently live in the other four trees back there. Oh, yes, the tree nearest my own Nest is suffering from some disease...we can't figure out what....and this storm took several large branches from it and politely dropped them onto my roof. No damage, really, just lots of branches to cut up and take to the curb. Eventually, I guess that tree will be gone too. Sigh....
The old navy man isn't physically able to use a chainsaw anymore.....so I wondered what I would do with that downed tree in the front yard. The very next morning at 6:30 a.m., a truck and some guys from the city were out there cutting it up and loading it onto a truck. We never called them....so I don't know how they knew...but there they were, solving one of my problems for me.
Thank you, City of Searcy!
So, I'll sit on the front porch - when the weather cools - and just REMEMBER the trees - Nature's version of lace. And, then, I'll go out back and look at the remaining trees out there....oh, just after sunset....and really SEE the lace. Y'all take care out there and stay cool. pat
What a shame! I love trees and I can understand how you feel!
I haven't thought of them as nature's lace, but I like that and agree with you.
Oh, Pat! I'm so sorry about your tree! I love them, too, and ours are suffering in this heat. Do you have any pictures of your house when it had all five trees in the front yard? A framed one might make a nice reminder. Take care.
Sherry in Little Rock
So sorry for the tree. One place we lived, the owner had planted poplars because he had seen them in rows in the states and loved them. Well, roots are shallow and every storm brought them down taking out all the electric wires. I finally suggested to him that something more native to the area might do better. I hope you can find something good to fill the yard. We need trees!
I understand about the trees. We've lost 5 big trees since moving to our current house. I shall let out a loud howl of distress should any of the old oaks meet their demise. I have a soft spot for those. Lace - I never thought of them that way, but I like it!
Quel dommage ! Bisous et à bientôt
Pat- our trees rather our loss of our trees bond us together. I'm still not used to the space where my beautiful old tree stood before one of many storms this season.
Sounds like a wonderful art project - quilted - collaged - painted? Thinking of you and your loss - changes the whole landscape.
Pat ... I love trees, too, and feel so badly every time I see one uprooted or even large limbs broken off. They house so many other little critters so all of them are out of a home, too. It just breaks my heart. I'm hoping you can save what's left of that tree. There's some kind of sealer you can buy when you cut off a branch - maybe it can seal up what's left of the tree. (I think Mom gets it from either Ace Hardware or Home Depot.) Poor thing. I hate that trees are at the mercy of horrible weather. You take heart, Pat. Maybe you guys should plant fir trees. They're sturdier and shelter birdies in the winter. Take care, Christy ... botm2@yahoo.com
Pat Sorry to hear about your tree. They create such lovely shad and promote those cool breezes. You will have to plant some new ones.
You know the old saying, When God closes a door, he always opens another. Well, my saying is: When God strikes down a beautiful tree, he always plants another one in your flower bed. So sorry for your loss!
Oh, Pat! I just read your post. When I see huge, old trees fall, I feel like a part of me is missing. I love old trees and hate to see them go.
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