Tell me something. Do you have a spot in your home that makes you feel good just to look at it?
You walk by the door and have to stop and look. Really look. Every time. When I was young, we often had the windows open, (since none of us had air-conditioning in Texas in those days) and I loved to see the curtains gently wave in the slight breeze coming in the windows. A sight like that can still stop me in my tracks and I have to stand and look.
This is my bedroom. It is the smallest bedroom in our house....really only room for this bed and a small dresser. I took this room when the old navy man had to have an oxygen machine in his room...well, that and his tv blasting away every night. He can sleep like a baby in a room with a machine running AND a tv going...but not me. So, this became my room...and I love it. The bed was a gift from my friend, Sherry, and with the exception of the sheets and bedspread, just about everything else in here is from my favorite place...the flea market. The bed is tall, so I have to have a stool to get in it...I'm sure I look pretty funny climbing in that bed, but no one sees, so it's ok.
And, there is only that one window. The curtain is an old lace one, which I got for $6. I love the design in picture that curtain waving gently in the breeze when this window is open....beautiful. And, in the a.m. the light in this room is so soft and pretty....sometimes I just stand in the doorway and 'look.' I wonder who owned that curtain before and did they stand and watch it wave gently in the breeze? Yes, I wonder. Who slept in that bed? Could they possibly know how much I love these things, "their" things.
Then, there's that quilt. An eight pointed star quilt I the flea market. It is soft as soft can be.....hand pieced and quilted. All those star points, all those little triangles. Each star is about six inches square. There are hundreds of pieces in this quilt and I love sleeping under it. When it's really cold, I take it into the old navy man's tv room, where I'm allowed to have a recliner (that's supposed to be funny!) and I get all comfy and cover up with that quilt and watch tv with him. His current favorites are Pawn Stars and American football....and next month Nascar. Being able to sit there and enjoy that soft quilt and all those stars and triangles adds a lot to the experience! I wonder about the person who made this quilt....could she know how much I love it? I hope so.
Yes, that quiet bedroom, that soft light coming through the curtain.....that wonderful quilt....I am lucky to have these things. And the old navy man....well, I'm lucky to have him too. And, to have you, my blogging friends...hope you are well tonight! take care, pat
Your quilt is a lovely find. I was surprised to read about your Old Navy Man, it must be so difficult for you both to work round an illness that is so controlling of even your sleeping arrangements. You are such a cheerful blogger and I don't think I have every read a complaint from you. I wish you lots of good times with your Old Navy Man and for him healing and strength in 2011. Betty x
A gorgeous room and would certainly stop me in my tracks! I love old lace and quilts...they call to me always :)
Your words are so lovely. They really create the mood. Beautiful.
Beatiful and peaceful looking room. It looks like a room I could sleep very well in. Thanks for sharing.
Tell the Old Navy Man I am with him watching American Picker and Pawn Stars and Football - although the football is not going well tonight. I love your room and I can see that curtain blowing in a spring or fall breeze. Oh and I can picture you climbing into that bed and snuggling down.
What a beautiful room and precious post. Thank you for reminding me to count my blessings.
Lace curtains and pretty quilts. What more could we ask for. I love both. You have made a beautiful room out of two flea market finds.
I have a blue and white quilt that I made and had quilted by an Amish group near my cottage. It used to be on our bed up there and I loved that room. Now it is on a white wrought iron bed I brought home when we sold the cottage. It now has the blue & white on it in a spare bedroom. I like looking in that room also.
Must take a pic when I get home.
What a cute room!
Hi Pat....I so enjoyed your post! I know just what you mean...stopping still and just taking in the moment of something. For me, it often will be a piece of needlework that calls to me. or a beloved book cover. I think I love your quilt too : ). What a beauty!
Dear Pat, What a lovely room, so inviting and the Quilt is sooo colourful. Lovely and serene
Like it! "Soft Light and a Quilt". Best describe your photos. And I love it all.
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